Chapter 309: The Attack of the Beast Tide (3)
Since the left and right are dead, it is better to fight, maybe you can be lucky enough to fight for a way to survive, and survive to the rescue of various sects.

Liu Ying looked at the dramatic scene with cold eyes, but they were just young monks in the Qi training period, even if they fought desperately, they were just sent as cannon fodder.However, Liu Ying could not deny Mo Shiyuan Jun's words.

It's true that rabbit dead dog meat is cooked.

If everyone is afraid and dare not fight against the endless stream of beasts, they will inevitably die in the end.Turning away from looking at everyone with different thoughts, Liu Ying turned her gaze to the city wall.Looking at the sky and the ground, they are densely packed, and there are patches of monsters of different types.They are desperately headbutting and attacking the monsters in the defense formation with their powerful bodies.Liu Ying's face was also a little ugly, and she couldn't help feeling timid.

It's too scary, most of these monsters have different shapes, and they are surprisingly big.At first glance, Liu Ying seems to be in the scene of a monster battle in a movie.In addition to being spectacular, it is more terrifying.Liu Ying can imagine that if these amazing monsters break into the city.What kind of bloody Shura land would the bustling city become.

The competition of natural selection is displayed bloody right in front of your eyes.

"Master, don't worry too much, I will protect the master and prevent these lowly monsters from harming the master."

Xiao Jin felt that these monsters had fallen into madness, as if they were controlled by something.Even though his head was bleeding, he still didn't have any consciousness, only knowing the desperate impact formation.For these monsters, using one's own coercion to deal with them will not work.Seeing Liu Ying's strange expression with sharp eyes, Xiao Jin quietly walked behind Liu Ying and used his spiritual sense to transmit the voice.

Before Liu Ying could say anything, Lord Mo Shiyuan's roar suddenly came from next to his ear.

"Not good, the protective formation was broken by monsters, everyone quickly attack the monsters and reduce the burden on the formation."

Everyone was taken aback by breaking through a layer of protective formation so quickly, not daring to wait any longer.Following the leadership of Mr. Mo Shiyuan, everyone stepped out of the formation one after another and joined the killing camp.Liu Ying's heart was touched for a moment when she saw everyone's bloody fighting.The bloodthirsty hidden in his heart was not willing to fight behind others, and immediately defeated his timidity.Glancing at Xiao Jin, he sacrificed the flying sword, and the blood in Liu Ying's heart was also ignited, joining the melee.

The battle between monks and monsters is extremely destructive, with a variety of tricks, far more exciting than ordinary people fighting.The flames splattered everywhere, and there were even frightening lightning bursts from time to time, occasionally accompanied by bursts of thunder.After a while, it was raining again, and thousands of miles were frozen. Everyone used their trump cards and fought desperately.

Liu Ying swung the flying sword in her hand with full firepower, and rushed into the herd of beasts, slashing wildly.At the beginning, I didn't find the trick to fight in groups, and I was a little flustered when dealing with the swarming monsters.Faced with all kinds of strange tricks by the monsters, he almost panicked. If it wasn't for Xiao Jin's help, he might have been seriously injured several times by the monsters.Gradually, with more actual combat, Liu Ying's body skills began to become more flexible, and she became more calm in dealing with these endless accidents.No longer tied up, I don't know how to deal with it.

Seeing this, Xiao Jin felt relieved, rushed into the herd of beasts intently, and frantically punched the monsters with his hands.Xiao Jin's abrupt style of play made many people dumbfounded.Especially when I saw the brave Xiao Jin, who punched a third-order giant lizard that was almost six meters high, and vomited blood to death.Everyone was almost dumbfounded, forgetting that they were fighting with the herd.There are a few unlucky monks who didn't pay attention for a while, and were not even half killed by monsters.

Oh my god, this is a third-order giant lizard, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of the golden core stage.The young man who appeared out of nowhere in front of him actually beat him to death with one punch.When he saw Xiao Jin's cultivation level clearly, gasps sounded again one after another.

Nascent Soul cultivator?

Everyone was so scared by Xiao Jin again that they forgot a few beats, the dignified Nascent Soul cultivator, why not be so violent.It's actually faster to use your fists to fight against monsters, but it's not faster to use spells.Everyone cast weird looks at Xiao Jin one after another. These old monsters who are still pretending to be young are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, and they all have weird and weird things.I like to use my fists instead of spells. I really have a brain problem.

Cultivators have always been physically weak, and fighting with monsters like tides with their fists, even the old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage will not be able to bear it for a long time.Everyone distractedly paid attention to Xiao Jin, wanting to see how long Xiao Jin can last.It's a pity that everyone was disappointed. After an hour passed, Xiaojin not only failed to hold on but fell down.On the contrary, the more he fought, the more courageous he became, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, one punch at a time, and the pile of monsters beaten to death behind Xiao Jin was almost as high as a hill.

Seeing Xiao Jin, who was as red-eyed as a god of killing, everyone's frightened faces changed.This is a lunatic who is completely militant. Everyone trembled in fright, and kept Xiao Jin's appearance in their hearts in fear, so as not to offend this killing god someday.And Mr. Mo Shiyuan, who was also fighting, was also a little surprised when he saw Xiaojin's bloody fighting style.His complexion changed slightly, and he was secretly glad that he didn't offend anyone, and even more glad that Xiao Jin was able to join him, which gave everyone a glimmer of hope.

Divine consciousness glanced at the crowd in the melee, to see how the perverted geek who was with Xiao Jin was doing.When he saw that he was holding a low-grade flying sword, his whole body was covered in the blood of monsters, and he laughed like a demon.The corners of Mo Shiyuan-jun's mouth twitched when Liu Ying, who was frantically raising his sword and standing among the monsters, was actively harvesting the lives of the monsters.Suddenly, she understood why Liu Ying and Xiao Jinming were not at the same level of cultivation, yet they could get together.

Crazy, these two are war-loving lunatics.

Entering the Tao through combat, using the baptism of blood to improve the actual combat cultivation and state of mind, can indeed advance faster than ordinary people.It's just that killing too much can easily lead to inner demons. Both of them can get to this point smoothly, which should not be underestimated.

Liu Ying is so addicted at the moment that she is not in the mood to pay attention to Mr. Mo Shiyuan's complicated thoughts.Seeing the pile of corpses behind Xiao Jin, Liu Ying also got excited, and the two competed together to see who killed more.For Liu Ying, killing the monsters of the first and second ranks was as easy as harvesting vegetables.The strength of the third-tier monsters is comparable, but it is a pity that monsters are monsters, how can human beings be cunning and changeable, and they were killed by Liu Ying after a short entanglement.

As Liu Ying hunted more and more monsters, the high-level monsters gradually became dissatisfied.Among them was a leading fourth-order monster, and a mountain-shaking tiger that was as tall as a three-story building.Liu Ying also sensed a dangerous aura coming from behind, decisively ended the fighting Luo Zhu, and cheered up.Looking back vigilantly, when she saw clearly what kind of monster was threatening her, Liu Ying's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

It is a mid-level fourth-order monster, and it is also known as the King of the Forest, the Zhenshan Tiger.The middle stage of the fourth stage is equivalent to the strength of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Liu Ying never thought that she would be so lucky to bump into this giant tiger.Before Liu Ying could think of a way to deal with it, Zhenshanhu suddenly got angry.He stared at Liu Ying viciously, and roared at Liu Ying without saying hello.

(End of this chapter)

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