Chapter 431
"It's ridiculous. The strong are respected. Well, since the senior said this, that's fine. However, does the senior really think that the one standing here is the strongest expert? Xiao Jin, tell me, borrow Kunlun If Senior Pai, can we also ask for something from him. Let him leave the things on his body, and finally spare his old life."

If Lei Bozhong still couldn't see the situation clearly, Liu Ying shook her head angrily and amusedly.Looking back at Xiao Jin next to him, Liu Ying turned to question Lei Bozhong in anger.

"What do you mean by that?" Liu Ying's sudden outburst made Lei Bozhong's face pale.With his eyes wide open, staring at Xiao Jin in horror, Lei Bo asked urgently with a trembling voice.

"What do you mean? Literally. A mountain is still as high as a mountain. Do seniors really think that monk Yuanying is the highest cultivation level in the current cultivation world? As an elder of the Kunlun School, seniors don't even have this common sense. Don't you?" Liu Ying cast a playful glance at Lei Bozhong whose expression had changed, and asked coolly with a sneer.

"Master, why are you talking so much with him? Just deal with this old guy. But it's just a mere Nascent Soul cultivator, so there's no need to be so polite to him. The strong are respected, and as a junior, he has no dignity." Ge said so much nonsense and doesn't understand the rules." Xiao Jin gave Lei Bozhong a smirk, and returned what Lei Bozhong said just now one by one.Seeing Lei Bozhong's ashen face with sharp eyes, the smile on Xiaojin's face deepened a little.

"You, you, you, are you a senior in the concentration stage?" Shivering, he caught the strange flash of light in Xiao Jin's eyes, and Lei Bozhong couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat down his spine.Hearing Xiao Jin's words "Master" suddenly scared Lei Bo Zhongwai Jiao Linen even more.Glancing back and forth at Xiao Jin and Liu Ying in amazement, the eyeballs almost fell to the ground in shock.

He, he actually called this little girl the master, then, doesn't that mean that he is a demon cultivator.

Oh my god, the senior in the Concentration stage is actually the demon pet of a female cultivator in the late Jindan stage, how is this possible.Dazed for a while, Lei Bo suffered a stroke and was in a mess for a long time, he couldn't believe the fact before his eyes.

Let the thunder strike him to stun him, how is this possible.A great demon in the stage of concentrating is willing to be the demon pet of a female cultivator in the late Jindan stage, which is even more shocking than a bolt from the blue.Seeing the serious expressions of the two, Lei Bozhong knew that Liu Ying and Xiao Jin were not joking.He swallowed hard, although he didn't want to believe this fact, but Lei Bozhong couldn't believe it.

This impossible fact is right in front of you.The big demon in the concentration stage recognized a female cultivator in the late Jindan stage as his master.

"That's right, you've finally figured out the situation. Well, don't gossip, and hand over all your belongings wisely. For the sake of being obedient and obedient, I am willing to spare your old life." Ignoring Lei Bo With the shocked eyes in his eyes, Xiaojin continued to urge arrogantly without changing his face.This matter was initiated by Lei Bozhong himself, and Xiao Jin is just imitating the example at the moment, which is not too much.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up, move quickly, hand over the storage bag, and then you can leave on your own."

Seeing Lei Bozhong's swollen face, Liu Ying found it very interesting.Since he slapped his mouth, Lei Bozhong is probably full of regrets at this moment.Even if he was killed, he would never have imagined that at the late stage of Golden Core, she not only had high-grade treasures, buds of the third-order peak, but also a more powerful existence.Xiao Jin, the real top master of Niubi Chacha in the concentration stage.

"Senior, can you let the younger generation live, and the younger generation is willing to expose the past and act as if nothing happened." Being ridiculed by Liu Ying again, Lei Bo was so angry that he almost vomited blood.However, he was stared at coldly by Xiao Jinsenhan's eyes.Lei Bozhong dared not speak out, and gritted his silver teeth. Lei Bozhong was determined to get a chance.

The things in this storage bag are treasures that he can accumulate after thousands of years of use.Let him give it all to Liu Ying in one go, and 1 of Lei Bo are unwilling.It's just that, against the masters in the concentration period, he has no chance of winning at all.Life-saving is the most important thing, no matter how unwilling or angry, Lei Bozhong can only smash a mouthful of silver teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Who let him bump into the muzzle of the gun by himself, and didn't find out the matter, but when he heard that Liu Ying had put on several high-grade treasures, his heart moved for a moment.Immediately ran after it, making it a dilemma now, but posted it by himself.It's too late to regret if you fail to steal the chicken and lose a lot of rice.

"No, keep the things, otherwise, I will keep your life. Choose one of the two, you should understand that no matter which one it is, it doesn't make any difference to me. If it weren't for the fact that you are the elder of the Kunlun sect For the sake of the crime you committed, you don't even have a chance to refute the appeal." Putting on a straight face, Xiao Jin sternly reprimanded him, overturning Lei Bozhong's last hope.

If I knew this earlier, why bother.I started first, who is to blame.If he didn't want to offend the behemoth Kunlun, Xiao Jin wouldn't be merciless and leave Lei Bozhong's old life behind so that he would have the opportunity to make trouble in the future.

After Yuanying period?What's the big deal, if he really wants Lei Bozhong's old life.It's just like crushing an ant to death, it couldn't be simpler.

"Okay, this junior is willing to keep things." Sensing the determination and murderous look in Xiao Jin's eyes, Lei Bozhong didn't dare to delay any longer.Taking a deep breath, he calmed down the overwhelming anger in his heart.Aggrieved, he offered the storage bag at his waist with both hands, and handed it to Xiao Jin's hands, and got Xiao Jin's consent.As if his eyebrows were on fire, Lei Bo turned around and fled quickly.

"Cowardless gangster, I thought he was awesome, and ran to support Zuo Xiaoxiao with a murderous look. After a long time of trouble, I didn't even fart, so I ran away like a shit." Looking at Lei Bozhong running away Liu Ying raised her eyebrows, sneered, and snorted contemptuously.

Fortunately, Lei Bozhong escaped quickly and did not hear Liu Ying's sarcasm, otherwise, Lei Bozhong's blood vessels would burst with anger.

After receiving the storage bag handed over by Xiao Jin, Liu Ying was surprised to find that there are quite a lot of treasures in Leibozhong's collection.No wonder he was able to give Zuo Xiaoxiao such a talisman. It turns out that this Nascent Soul monster is actually a master talisman maker, and he can already make fourth-order advanced talismans.Looking at dozens of various talismans, Liu Ying was delighted to see them.Even if there is no blood dance and golden phoenix hairpin, there is no need to worry about encountering an old monster in the Nascent Soul Stage with so many multi-functional talisman in hand.Just grab a handful and throw it away, making sure it's enough for him to drink a pot.

It's a pity that Lei Bozhong met Xiao Jin, if he just met her.Liu Ying felt that it might not be easy to beat Lei Bozhong.Not to mention winning, it is lucky to be invincible.

Sort the things in the storage bag and store the things that can be used in the commonly used bags.As for the other things, Liu Ying casually threw them into the space, waiting for them to be used someday.Back in the dormitory, Liu Ying stepped into the space after setting up the barrier, and decided to start practicing to improve her cultivation.Just relying on the magic weapon to win by chance, this kind of thinking is really bad, and one day it will suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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