Chapter 374 Interesting facts about the college entrance examination (4)
As expected of the grandpa and grandson, they are all the same way, eager to deceive her.

Shaking her head speechlessly, seeing Deng Minzhi and his wife, whose faces were so dark that they were about to become the bottom of the pot, Liu Ying was afraid that Mr. Luo's words would become more outrageous, so she quickly tactfully refused. "No need for Grandpa Luo. There are always accidents in everything. There are still some people who fail to pass the exam. Well, Brother Luo is getting late, so I will go back first. When I arrive, I will send a text message to tell you. Brother Xu , I'll go back first, and I'll contact you if I need anything."

Not long after Liu Ying left, Xu Tianyang saw that Luo Cheng really didn't seem to be in trouble.In addition, the company was about to open soon, and when they were busy, they talked to Luo Cheng and left in a hurry.The three generations of Luo's grandparents were left to watch each other in the ward. Without outsiders, Deng Minzhi couldn't hold back any longer and spoke out what was in his heart.

"Son, what is the background of this little girl's family? Is she in politics or business?"

"Mom, why are you asking this? I like Yingying herself. What does it have to do with her family background?" Luo Cheng's face darkened instantly when Deng Minzhi's words came out.He stared at Deng Minzhi blankly, his eyes full of disappointment.Looking at people with colored eyes, even if you are unlucky in your marriage, do you still want your son to be unlucky as well?
If he didn't know Liu Ying's identity, Luo Cheng still felt that although he was a bit older than Liu Ying, he was still worthy.However, knowing that Liu Ying is an unattainable cultivator, Luo Cheng felt for a moment that he was not good enough for Liu Ying.If he didn't know that he could also practice, Luo Cheng would have to look up to him.The ignorance is terrible. His mother still only sees her status and background, but she doesn't know that there are many more important things in this world.

In the eyes of the monks, the power that mother thought she was supreme was just a passing cloud.Even the lord of a country is nothing more than an ant in the eyes of a cultivator.

"It doesn't matter, what is the background of our family. If you marry a girl who doesn't match the identity of the Luo family, how can you make mom look up in front of everyone. Son, mom told you that beautiful girls abound. As long as you like it, mom can introduce some more beautiful girls to you. Of course, if you really like it, it’s not bad to keep them as lovers. Mom won’t have any objections, as long as they don’t kill people and make people laugh.”

Ignoring Luo Cheng's downcast face, Deng Minzhi continued to pretend to be a loving mother, persuading him earnestly.When talking about lovers, Deng Minzhi glanced at Luo Haizhi involuntarily.His gaze flickered, then disappeared quickly, returning to normal and turning his gaze back to Luo Cheng.

"Enough, Mom, don't let me hear half a word of disrespect towards Yingying. Otherwise, I will treat you as a mother. I am a human being, not a pawn you use. If Mom really wants the Deng family to leave The one is higher, maybe I can divorce my father and find a better one."

Luo Cheng is a filial person, but this time Deng Minzhi should never have spoken disrespectfully to Liu Ying.Unbearable, Luo Cheng turned cold and turned away from Deng Min.Sen Han's eyes glanced at Luo Haizhi vaguely, and Luo Cheng said in a serious voice.The surrounding air suddenly dropped several degrees with Luo Cheng's anger, it was bitingly cold.

Shivering, Deng Minzhi's face turned green and pale at Luo Cheng's words.It never occurred to her that her son, who had always been filial, would tear his face apart and say such rebellious words, persuade her to divorce Luo Haizhi, and let her remarry someone else.Although she was very dissatisfied with Luo Haizhi, she never thought of getting a divorce, because Deng Minzhi knew that if she really divorced Luo Haizhi, she would definitely become a joke in the circle.

How could she, who is proud and face-saving, tolerate this fact.

So even though he knew that Luo Haizhi was hiding someone outside, and even had an illegitimate child, Deng Minzhi still swallowed his anger and pretended nothing happened.It's just that occasionally Xiaosan ran up to her to show off her arrogance, so she quarreled with Luo Haizhi to vent her emotions.But after that, she will continue to turn a blind eye and pretend to be in love with Luo Haizhi in front of everyone with a forced smile.

Luo Haizhi did not expect that Luo Cheng, who has always been quiet, would suddenly erupt and say a series of shocking words.However, Luo Haizhi also understood in his heart that what Deng Minzhi said this time was a bit too much.Who is the son, if he likes it, he is the one who accepts death, and letting that girl named Liu Ying be his son's little lover, isn't that stepping on Luo Cheng's landmine?

He didn't see that his son was dying just now, and he couldn't forget that her name was all shouted out of his mouth.Even if you don't agree, you must not say anything to Luo Cheng. At most, you can persuade the woman and give her some money to give up.Instead of saying anything to help Deng Minzhi, Luo Haizhi cast a disapproving glance at his distressed wife.Always treat Luo Cheng as a piece of wood, just hold it in the palm of your hand and play with it, this time it will be bad retribution.Eyes drooping slightly, Luo Haizhi's eyes quickly flashed a touch of schadenfreude.

With a livid face, Deng Min, who couldn't hold back his face, raised his hand angrily to slap Luo Cheng in the face.It's just that before he fully raised his hand, he was abruptly interrupted by Mr. Luo's fury.

"Minzhi, have you had enough trouble? It's fine if you don't live up to it. You still think about the Deng family every day. You also want to intervene in Xiaocheng's marriage, because you think that my grandson will be like you, and the marriage will not be happy for the rest of his life? You are always blaming others, why don't you review yourself. How many years have you been married to Luo Cheng, and you still don't recognize your identity, and you are still the eldest lady of your own Deng family. Who would have the mood to coax you and revolve around you every day."

Looking at Deng Minzhi who didn't repent and wanted to hit Luo Cheng with an angry face, Mr. Luo was furious.Eyes sharper than knives glared at Deng Minzhi with fire, paused, swallowed, and continued to lecture in a cold voice with moist and dry voice.

"Even if it's a wolf, it should be raised after decades, but what about you? You've let me down so much. When you return to Shangjing, you and Haizhi will move out. Don't live in the old house anymore. Save me. I'm upset after seeing it. If you really don't want to let it go, just like what Chenger said, I agree to let you divorce Haizhi. You should think about it carefully. As for Liu girl's matter, you'd better not intervene. If you let me hear something, don't worry that I didn't warn you in advance."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Luo glanced at Luo Haizhi who had kept his head down and remained silent.Seeing his eldest son since he was a child, Mr. Luo can guess what is going on in his heart with a look.

"Dad?" Deng Minzhi's face turned blue from the fright of Mr. Luo's disrespectful growl.Trembling, he bowed his head and dared not say anything else, especially the warning from Mr. Luo at the end, which made Deng Min's breath suffocated.He wanted to refute something, but Old Master Luo gave him a cold look, and immediately swallowed the words back into his stomach, and he didn't dare to take another breath if he was angry.

In the Luo family, Mr. Luo has the absolute right to speak.If even the old man said something, Luo Haizhi, who had no relationship with her, would definitely obey the old man's words and divorce her.After so many years of enduring, how could Deng Minzhi be willing to be middle-aged, and finally ended up in divorce.

(End of this chapter)

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