Chapter 403 The position of elder (6)
As for her family, if she finds out, she will offend the old monster in the Nascent Soul Stage.Instead of sending someone to avenge her, she may even send a gift to apologize.Sacrificing the ego and fulfilling the big ego, as a person from a big family, Liao Keren is very clear about this.

"Ker, are you sure they are the seniors of the Nascent Soul stage?"

Upon receiving the news, Liao Ke'er's master, Master Zhitong, was assigned by the head of the sect to be in charge of the contact.He offered excellent conditions, to see if he could win Liu Ying and Xiao Jin together, so that Liu Ying could win them back to the door and become nominal elders.Only one head of the Mingyang School is a Nascent Soul cultivator, and it is difficult to do it alone.If they can successfully win over the junior sect, the Mingyang sect will be able to rank among the second-rate sects, and will no longer be a small sect that can be underestimated at will.

There are many benefits to being a second-rate sect.Not only can the number of spirit stones and medicines allocated be doubled, but the most important thing is that their status will also rise accordingly.You don't have to bow your head when you see people, you can raise your head upright and tell others which sect you belong to.Real Zhitong became excited when he thought about it, and wished he could immediately visit the senior person Liao Keer mentioned.

"Ke'er is not completely sure about this, but Ke'er can be sure that their cultivation base is higher than that of Master. Master, what are you going to do when you come here this time? Are you going to recruit the two seniors into the sect, or just get along with them?" Good friends." Eyes flashed, Liao Ke'er asked expectantly.

"It turns out that's the case. I can't be completely sure, but to be a master, at least you have to be a monk above the middle stage of the Golden Core. Anyway, as long as they don't join other forces, then let's go to Lalong to check it out, or grab it in front of them." It’s also good to make friends up front. Let’s go, Ke’er, you lead the way as a teacher and you have to get things done as soon as possible.”

Frowning lightly, upon hearing Liao Ke'er's answer, a trace of disappointment flashed across Zhitong's face.But it quickly disappeared, cheered up, and got things done while the iron was hot.

"Okay, Master, please come with Ke'er." There was a look of joy on his face, regardless of whether it was successful or not.Since Master is willing to go and have a look, it means that there is still a chance.With the wind blowing under her feet, Liao Ke'er actively walked ahead and led the way.

Daoist Zhitong appeared in a five-star hotel in a navy blue Taoist robe, and immediately attracted the attention of countless people who watched curiously.Long black beard, ruddy and shiny face make Zhitong real person look like a fairy, at first glance he looks like a master.In addition, there is a lovely beauty like an elf standing beside her, making it even more difficult for people not to notice.

"This mundane air is really filthy, and the spiritual energy is so thin that there is almost no aura. I really don't know what these mortals are doing to make a good place like this." The nose of the cultivator is extremely sensitive, smelling the air With the smoky atmosphere and all kinds of turbidity, Zhitong Daoist can make several knots even if he frowns.If it weren't for the consideration of the heavy responsibility, Zhitong Daoist would have turned around and returned to the cultivation world.

"Master, it's because there are too many factories, and these car exhausts are returned. Master bear with it, and we'll go back early when we're done." Hearing Zhitong's complaints, Liao Ke'er didn't dare to say, After a while, it's good to get used to it, smiled awkwardly, and quickly comforted him softly.

"Master, look quickly, the seniors are coming down." Seeing a large group of people coming down behind Liu Ying, the tip of his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said impatiently.

Following Liao Ke'er's gaze, when he saw Liu Ying and Xiao Jin, Zhitong's eyes instantly burst into dazzling light.Especially sensing Xiaojin's powerful aura, the corners of Zhitong's mouth rose unconsciously.Leaving Liao Ke'er aside, Zhitong Daoist strode up to Liu Ying.Ignoring everyone's astonished gazes, he clasped his fists respectfully at Liu Ying and Xiao Jin as juniors, and then said respectfully without changing his face: "Mingyang Pai Zhitong has met the two seniors."


All the people in the hotel were surprised enough to see Zhitong respectful and performing ancient rituals, and they were even more shocked when they heard Zhitong's shocking words, as if they had been struck by lightning, and they couldn't recover for a while.

The sky is thundering, is there anything more surprising than this.A middle-aged old man, even if he performed strange etiquette with two young men and women in their twenties, he even talked to a senior, so there must be something wrong with his brain.Seeing Zhitong's antique and navy blue robes made everyone's guess a bit more certain.

It's just that the surprise was far more than that, even the lovely beauty next to her acted like this, clasping her fists respectfully to the senior who opened her mouth and closed her mouth respectfully.Everyone was in a mess again in a gust of wind, their shocked mouths could open enough to stuff a big egg.

Liu Ying and Xiao Jin glanced at each other, looked at Liao Ke'er and Zhitong Daoist with unclear meaning, and wondered what the trouble was.Waving to support the two of them, Liu Ying nodded with a half-smile. "Mianli, Zhidao friend, what's the matter with you this time?"

Going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, looking at Liao Ke'er who smiled unnaturally, Liu Ying's eyes flashed a bright light.

"Senior?" Zhitong raised his head, and glanced at Liu Dasheng behind Liu Ying meaningfully, as well as the eavesdropping audience around him, his intention was self-evident.

"It's okay, you can talk now." Waved a barrier to separate other irrelevant people, so that people outside could not hear what she was talking to Zhitong Zhenren.

"Senior is like this. Liao Ke'er is my apprentice. Knowing that senior is here, he rushed to pay a visit and hope that senior will not blame you. Although senior Mingyang sect is not a big sect, but the head of my sect is also A powerful person in the mid-Yuanying period. The head of the sect specially issued a decree to invite two seniors to me to assign the position of elder, I wonder if the two seniors are interested?"

Sensing the power of the enchantment, Master Zhitong breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to delay, and poured out the purpose of this time.While speaking, Zhitong real person secretly glanced at the expressions of Liu Ying and Xiao Jin.Seeing that the faces of the two were calm and there was nothing unusual, Zhitong's heart also sank.Without saying a word, he waited for Liu Ying's answer.

Hearing the intention of Master Zhitong's trip, Liu Ying was stunned for half a second, never expecting such a result.But this Zhitong real person is really upright, he doesn't even understand the detours, and straightforwardly stated his purpose.From the meaning of Zhitong Zhenren, it seems that the head of the Mingyang School is the Nascent Soul Cultivator, and it is understandable to try to win her and Xiaojin into the school to fill the scene.

only?Liu Ying really has no interest in the position of an elder.No matter what the conditions are, they are bound to be controlled by various rules in the sect.She practiced on her own with ease, so there was really no need for her to ask for trouble.

As if knowing what Liu Ying was thinking, Master Zhitong hurriedly explained.

"Senior, the position of elder is just a title, and there is no need for senior to be bound by the rules of the sect. It is only necessary that senior can step forward to help when the sect is in trouble. Senior's family members are all mortals, and senior is a casual cultivator on weekdays. There are flaws. The Mingyang Sect may not be considered a big deal in the realm of comprehension, but it is still somewhat powerful among ordinary people. If you can join the Mingyang Sect, the sect will naturally take care of it. The most important thing is that the monthly seniors You can also receive a generous salary in the sect. Senior, joining the sect is absolutely beneficial and harmless, why don't you consider it, senior?"

(End of this chapter)

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