Chapter 425 Formal Military Training (5)
If it is not in the Qi training period, it means that it is above the foundation establishment.Thinking of this possibility, the minds of these family members suddenly became active, and they all decided to explore Liu Ying if they had the opportunity.Seeing what it is, if it is a casual cultivator, it would be great if he could take the opportunity to win her into the family.If not, it would be nice to befriend him.After all, with the current market conditions, monks above foundation establishment can be regarded as masters for ordinary families.

"Yingying?" Not long after Liu Ying's figure appeared, Yang Shaoyuan, who had been staring eagerly at the Department of Foreign Languages, immediately noticed it.Seeing Liu Ying running round and round under the scorching sun, Yang Shaoyuan wished to kill the instructor who punished Liu Ying for running on the playground.However, reason told him that this would not work, so he could only watch helplessly. For Yang Shaoyuan, the time seemed to suddenly become longer.

It was hard to wait for Liu Ying to appear, but Yang Shaoyuan never expected such a scene.It's been half a month, and Liu Ying hasn't been seen, and the phone can't be reached.Yang Shaoyuan couldn't help wondering whether Liu Ying didn't want to come to Beijing to study and transferred to another school.Seeing Liu Ying now, while he was relieved, Yang Shaoyuan's heart was worried again.

It wasn't until seeing Liu Ying returned to the team safe and sound that Yang Shaoyuan's heart fluttered that he let out a sigh of relief.

At the end of the day, the students of the foreign language department were once again admired by Liu Ying's abnormality.He is worthy of being the number one scholar in liberal arts in the country, the unprecedented late king of Shangjing University, and the pervert among perverts.After a day of intensive training, it's okay to not feel tired at all.What was most annoying was that after a day of exposure to the sun, her fair and tender skin didn't even have a trace of blush.What's even more infuriating is that even though it's the first time training, every movement they do is more standard and perfect than those old fritters who have been training for half a month.

Even the instructor was satisfied and asked her to come out to give a demonstration to everyone. This was a shock and made everyone feel ashamed.Many students have read the information about Liu Ying and know that Liu Ying is only 14 years old and a genius who jumped up a grade.However, this genius is too much against the sky, better than others in everything, better than everyone in everything, and let them, who used to be the pride of heaven who came out of various schools, live.

Everyone sighed in their hearts, as expected of Shangjing University, it is indeed a place where talents are concentrated.In vain they used to be complacent in school and thought they were the best, but looking at it now, it's a joke.A mountain is still higher than a genius, and there are geniuses who are more arrogant than geniuses.

Yes, everyone unanimously identified that Liu Ying is a geek, and he is also a geek at the abnormal level.Because for normal people, one good thing is enough.But she is excellent in everything, better than others in everything, she is not a geek.

"Liu Ying, so you are so powerful, I was worried for a long time." After the team broke up, Feng Shuyuan couldn't hide her excitement and came to Liu Ying, her eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at Liu Ying with admiration.

"This isn't amazing, it's like a god. My God, you look weak and weak. How can you be so strong? Ten laps, a full ten laps, not to mention a girl, even the boys in the physical education department can't do it." I will be able to run all the way. I have decided that from today onwards, I will make you my latest idol. Idol, hurry up and sign me. I want to treasure it and take it when it rises in value. Sell."

Similar to Feng Shuyuan, Wang Lina was also a star with two eyes, and she took something out of her pocket.Under Liu Ying's astonished gaze, she took out a piece of facial tissue and asked Liu Ying to help her sign a sentence on the paper.

When the other students heard Wang Lina's opening, they couldn't help coming up together, talking to Liu Ying about their admiration in their hearts.Miao Xin'er was listening on the sidelines, so angry that she almost vomited blood.Squinting her eyes at Liu Ying, thinking about what happened today, Miao Xin'er couldn't help but guess.Is Liu Ying the same as her sister, not a normal person, but a supernatural being.

Otherwise, Liu Ying is obviously a girl, how can she have such great ability and excel in everything is shocking.

Thinking of her younger sister who had disappeared for several years and then came back suddenly, Miao Xin'er's face became even more ugly.Those bullshit studies, I thought they could help her get rid of the fire, but I didn't expect them to be so useless.He was actually escaped by Huo'er, and luckily Huo'er didn't know that she had betrayed him back then.Otherwise, Miao Xin'er would have murderous thoughts.

No matter what, if Huo'er doesn't know now, who can guarantee that Huo'er won't know in the future.For the sake of safety, and to get all the property left by my parents.Huo'er, it must not be kept. Keeping this kind of monster will only be a disaster.

"Yingying, why did you come here now? I thought, I thought you?" After the team broke up, Yang Shaoyuan's heart immediately flew away, and he ran to Liu Ying at the fastest speed.Ignoring everyone's unclear gazes, Yang Shaoyuan said affectionately as always.

"Yang Shaoyuan, long time no see. I went on a trip with my family and only received the admission notice when I came back. I didn't know about the school's military training one month in advance, so I came so late." Hearing a familiar voice, Liu Ying glanced away. .Looking at Yang Shaoyuan's affectionate gaze, Liu Ying looked away helplessly.With a slightly stiff smile on his face, he explained the whole story again.

adultery?Behind Yang Shaoyuan's back, Wang Lina and Feng Shuyuan secretly winked at Liu Ying and made a funny face with an ambiguous evil smile.The other students looked at Yang Shaoyuan curiously, and unexpectedly discovered that this boy from the foreign class was actually a rare handsome guy.For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

Handsome men and beautiful women, gifted scholars and beauties, this is a rare show.

"It turned out to be like this. After a day of tiredness, you go to the dining hall and wait, and I will cook for you." Yang Shaoyuan has long been accustomed to Liu Ying's dodging.He smiled indifferently, hiding his disappointment.Thinking of something, Yang Shaoyuan thoughtfully said to himself.

"Wait, there's no need, I'll go cook by myself. Yang Shaoyuan is fine, your classmate is calling you, you should go over quickly." Being stared at by everyone's ambiguous eyes, no matter how thick-skinned Liu Ying is, she can't bear it. I can't help but feel a little embarrassed.Not wanting to repeat the past, making Yang Shaoyuan mistakenly think that he still has a glimmer of hope, Liu Ying hastily refused.Seeing a few boys calling Yang Shaoyuan behind, Liu Ying's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly urged to remind him.

"Okay." Catching the persistence in Liu Ying's eyes, although Yang Shaoyuan was unwilling, he still nodded in agreement helplessly.After receiving Liu Ying's urging gaze, Yang Shaoyuan glanced at Liu Ying reluctantly, then turned around and strode away.

My sister's heart is as strong as iron, and such a handsome boy has the heart to refuse like this.Seeing the result, everyone couldn't help feeling sympathy for Yang Shaoyuan.It's a pity, if such a handsome boy likes them, it would be great, and he is willing to chase after them.

"Liu Ying, is he your classmate? He looks good, so why refuse him? There is no such shop in this village, so be careful if someone sneaks in and chases him away. There are more girls in Beijing University than boys. There are quite a few girls chasing boys. As the saying goes, when a girl chases a boy, it’s too late to regret it.” Everyone likes to see a perfect ending, and Wang Lina is no exception, seeing the back of Yang Shaoyuan leaving sadly.His eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but help Yang Shaoyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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