Chapter 354: The Rumor Comes Again (6)
Too lazy to care about the inexplicable jealousy of these little girls, Liu Ying specially ordered a bowl of the hottest hot and sour noodles, a bowl of medium spicy.With a twinkle in her eyes, Liu Ying treacherously gave Xiao Jin the spiciest one, and she ate the medium spicy one.While eating the sour and spicy hot and sour noodles, Liu Ying never forgot to keep her eyes on Xiao Jin.Seeing Xiao Jin's mouth swelled up from the heat, pouring water into his belly, and losing his image, Liu Ying couldn't help but want to snicker.

It just made Liu Ying forget that she thought that Xiao Jin's gaffe would definitely disillusion these little girls.Who knows, I don't know if Xiao Jin's charm is too great, or these little girls have problems with their eyes.Looking at Xiao Jin like this, not only did he not find it ugly, but he was so fascinated to death.They scrambled to show the spirit of friendship, and offered tea and water to Xiao Jin to show their love.Xiao Jin did not refuse anyone who came, and poured water into his mouth. After drinking a full pot of water, Xiao Jin felt that his burning throat felt better.

He nodded and smiled gratefully at these enthusiastic little girls, and immediately, a human-shaped wooden stake was formed.

Race is not an issue, height is not a distance.The little girls were so fascinated that they almost sprayed nosebleeds. They stared blankly at Xiao Jin's handsome face, their eyes almost staring straight.Handsome, really handsome, compared to those little stars.

Not to mention that Xiao Jin felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by pairs of scorching eyes, it was Liu Ying, who was regarded by everyone as an imaginary enemy.I couldn't stand it any longer, and hurriedly finished the hot and sour noodles, left a ten-yuan ticket, and left the food stall.A snack street, Liu Ying and Xiao Jin ate from the street to the end of the street under the eyes of everyone, until they felt a little tired of eating.Only then did he go back home reluctantly, while the two thieves behind him watched the two of them sweeping the snack street all the way, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

They all exclaimed in their hearts, the two of them are too delicious, it is simply the reincarnation of a super meal.

As the night grew thicker, the number of people gradually decreased. Liu Ying and Xiao Jin got out of the car and walked slowly with a lot of things.At this moment, the two gangsters who had been following behind suddenly took out their shiny knives and charged straight at Liu Ying and Xiao Jin.Unexpectedly, the two thought they would succeed in one fell swoop, but the ending was unexpected.

Without Liu Ying doing it himself, Xiao Jin, who was mistaken for a weak chicken by two gangsters, was as fast as lightning.The two little gangsters who rushed up didn't even see what was going on, and the knives in their hands were already in Xiaojin's hands.

Looking at the knife in Xiao Jin's hand, the eyes of the two punks almost popped out of their sockets.Seeing the banter on the faces of Xiao Jin and Liu Ying with sharp eyes, the two punks immediately knew that they were being tricked.What a hell of a surprise, the other party has already discovered them, but they don't know it.Thinking of Xiao Jin's miraculous method just shown, the two punks ran away without courage.

"It's too embarrassing to come out with such a dish, I really don't know how to live or die."

Waving her hand and hitting two divine senses, Liu Ying felt that it was no fun wasting time with such a low-level bastard.It's better to make a quick decision, find out Chen Zhizhong, and solve the source directly.Although he believed in his heart that Chen Zhizhong would not be able to make any trouble, it was always uncomfortable to be stared at.

Under the guidance of the two gangsters, Liu Ying and Xiao Jin came to Chen Zhizhong's house without any problems.No wonder Chen Yanmei can be so arrogant, it turns out that the conditions at home are really good.She actually lives in a self-built second-floor villa with a good land area. The dark night can't block Liu Ying's sight, and her consciousness is swept away.Taking a panoramic view of the whole house, he saw Chen Zhizhong who was negotiating with two gangsters and raising the price with a sullen face.An evil spirit flashed in Liu Ying's eyes, and she looked at Xiao Jin.

Both of them met with a knowing look, thinking of killing her at a high price, it really was a good way.It's a pity that Chen Zhizhong was disappointed, let alone two punks, even if there were ten or hundreds of them, they couldn't do anything to her.However, this Chen Zhizhong's mind is really vicious, and it will be a disaster sooner or later to keep this kind of person.Liu Ying decided to deal with him, once and for all, lest one day the dog jumps over the wall and can't touch her, and turns her mind to her family.

Sweeping into Chen Yanmei's room with his spiritual sense, he saw that he was locked in the back room by his family, and the anger in his heart had nowhere to vent.Chen Yanmei who was naked on the bed kept touching herself, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched, a look of disgust appeared on her face.One night without a man to comfort her, she wondered if Chen Yanmei could bear it.The corner of the mouth was slightly curved, Liu Ying had some evil thoughts.Seeing Xiao Jin's proud eyes with sharp eyes, Liu Ying glared at Xiao Jin angrily.

Anyway, Chen Yanmei has already received the retribution she deserved, so Liu Ying was lazy to reason about the final result of Chen Yanmei.Seeing that she was still discussing with the two gangsters about how to deal with her, Liu Ying became more and more frightened.No one could have imagined that Chen Zhi's plan was so deep that he would think of using a trick to deal with her.Tune the tiger away from the mountain, trick Xiao Jin away, and deal with her alone.Apparently, they mistakenly thought that only Xiao Jin was a hard board, and he was a master who was easy to handle.

As long as Xiao Jin is not around, she can be taken down. This calculation is really hard to laugh.

With a slightly gloomy face, Liu Ying directly invaded the brains of the two punks with her consciousness.Instructing them to bite Chen Zhizhong back, the two of them worked together to strangle the astonished Chen Zhizhong to death.Then withdrew his consciousness, turned around with Xiao Jin and left the small villa of the Chen family.Although Liu Ying didn't kill the two gangsters in the end, it didn't mean that they would be better off.

If her memories were tampered with by her divine sense, the two of them who were alive would just be muddle-headed idiots for the rest of their lives.Moreover, there are two idiots who are about to become scapegoats.

Back at the rental house, it was already midnight, and Liu Ying felt a little tired today.Not just physically tired, but mentally tired.He didn't go into the space to practice as usual, chose to stay in the room, and slept peacefully.

Returning to school the next day as usual, Liu Ying learned from Xu Ruhua's mouth in surprise that she didn't know who was so arrogant.The video of Chen Yanmei's bed was actually uploaded to various websites for everyone to click.That hot and fierce video is simply more exciting than that good-looking one.I thought that Chen Yanmei's performance in school was enough, but who knows that Chen Yanmei's real hot side has not been revealed yet.

Who would have believed that a macho handsome elder brother was pressed on the bed by Chen Yanmei, abused to his heart's content.Foaming at the mouth and getting dizzy after being sucked dry, the obedient students in the school couldn't believe it.A few boys who wanted to have sex with Chen Yanmei saw Chen Yanmei's terrifying side, their faces turned pale with fright, and they were secretly grateful.Fortunately, there was no time to act, otherwise, if Chen Yanmei played this game, he would not know if he would be able to save his life.

Liu Ying listened to the students' words from you and my intense discussion, and the smile on her face froze immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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