Chapter 436
What a cultivator seeks is to be unrestrained, if he dare not tell others even such a small matter.Afraid of being missed by others, robbed or kidnapped, as a monk who is a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of Golden Core, he will lose his face to his hometown.What Liu Ying wants to pursue now is a breakthrough in her state of mind, and she doesn't want to hide anymore.

A jewelry company, and a high-end jewelry company?

Everyone pricked up their ears and wanted to hear Liu Ying's answer. They heard that Liu Ying confessed that her family runs a high-end jewelry company for a living.There was a look of understanding on the faces, so it was so, no wonder he was able to make such a generous move.This is the real rich man, and the astronomical figure is astronomical if he makes a casual move, which is not comparable to that of ordinary small rich families.

Everyone selectively missed what Liu Ying was talking about, not my family.The difference of one word is a thousand miles away.This jewelry company is Liu Ying's own, not the family's business.

"Liu Ying, it turns out that you have rice here. This time you gave Lina pearls. You can't miss me next time on my birthday." Feng Shuyuan is used to it, and she is not afraid that Liu Ying will get angry when she hears it, just joking kind of joke.

"Okay, your share is indispensable." Understanding what Feng Shuyuan said, Liu Ying nodded with a smile.Although Feng Shuyuan was joking, Liu Ying answered seriously.After all, they are all friends, so naturally Liu Ying will not be too partial to one another.

However, there are some people whose skins are thicker than the city walls, and when they hear the conversation between Liu Ying and Feng Shuyuan, they are eager to get involved.Since she was acquainted, and wanted to take the opportunity to touch her in troubled waters, she completely forgot that Liu Ying didn't get along very well with her.Especially when he made a mockery of Liu Ying just now, it would not be embarrassing to say such a thing now.

"Liu Ying, don't forget about me. We are also in the same dormitory anyway, and my birthday is next month. I don't ask for anything else, just give me the same pearl as Lina." Miao Xin'er smiled With a bright face, he stared at Liu Ying with burning eyes, and impatiently followed suit.

Nothing else, just a thousand-year-old pearl?Really not greedy, as soon as Miao Xin'er's Shuishui words came out, countless contemptuous gazes were immediately attracted.I've never seen such a brainless woman, who was sneering at people just now, but now I know that she is rich.Immediately the limelight turned, trying to curry favor with others.I really think of him as a fool, but I let you fool me.

"Let's talk about this later." A black line flashed across his forehead, unable to stand Miao Xin'er's white eyes, Liu Ying turned her face away and didn't see Miao Xin'er's greedy face.Quietly hiding a sneering look, Liu Ying pursed her lips, and casually said something perfunctory.

She is not a fool, she can't hear Miao Xin'er's stinging words every day.Unless the forehead was pinched by a door, Twitch would send treasures like Miao Xin'er.Although she has a lot of things in her hands, there is no need to give them to these white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with them.However, Liu Ying had to admit that Miao Xin'er's face was really unusually strong and unparalleled.

Miao Huo'er has been unlucky for eighteen lifetimes to have such a sister. If it were her, she wouldn't be able to stand it for a quarter of an hour.Although her family is also very good, at least everyone is saying it on the bright side.Instead of hiding in the bottom of my heart like Miao Xin'er, putting on a show, but suddenly stabbing someone in the back.Thinking of the way Tian Miao Huo'er was tricked by Miao Xin'er two days ago without realizing it, Liu Ying felt chills when she thought about it.

Miao Xin'er, who narrowed her eyes and glanced at her complexion slightly changed, wanted to be angry but didn't dare to show it easily, and still didn't give up on what to say.Liu Ying drooped her eyes and raised her eyebrows, a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes.

"Alright then." Sensing the weird looks from everyone, Miao Xin'er realized that what she just said was too purposeful.What's more, she said it too hastily, so that people could immediately hear that something was wrong, not as natural and casual as Feng Shuyuan said.Embarrassed and stiff smiles, Miao Xin'er was not reconciled, but still nodded in agreement.

Wang An wanted to say something, but seeing Wang Lina seemed to like it very much, he swallowed the words back.He and his wife Zhou Yi looked at each other, nodded, and asked Zhou Yi to keep this matter in his heart, and remind his daughter next time that this favor is okay, don't lose her share.Favor debt, favor repayment, you can't take advantage of others and pretend you don't know anything.

Two days passed like this on Saturday and Sunday, and when she returned to school again, Liu Ying felt that Miao Xin'er seemed to be a different person.Every day with a smile on his face, he talked to each other with all kinds of good words, which made Liu Ying very disturbed.Just because of the same dormitory and the same class, it is inevitable.Even if Miao Xin'er was cold-eyed, she pretended she didn't see it, and still clung to her.As for the purpose of Miao Xin'er's hard work, it is actually very simple, just to gain benefits from Liu Ying.Make a good relationship and make it easier to speak.

Before they knew it, everyone in a dormitory regarded Miao Xin'er as a poisonous snake and beast, and avoided them.

The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and Miao Xin'er feels that Liu Ying's attitude is becoming more and more cold and hard, and the desire to please is gradually dissipating.If the mountain doesn't come, I'll go to the mountain if I come. Miao Xin'er, who never gave up, had a new idea after thinking about it.

The night is dark and windy, and the night of the murder is a good time to commit crimes.In the middle of the night, Miao Xin'er pricked up her ears and heard everyone breathing evenly, so she guessed that everyone was already fast asleep.Quietly got out of bed, sneakily climbed onto the second bed with a small flashlight, and took the key that Liu Ying had placed next to the pillow.With a triumphant smile on his face, he landed softly on the ground.She thought she was perfect, but she didn't know that Liu Ying, who flashed into the space and practiced, sensed it from the moment Miao Xin'er got up from the bed.

He flashed out of the space without hesitation, shrank into the quilt, and watched Miao Xin'er's every move with his eyes open.Seeing that Miao Xin'er had a clear goal, she climbed up and directly took the key she put beside her pillow.As soon as she changed her mind, Liu Ying immediately guessed Miao Xin'er's purpose.Greed is not enough to swallow like a snake, it seems that her indifference has driven Miao Xin'er into a hurry.The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and came up with this bad idea, and directly used it to steal it.

This calculation was good, but it was a pity that Miao Xin'er was disappointed. She didn't put these valuable things in the locker and locked them at all.Instead, keep them all in the space and want to steal them, unless the owner of the space has a glimmer of hope now.Otherwise, no matter how hard you search, it is absolutely impossible to find even half a valuable thing.At most, she could find a bunch of snacks she bought in the small supermarket in the cabinet, nothing else.

Sure enough, when Miao Xin'er opened the cabinet, she saw that there were all kinds of snacks locked inside.Miao Xin'er was stunned for a while as if struck by lightning.It never occurred to her that she had racked her brains to come up with such a solution, and the result would be like this.There are tens of millions of bracelets, priceless gems, not even a shadow.

"How could this be? Where else can she receive it besides here. Could it be that she keeps it close to her body?" Miao Xin'er thought to herself as she rolled her eyes.Suddenly thought of a possibility, her eyes lit up, she locked the cabinet back lightly, and Miao Xin'er turned off the flashlight.Carefully climbed onto the canopy bed again, returning the key to the original place first.Then I stretched out my hand, wanting to search under Liu Ying's pillow to see if something was hidden under the pillow.

(End of this chapter)

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