Chapter 330
Chen Yanmei was both happy and dissatisfied when she heard that Liu Ying rejected Yang Shaoyuan.Especially when she saw Yang Shaoyuan's sluggish look, Chen Yanmei couldn't help casting a venomous look at Liu Ying.Received Yang Shaoyuan's begging gaze for help, although Chen Yanmei was unwilling, she finally succumbed to Yang Shaoyuan's begging gaze.

Pulling herself together, Chen Yanmei smiled unnaturally and chimed in: "Liu Ying, why reject people thousands of miles away, Young Master Yang is also kind enough to help with cooking. Don't be dissatisfied and refuse Young Master Yang's kindness."

"Enough, Chen Yanmei, I have tolerated you for a long time. If you like Yang Shaoyuan, go after Yang Shaoyuan yourself. Don't always use my name to get close to Yang Shaoyuan. You and I are just roommates. You are not my mother, so you are not qualified to manage My private business." Seeing Chen Yanmei's hypocritical smile, Liu Ying's face darkened, and she put down the chopsticks in her hand.Staring at Chen Yanmei coldly, in front of everyone, Liu Ying no longer cared about each other's face, and was about to expose another side of Chen Yanmei.

Living on campus is really inconvenient, maybe she should seriously consider renting a better house off campus.Anyway, she is not short of the money now, not to mention renting it, even buying another set is useless.

After thinking about it, Liu Ying thought it was a good idea.Now that school has not officially started, so many bees and butterflies have been provoked. If school starts, there will be no fights.

"You, hmph, it's true that I like Young Master Yang, but there's nothing wrong with that. There are girls in the whole school who have a crush on Young Master Yang. You don't like Young Master Yang anyway, and you even told us to go after Young Master Yang yourself just now. Young Master Yang, Liu Ying has nothing but a charming face and better grades. Since she said early in the morning that she would not like you, why does Young Master still pester her? Young Master Yang turned around and looked at me. No worse than her. And you and my parents are good partners in business, if we can come together and form a strong alliance in the future, I think they will be happy to see it."

Being pointed out by Liu Ying in public, Chen Yanmei simply tore her face, she stopped hiding and made her words clear.He gave Liu Ying a fierce look, belittling Liu Ying both openly and secretly.His eyes turned to Yang Shaoyuan, his face changed like flipping a book.Containing the fierce light in his eyes, he expressed his love with a soft and infatuated expression.

"Shut up, I didn't expect you to be such a vicious woman, with evil intentions to sow discord. Even if I like a pig, I will never like a woman with such a vicious heart like you."

A man in love can't listen to other people's half-bad words.Yang Shaoyuan's handsome face immediately darkened when he heard Chen Yanmei's belittling words about Liu Ying.Before Liu Ying could speak, Yang Shaoyuan cast a sarcastic and disdainful glance at Chen Yanmei, whose eyes were full of expectation, and drove Chen Yanmei into the abyss with a merciless sentence.

"Yang Shao, you?" Chen Yanmei knew that she might be rejected by Yang Shaoyuan, but she didn't expect Yang Shaoyuan to speak so unfeelingly, calling her a vicious woman in front of everyone.The expectant eyes dimmed for a moment, and the hurt in the lowered eyes disappeared in a flash.

"Chen Yanmei, how can you do this?" Xu Ruhua was straightforward, and when she heard Chen Yanmei's sudden outburst, the chopsticks she was holding the rice almost fell to the ground because of her surprise.Frowning, Xu Ruhua stared at Chen Yanmei disapprovingly, and didn't care if Chen Yanmei would be unhappy.Xu Ruhua scolded Chen Yanmei bluntly, with contempt in her eyes.

"Ruhua." Niu Mengli didn't expect Xu Ruhua to have such a short memory, so she opened her mouth to reprimand Chen Yanmei carelessly, intervening in this love triangle dispute.Hastily tugged on Xu Ruhua's sleeve secretly, and winked to signal Xu Ruhua not to speak indiscriminately.

"Don't call me Young Master Yang so affectionately, you don't deserve it. Let me tell you, you'd better give up your heart quickly and stop holding such unrealistic fantasies. I will absolutely never like you."

Ignoring the injury in Chen Yanmei's eyes, Yang Shaoyuan continued to add fuel to the fire with a cold face, trying to make Chen Yanmei completely give up.Yang Shaoyuan saw a lot of girls like Chen Yanmei, but just relying on how much money his family had, he was more proud than a peacock.Not to mention the eldest lady has a bad temper, she also likes to be hugged by others.The most important thing is that this kind of woman is too scheming, and she is not the dish that Yang Shaoyuan likes at all.

"Young Master Yang, how can you say that about me? If you let me die, can you give up on Liu Ying? If you can't even do it yourself, why do you ask me to do it? Tell you, Young Master Yang, I I won't give up. Even if you don't like me now, one day I will make you fall in love with me with all your heart."

Chen Yanmei is the one who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, she heard what Yang Shaoyuan said.He was even more furious, and he was determined to get Yang Shaoyuan.Before Yang Shaoyuan could say anything more extreme, Chen Yanmei gave Liu Ying a fierce look, then got up and left the dining room quickly.Leaving a group of people watching the show with their faces.

It's really a twist and turns, and the plots come and go one after another.No one thought that the girl in the same dormitory as Liu Ying would be so aggressive and want to win her love.If he can't get someone, he still doesn't give up, and even says that he must get Young Master Yang, which is really amazing.

As a girl, and a beautiful girl at that, it is rare to be as bold and arrogant as Chen Yanmei.

No wonder some people say that talented people come out from generation to generation, and each generation is worse than the next generation. It is really based on facts.

After a good meal, it ended in unhappiness.

Liu Ying is an impatient person who thinks about it. Instead of going back to the dormitory with Xu Ruhua and Niu Mengli, she went straight to the head teacher.Let the head teacher write a letter of consent, agreeing to her to live outside.It might have been difficult to do it before, but Liu Ying told the head teacher that her home is now in the county.As a half local resident, after hearing about Liu Ying's situation, and Liu Ying has always been regarded as a three-good student in the school, the head teacher agreed to Liu Ying's request without saying a word.

After receiving the letter of consent, Liu Ying started to drive out of the school gate to find a house.With a sweep of consciousness, Liu Ying quickly found several suitable houses.If you live alone, it doesn’t need to be too big, but it must be safe and the house must be returned.The price was not an issue, so she dialed the owner's phone number, and under the guidance of the owner, Liu Ying looked at a new house that had just started renting out.

Two bedrooms and one living room, the balcony is well ventilated in all aspects, and the well-decorated furniture is readily available.Of course, the price is naturally not cheap, it costs 800 yuan a month.Liu Ying looked at it and felt that the house was really good, not to mention it was near the school, and it was in the community.In addition, she was looking for it urgently, so she immediately took the case and paid the money and deposit to secure the house.

After hastily renting the house, Liu Ying went back to school for tutoring classes, and did not return to the dormitory until 09:30.Back in the dormitory, I looked at Chen Yanmei's cannibalistic gaze, and that lady-in-waiting face.Liu Ying didn't want to stay any longer, let alone stay in the dormitory to rest until dawn.He talked to Niu Mengli, who was close to him in the dormitory.After packing up my things, I officially moved out of the dormitory under everyone's reluctant eyes, and became a student living outside.

(End of this chapter)

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