Chapter 408
But Xiao Jin didn't do that, and he never even had the slightest thought of it.Liu Ying was already very satisfied with this, and no longer insisted on anything else.The nominal post of Keqing Elder was just a temporary idea, and it was used as a shield.In terms of fame, Xiaojin has the upper hand over her, so Liu Ying will not be stupid enough to mind these unreliable things.

Upon receiving Liu Ying's reply, the corners of Xiao Jin's mouth curled up, and a smile flashed across his unchanging face.With a flash of inspiration, Xiao Jin suddenly had an idea in his heart. He took a look at Wu Deyuan Jun, and Xiao Jin said very bluntly: "The Supreme Elder? This position is not bad, but except for me, she is also the same as me. Go up to the elders."

she?Glancing through Xiao Jin's eyes, he saw Liu Ying who had been ignored by him all the time.Wude Yuanjun was stunned, a female cultivator in the late Jindan period.Seeing Liu Ying's beautiful face, a look of amazement flashed in Wu Deyuan Jun's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.Female cultivators who can persevere all the way to the Golden Core stage are rare in the cultivation world, and female cultivators who can break into the late Golden Core stage are even rarer than national treasures.

Wu Deyuan Jun wanted to say something at first, but when he inadvertently saw Liu Ying's bone age, Wu Deyuan Jun gasped, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.Ten, 14-year-old girl, oh my god, what did he see, could it be that his old eyes got it wrong.Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Wude Yuanjun once again used his spiritual power on his eyes, and glanced at Liu Ying's bone age in astonishment.

Really, really 14 years old, Wude Yuanjun's heart constricted for a while, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.Damn 14 years old, God, where is this abnormality, a 14-year-old girl actually has the cultivation base of the late Jindan stage.The blow was really a bolt from the blue, and Wude Yuanjun who was hit had the heart to vomit blood.

14 years old, think about him, in vain he was praised as a genius among geniuses since he was a child. At the age of 14, he barely broke through to the late stage of Qi training.However, this smiling super perverted woman in front of her has actually steadily broken through to the late stage of Jindan, and she is still letting people live.What angered Wude Yuanjun the most was that if he didn't advance further, he would stand still and die in the end.His life span of nearly [-] years has been delayed in this way.

Fortunately, Mr. Wu Deyuan hasn't seen Liu Ying's spiritual root yet. If he finds out, this so-called peerless genius.It is actually the most rubbish of the five spirits, and may faint directly due to unbearable.

By the way, Liao Keer reported that they were all casual cultivators in the secular world, and Mr. Wu Deyuan was surprised again.When did it start, in this filthy mundane world, can such a peerless talent be cultivated.A stage of concentrating, a late stage of Jindan, Wude Yuanjun was terrified when he thought about it.Could it be, is there any secret hidden in it?
This thought flashed in Wudeyuanjun's heart, and when he raised his head and inadvertently met Xiao Jinsenhan's eyes, Wudeyuanjun shivered.The rosy face turned pale in an instant, and all the charming thoughts were completely forgotten.This is a senior in the concentrating stage, he is really obsessed with making a wrong idea under his nose.Taking a deep breath secretly, Wu Deyuan Jun hurriedly lowered his head, and replied respectfully: "What the senior said is very true, the junior has no objection."

"Zhitong, pass on the order. From today, my Mingyang Sect will have two more Supreme Elders, who will enjoy the same power as the head."

After saying this, Wude Yuanjun was very smooth, without the slightest discomfort.A 14-year-old female cultivator in the late stage of Jindan is definitely a genius among geniuses worth cultivating.There is nothing wrong with the position of Supreme Elder.Given time, Wude Yuanjun dared to pat her chest to guarantee that she would suddenly become a Taoist friend who could rival him in a short time.What's more, Mr. Wu Deyuan, perhaps Liu Ying may still advance to the concentration stage.Or even further, become a legend in the cultivation world, a peerless and powerful person in the transformation stage.

Thinking of this possibility, Wude Yuanjun couldn't help feeling agitated.Transformation period?Mr. Wu Deyuan has absolute reasons to be sure, that is, the Shushan School may not have such a god.The patriarch in the concentrating stage still has one or two hidden, but Wude Yuanjun believes it.After all, the Shushan School and the Kunlun School are all schools that have been passed down from ancient times, and it is not uncommon to have unknown backgrounds.

If the Mingyang Sect can cultivate such a world-shattering talent, Mr. Wu Deyuan can imagine that the Mingyang Sect will definitely become famous in the entire cultivation world in the future, and become a legendary existence like the Kunlun Sect and other great sects.Thinking of this possibility, Wude Yuanjun's eyes couldn't help bursting out with frightening brilliance, looking at Liu Ying with fanaticism on his face.

For the future hope of the Mingyang School, even if everything is exhausted, Lord Wu Deyuan will not hesitate.

While Wude Yuanjun was in a daze, a panicked cry suddenly came from a distance.

"The head is not good, it's not good, the people from the Danding faction are here again. Head, they killed Senior Brother He and returned a lot of senior brothers. Head, they came up, this time they not only want things, but also He also threatened to expel the Mingyang faction." Stumbling down from the sky, the young monk was covered in blood and shouted anxiously out of breath.

"What? The people from the Danding faction are here again. Zhao Lianqing and Qiu Minghe, these two immortals, are really deceiving people. It's okay to bully the mountain gate and grab the treasures of my faction again and again. This time, they want to destroy my Mingyang faction." , Shi can bear it, which one can't bear it. Senior, you sit in the hall first, and I will meet the two old immortals of the Danding Sect."

He quickly took a low-grade Peiyuan Pill and gave it to the early foundation-establishment disciple who came to report. Wude Yuanjun's eyes were bloodshot, and he was so angry that he almost bit his silver teeth.If it weren't for the fact that there was still a senior in the concentrating stage in front of him, Wude Yuanjun would have wished to spread his wings and rush to the front at this moment, and fight to the death with the rival of the Danding faction.

And Zhitong Daoist and others, when they heard the announcement from the disciples under the sect, their eyes were burning with anger.

Is there any mistake, she and Xiaojin didn't sit hot, and someone killed the Mingyang faction, trying to destroy the Mingyang faction.The corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched, and she glanced at the cultivator who was breathing in less and exhaling more, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.Tanzhi bestowed a high-grade Peiyuan pill to this disciple who risked his life to report the letter, so that he would not hurt his roots.A mere low-grade Peiyuan Pill can't heal his wounds fast enough for him to fully recover.

At the same time, he was also thinking to himself, this Mingyang faction is really not a bad one, a great monk in the Nascent Soul stage, the head of the faction.It turned out to be a low-grade Peiyuan Pill that was handed out to the disciples. Is there anything more speechless than this.

Top grade Peiyuan Dan?
The sharp eyes saw the movements under Liu Ying's hands, and then looked at the disciple who recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye after swallowing the Peiyuan Pill.The eyes of Wude Yuanjun and Zhitong Daoist both lit up, and there was a flash of enthusiasm when they looked at Liu Ying.

"Okay, don't be dazed, people are about to kill you." Xiao Jin reminded when his consciousness swept down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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