Chapter 338 Malicious Incident (3)
With a gloomy face, Liu Ying decided to investigate this matter carefully and let the person who framed her find out in one fell swoop.

Erli heard someone walking towards the computer room, and Liu Ying immediately guessed that she must have just made too much noise for people to hear.He quickly turned off the computer, glanced at Xiao Jin and left the computer room.

On the same day, rumors spread again in the school that the computer room was haunted in broad daylight, and a frightening palm appeared on the computer desk out of thin air.For a moment, everyone was frightened, afraid that it would be their turn to go to the computer room.

Liu Ying is still in the future to find out the real culprit, whether Chen Yanmei is the one who framed her.Before the class was over, Liu Ying was hurriedly called to the office by the head teacher.Class teacher Li Hongjun has always trusted Liu Ying and believed that Liu Ying is definitely a good student, but faced with overwhelming evidence.Coupled with the pressure from the school leaders, Li Hongjun had no choice but to play tricks, call Liu Ying for a lesson, and ask him the reason for the incident.

Although I don't know how Liu Ying's family is, according to Liu Ying, her family is in the most famous Yuanxin Community in the suburbs.What's more, the house is so expensive that even the wealthy businessmen in the county are willing to buy it. The price starts at tens of millions, and they can afford such a house.Li Hongjun really believed the introduction in the video, and did not believe that Liu Ying would be taken care of by an old man who could be her grandfather for money.Liu Ying is so outstanding, she is excellent in every aspect, which makes people feel ashamed.If she really wanted to be surrounded by someone, she wouldn't degenerate into being surrounded by an old man.

What kind of rich son, powerful son, as long as Liu Ying thinks, he can grab a lot of them.Thinking of those suitors who pestered Liu Ying every day, Li Hongjun's trust in his heart deepened.All indications indicated that Li Hongjun guessed that this matter must have been intentionally framed.

"Liu Ying, can you tell the teacher about the rumors on the Internet and the video, what's going on? The teacher knows that you are not that kind of person. You tell the teacher the whole thing, and the teacher will try to help you find the real culprit. Come out, and return your innocence. This matter is very serious, if it is not investigated, the school will be afraid?"

Any school wants students with good grades, but if there is a problem with the school's grades and style, it will have a huge impact on other schools.For the sake of the school's reputation, most schools will use the method of persuasion to expel students from school.

And right now, the college entrance examination is about to be faced, and the school does not want students to be affected.

Sighing, Li Hongjun did not hide Liu Ying's possible decision from the school, and pointedly said it.Liu Ying is a smart child, presumably he should be able to understand the meaning hidden in his words for this sake.

"Thank you, teacher, for your trust in Liu Ying. This matter is not as rumored on the Internet. Someone cut the video and deliberately framed it. Don't worry, teacher, Liu Ying will deal with this matter. Find out the person who framed me as soon as possible, and let her Stand up and apologize to me publicly in front of everyone on campus."

Liu Ying originally thought that if the head teacher called her to the office, even if she didn't give her a scolding, she would definitely not give her a good face.Unexpectedly, instead of being angry, Li Hongjun reminded her with nice words.This trust moved Liu Ying a little.Li Hongjun is a good teacher. Facing the pressure from the school, he still believes in her and supports her as always.

With a toothy grin, Liu Ying shook her head, meeting Li Hongjun's gaze fearlessly, and Liu Ying assured her earnestly.

To find out the real culprit and make her apologize in public, this matter may be as difficult as heaven for others.But for her, it couldn't be easier, as long as she confirmed who it was.Liu Ying only needs a simple spell to make the other party spit out the truth of the matter in public, and even let her perform a wonderful show in public.Thinking of something, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth could not help but rise slightly, and a hint of evil spirit flashed in her clever eyes without a trace.

He wanted to make her look ugly and become a laughing stock in everyone's mouth, even an object of disgust and disdain.Then she will come up with a move to treat her in her own way, presumably this play must be very exciting and worth watching.It's just that she didn't know if she would have the face to come out to meet people after the incident.

Inadvertently caught the evil look in Liu Ying's eyes, Li Hongjun was secretly startled.It never occurred to him that the obedient student in his eyes had such an unknown side.His expression changed slightly, and Li Hongjun couldn't help being curious when he thought of what Liu Ying said.What will Liu Ying do, how can she make the other party apologize in public.

"Okay, the teacher believes in you, you should find out this matter as soon as possible. If you need the teacher's help, just let me know. The teacher will do his best to help you."

Withdrawing the curious speculation in his heart, Li Hongjun nodded in satisfaction.A good student, and a student with one of the best grades and the possibility of becoming the top student in the college entrance examination, is naturally happier than anyone else to keep Li Hongjun.If he lost a good student for nothing because of such a trivial matter, Li Hongjun would want to cry without tears.

After bidding farewell to the head teacher, Liu Ying just left the office when she saw many troublemakers eavesdropping outside with their necks stretched out.Seeing Liu Ying coming out without a sound, everyone was shocked. They didn't dare to show a breath, and fled in panic.

While Liu Ying was speechless to these gossip masters, she was also a little helpless.Shaking his head, he no longer cared about these messy things, since his mouth grows on other people's body, there is no way to keep people from talking about it.The clear is clear, Liu Ying bowed her head in thought and was about to go back to the classroom to continue the class.Who knows if it's a coincidence, whether it was deliberately hiding in the middle of the road to intercept her, or just an accident.Liu Ying didn't pay attention for a while, and almost ran into the opponent, but fortunately, Liu Ying dodged away with agility.When she looked up to see who it was, Liu Ying's face darkened again, and her brows were unconsciously furrowed.Catching the anger in the opponent's eyes, Liu Ying was taken aback again, wondering where the anger in his eyes came from.No matter what the reason was, to Liu Ying, the other party was just a stranger.Without saying a word, Liu Ying turned around and wanted to leave.

Sensing Liu Ying's intentions, Sun Yifan's nose was almost crooked. He never thought that Liu Ying would ignore him like this.He didn't even bother to say a word to him.Gritting her teeth resentfully, she quickly reached out her hand to stop Liu Ying. With endless anger in her tone, she growled angrily: "Stop, don't leave. Tell me, the things on the Internet are not true."

"Ms. Sun, this is my private matter. You have no right to interfere. It doesn't matter if it's true or it's fake. In short, you don't do anything about Mr. Sun."

Looking at Sun Yifan, who was like a jealous husband, who seemed to be eating people, Liu Ying wanted to roll her eyes speechlessly.This new teacher is really out of his mind, liking an underage student is already unacceptable.Rejecting him face to face, and pestering her again and again, made people even more suspect that there was something wrong with his mind.

It's even more outrageous now, she has nothing to do with Sun Yifan.He also had the nerve to look for her angrily like a jealous husband who caught an adulterer, and he couldn't help asking her the truth of the matter, which was really annoying and funny.

(End of this chapter)

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