Chapter 418 It's All Over (4)
"Zuo Xiaoxiao, have you practiced too much, and your brain has become abnormal. Why should I hand over my things to you? The magic weapon, Lingwu Tea, is mine, and I have nothing to do with you Relationship."

Taking a sympathetic glance at Zuo Xiaoxiao, stroking the golden phoenix hairpin in her hand, Liu Ying sneered jokingly.

Zuo Xiaoxiao's evolution is getting more and more magical, and it's unreasonable to say such genius words in a brain twitch.

"Why? Just because I am a direct disciple of the Kunlun Sect, and you are only a disciple of the Mingyang Sect, a low-level sect. You are not qualified to own such a precious treasure, obediently hand it over to me. Come out, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Zuo Xiaoxiao really didn't want to die until the Yellow River, and Liu Ying talked about it for this sake.Unexpectedly, he was still stubborn, and that arrogant statement made all the monks present even more angry.

It is an unchanging rule in the cultivation world that the strong are respected. When you become a great sect, you are eligible to own treasures, and monks who are not from a great sect are not eligible.What a big joke, not many of the monks who will stop in this small town are disciples of the sect.Zuo Xiaoxiao's words immediately aroused the anger of the crowd.

People are standing on the boundary of Mingyang faction, but they say such words, they are slapping Mingyang faction in the face.There are quite a few monks around who are disciples of the Mingyang Sect. Hearing that someone belittled his sect in public, he was even more furious.Knowing that Liu Ying is the Supreme Elder of the Mingyang School, everyone's confidence surged up in an instant, and they all opened their mouths to scold Zuo Xiaoxiao angrily.

"Elder Taishang, kill her, and shame the Xuemen sect."

"That's right, kill her, kill her."

"What's so great about the Kunlun faction, this is our territory, why should we be angry with them?"

The disciples of the big sect are used to being arrogant and arrogant, and they don't take the disciples of the small sect and casual cultivators seriously.It's just that the cultivation base is not comparable, even if the cultivation base is almost the same, but the family background is better than the other party.Therefore, many times everyone gritted their teeth and endured it.Now that one person started, the other vigorous monks immediately followed suit, waving their fists and clamoring.With an angry expression and blood-colored pupils, it can be seen how annoyed Zuo Xiaoxiao's actions just now made everyone.

Supreme Elder?
Hearing a few monks wearing Mingyang School clothes calling the Supreme Elder Liu Ying, Zuo Xiaoxiao and the two Foundation Establishment monks behind him were taken aback.Thinking of something, Zuo Xiaoxiao guessed Liu Ying's identity no matter how stupid his nerves were and how crazy his brain was.

Hell, the ugly monster is the female cultivator of the late Jindan stage newly joined by the Mingyang Sect?Taking a deep breath, upon hearing the news, Zuo Xiaoxiao's heart almost stopped beating in fright.Thinking of her outrageous words just now, Zuo Xiaoxiao was even more frightened, her pretty face turned pale and almost transparent in an instant.She, she actually snatched something from a late Jindan senior, and even said such arrogant words.

Zuo Xiaoxiao's regretful lips were biting bloodshot, timidly looking at the surrounding monks who were bristling with anger, and loudly yelled at the monks who asked Liu Ying to kill her.Zuo Xiaoxiao looked ashamed, and couldn't help but retreat again and again.Although Zuo Xiaoxiao didn't want to believe this fact, even the disciples of the Mingyang Sect called Liu Ying the Supreme Elder in public, this hard fact, even if Zuo Xiaoxiao didn't want to believe it, he had to believe it.

Liu Ying is the female cultivator of the Jindan late stage of the Mingyang School. It is said by word of mouth that she killed the female killer of Zhao Lianqing in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Wait a minute, thinking of something, Zuo Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Ying so much that his eyeballs almost fell to the ground, and the corners of his mouth were so wide that he could stuff a few big eggs.She must have made a mistake. Calculating the time, Liu Ying is only 14 years old this year. How could she have the cultivation base of Jindan late stage?Even for thousands of years, the astonishing talents in the Kunlun School did not have this ability, and they entered the late stage of Golden Core in less than twenty years.Even with the support of countless miraculous medicines, without enough state of mind, it is impossible to enter and form a golden pill.

And breaking through to the late stage before reaching [-] is even more idiotic nonsense, and it is impossible to achieve.

Thinking left and right, Zuo Xiaoxiao's complexion was like a palette, constantly changing with guesses.

Liu Ying looked at Zuo Xiaoxiao's unbelievable expression, and guessed what Zuo Xiaoxiao was thinking.He hooked his lips and smiled inexplicably, thinking of Zuo Xiaoxiao's arrogant words just now, a faint murderous look disappeared in a flash.Zuo Xiaoxiao was used to being ruthless, today she made Zuo Xiaoxiao unable to step down from the stage, and even made Zuo Xiaoxiao make such a big shame in public.Even though he knew he was defeated, he would still hold her grudges and wait for the opportunity to get back on the field.

At the age of seven or eight, she would find a killer to kill her. Now that she is a cultivator, I am afraid it will only get worse.It is absolutely impossible to be a good man, to be a good card, and I want to understand this.Liu Ying decided that killing Zuo Xiaoxiao would be the best, and it would be a one-and-done one, so as not to have to guard against being plotted against one day.

Zuo Xiaoxiao fell into deep thought and didn't realize it, but the two male cultivators next to him could see it clearly.The blazing murderous aura frightened their legs so weak, and the coercion of the high-ranking monks that inadvertently radiated made them tremble even more.There is no hesitation, life-saving is the most important thing, other face image and so on are bullshit.Respectfully saluted Liu Ying as a junior, the two said in unison with pale faces.

"Senior, please forgive me. This junior has blind eyes and blind eyes to offend senior, and please forgive my junior sister's unintentional mistake."

"An unintentional mistake? Do you think this is an unintentional mistake? Hmph, blatantly and arrogantly declaring that you want to take away the magic weapon of this real person in full view, if this is an unintentional mistake. Then, do you have to wait for her to kill her?" Ben Zhenren, or destroying my Mingyang faction is considered intentional. Needless to say, sacrifice your magic weapon, whether you can survive depends on your ability."

He winked at Xiaojin, signaling him to take good care of everyone, and don't let Zuo Xiaoxiao have a chance to make dirty tricks.

As soon as Liu Ying's sharp words came out, the air suddenly froze.The tense atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, causing everyone's heartbeat to slow down, and they didn't dare to make a fuss.

"Yingying?" Hearing Liu Ying's murderous words, Grandma Li took a breath, her hands trembling with fright.Fortunately, Xiao Jin blessed the barrier in advance, so that everyone could not feel the murderous aura emanating from Liu Ying, otherwise ordinary people like Grandma Li might be even more frightened.

"You want to kill me?" Catching the murderous look in Liu Ying's eyes without any concealment, Zuo Xiaoxiao showed shock on his face.I can't believe it, I have always been praised to the sky, and I can get whatever I want.To this day, some people dare to threaten to kill her, but she is a direct disciple of Kunlun.

"Killers, people will always kill them. At the beginning, you could find killers to kill me again and again for a little bit of trivial matter. Now I want to kill you instead, why not. Make a move, don't blame me for not giving it to you. Opportunity, as you just said. As long as you can escape from my hands, next time we meet, I can forget the past and act as if nothing happened."

(End of this chapter)

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