Chapter 394 The King of Beasts (2)
"The monster pill of the fourth-order golden flood dragon is a good thing for refining the spirit pill. Even this body is also a good treasure. Not only can it refine the dragon whip, but it can also refine a set of precious clothes for body protection." Zhou Guanying spoke to herself, her eyes flickered, as if Xiao Jin had become her possession at this moment.

"Poison woman, you have a beautiful idea, but it's just a rag that wants to trap me, and I'm beyond my control."

Hearing Zhou Guanying's self-satisfied muttering, Xiao Jin furiously gave Zhou Guanying a hard look.With all his strength, he struggled to tear the red gauze to shreds.I was careless for a while, but I didn't expect to be caught by Zhou Guanying's way.After biting a mouthful of silver teeth, the more Xiao Jin struggled, he found that the gauze was bound more and more densely, leaving Xiao Jin with nowhere to vent his strength, and almost vomited blood in anger.What shocked Xiaojin even more was that the gauze actually had hidden thorns, which made him bleed profusely.

"Haha, who is overestimated? Hmph, a demon cultivator is a demon cultivator. He has a whole body of cultivation, but his brain is still the same stupid. This is not a broken yarn, and your aunt and I got it by chance in the ancient Daxiu cave. It’s an extremely high-quality treasure. Not to mention you are a mere golden flood dragon in the middle of the fourth rank, even a peak demon cultivator in the late fourth rank will not be able to break free from its entanglement.”

Smiling triumphantly, Zhou Guanying's smile became even brighter when he saw Xiao Jin struggling with blood flowing from his face.The wasp's tail is the most poisonous woman's heart, and she deserves retribution for underestimating her.

"What, this gauze is actually a top-grade treasure, no wonder Xiao Jin can't break free."

Liu Ying, who was hiding in the space, heard Zhou Guanying's arrogant words, her face changed drastically, and she looked at Xiao Jin who was bound and bleeding.Liu Ying was anxious like ants in a pot, running around but helpless.Taking a few deep breaths, Liu Ying tried to calm down, and saw Zhou Guanying who was all about Xiao Jin.Liu Ying had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly had an idea in her heart.

With a thought, she offered the Shadowless Needle that she had kept in her dantian for a long time.With the advancement of cultivation base, this Shadowless Needle has also been upgraded to a middle-grade treasure.There is only one chance, and Liu Ying saw the right moment, and used the shadowless needle to attack Zhou Guanying in the back.

Although Liu Ying was extremely careful, Zhou Guanying was a monk at the Nascent Soul stage anyway.Her keen intuition still allowed her to discover the crisis behind her, but she was still a step slower, and Liu Ying attacked first.As fast as lightning, he exerted force suddenly and hit Zhou Guanying's Nascent Soul directly.

"Bold, who is behind the sneak attack." Although Zhou Guanying narrowly escaped the fatal blow, Yuan Ying was still injured.He spat out a mouthful of blood fiercely, and was in a state of confusion.Scanning around vigilantly, he shouted in a cold voice.


Zhou Guanying was distracted for a moment, and Xiao Jin immediately sensed that the yarn was slack.With joy on his face, he saw the opportunity and broke free with all his strength, without Zhou Guanying's timely control.Xiao Jin broke free smoothly.

Take advantage of her illness and kill her.Xiao Jin swung his claws and hit Zhou Guanying's head unexpectedly. He grabbed Zhou Guanying's head hard, ignoring Zhou Guanying's sharp screams, and smashed Zhou Guanying's head bloodily.The thick blood spread in all directions, and Zhou Guanying's escaped little Yuanying was seen with sharp eyes.Xiao Jin gave a cold snort of disdain, and opened his mouth to form a spiritual net, trapping the shrunken version of Zhou Guanying firmly in the spiritual net.

He opened his mouth wide and released a suction force, and swallowed Zhou Guanying's Nascent Soul in one gulp, making it a meal in his stomach, repaying the humiliation he had just suffered.

"No." Sensing Xiao Jin's intentions, Zhou Guanying's heart forgot to beat, and he roared loudly.It's a pity that Zhou Guanying, who escaped with only Yuanying left, is like a big girl who has been stripped of her clothes. She can only be slaughtered by others, without the slightest ability to fight back.

Smacking his mouth, Xiao Jin snorted in satisfaction.

Nascent Soul is really a good thing. It is transformed from spiritual power. Not only is it abundant in spiritual power, but it is also easy to absorb.After swallowing only one Nascent Soul, Xiao Jin could clearly feel that his cultivation had risen by a small level.His eyes lit up, and Xiaojin couldn't help thinking greedily, it would be more perfect if there were more.Maybe he will enter the late stage smoothly soon, of course, it would be even better if he can break through the fourth level in one fell swoop.

Greed is not enough to swallow elephants, and Xiaojin's psychology at the moment is the best example.

Sensing the aura of dozens of demon cultivators rushing here, Xiaojin was afraid that things would change, so he quickly put away the gauze.He picked up the storage bag left by Zhou Guanying, and then flashed into the space.In just one breath, no more, no less, the tortoise Yuanjun hurriedly arrived at the place where Xiao Jin disappeared.Looking at the empty deep sea, the tortoise Yuanjun was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

A group of demon cultivators peeked at each other, but they never expected Xiao Jin to be so fast, and disappeared without a sound in the blink of an eye.

"Sacred Turtle Yuanjun, the Dragon Ball was taken away by him, do we still want to get it back?" General Crab glanced at Zhou Guanying's body, and found no trace of the Dragon Ball, his face darkened, and he asked quickly.

"Forget it, there's no need to chase after him. It may be Lord Shenlong's intention to take the dragon ball for him. Don't you all sense that he has the blood of the dragon clan in him. Although it is not much, as long as he takes the dragon ball, the blood can be activated , which greatly increases the chance of transforming into a dragon. Let’s go, we will meet again one day.”

Sighing, knowing that some things can't be rushed, Shengui Yuanjun didn't force it.After living for tens of thousands of years, waiting for such a long time is not bad.Furthermore, according to Jin Jiao's cultivation base, he is still a little short of wanting to rule the Hai Clan.Even if he is willing to help, it is not enough.There are still quite a few demon cultivators in the Sea Clan who are similar to him, or even higher than him, and there are still a few old monsters who have stepped into the fifth rank.

"Xiao Jin, are you okay, have you got the Dragon Ball?"

Seeing Xiao Jin flashing in, Liu Ying's heart that was hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.Taking a look at Xiaojin, he found that except for some blood stains on his clothes, everything else was fine, and he was not injured at all.Thinking of the thrilling scene just now, Liu Ying felt terrified when she thought about it, but she never thought of it.Zhou Guanying would have such an incredible treasure, the ultimate magic weapon, no wonder he dared to go to the deep sea to grab the Dragon Ball from the Sea Clan.

"Master, I'm fine. Even if I have one, I'll heal all internal injuries after eating a nourishing Nascent Soul. Here, master, this is the magic weapon and storage bag left by that bitch." Wipe it off and pass it all to Liu Ying for her to check it by herself.Whether the dragon ball is in it, Xiao Jin is confident that Liu Ying will swallow it privately.

"Careless, it's dangerous to win this time. If it wasn't for the shadowless needle that hurt her, you might be doomed this time. The ultimate treasure, this is not a joke." Looking at Xiao Jin who was indifferent, Liu Ying slapped Xiao Jin angrily.Probe into the consciousness and glanced at the contents of the storage bag, Liu Ying's eyes lit up, no surprise, there was indeed a dragon ball the size of a football stored in it.

Overjoyed, he took the dragon ball out of the storage bag, and in an instant, the dazzling colorful light almost dazzled Liu Ying's eyes.Putting it in her hand, Liu Ying clearly sensed the incomparably majestic power contained in the Dragon Ball, as well as the looming, faint dragon might.

(End of this chapter)

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