Chapter 456
"Master, we are all listening to you, and Yaya will work hard to practice, and then help the master to kill all these annoying parasites."

Sensing Liu Ying's worry, Yaya became serious and made a serious promise.Anyway, there is room, and as Liu Ying's cultivation continues to improve, the time ratio is gradually widening.One day in the space is 30 years. When Liu Ying's cultivation reaches the Yuanying stage, Yaya believes that the time ratio in the space will be adjusted again.With such favorable conditions, Yaya is confident that her cultivation will improve quickly, and she will be able to help Liu Ying by then.

Parasites?Ya Ya's words are really appropriate, but no, they rely on blood sucking to survive and gain strength.Vampires are essentially similar to parasites, but if they have the strength above the Duke.Then you can no longer rely on blood-sucking practice, and you can maintain your life by absorbing the aura of the world by yourself.Of course, it is also possible to drink some blood once in a while as a spice of life.

Mr. Luo knew about Liu Ying's actions to teach Deng Minzhi a lesson that day, but he didn't call to question him. Instead, he called to ask Liu Ying if he was scared.This made Liu Ying a little dumbfounded, but she still felt warm for Mr. Luo's concern.It was quiet for two days, before Deng Minzhi found someone to take revenge, on the contrary, he waited for Deng's family to find him.

"What's the matter?" Being blocked by a group of strangers at the door of her house, Liu Ying was stunned, seeing the hostility in the other's eyes.His face sank in an instant, and he said coldly like frost.

The beauty is bewitching, although I have seen Liu Ying's photo in the morning, but I really saw the real person.Deng Yuwei was still dizzy for a moment, and a flash of amazement disappeared in a flash.

It's so beautiful, like a fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world and breaks into the world by mistake.

Deng Yuwei has played with countless women, but he has never met a woman who is as beautiful as Liu Ying, who is fascinating at a glance.After being amazed, Deng Yuwei quickly woke up. Like his father, Deng Yuwei is a man with great power.Women are like clothes, as long as you have power and wealth in your hands, you can get everything.Therefore, he would never allow himself to lose his power because of a woman.Without the big tree of the Luo family, the Deng family is like a rooster that has shed its feathers, anyone can pinch it.

Deng Yuwei has a deep understanding these days, so, no matter what.He would never allow his aunt to divorce Luo Haizhi, and let the Deng family lose the big tree that sheltered the Luo family.Liu Ying was the hindrance to this matter, but Deng Yuwei didn't dare to let Liu Ying be done directly because of Mr. Luo's words.I had no choice but to turn to the next step, warn Liu Ying, and ask for some favors by the way, so that Liu Ying can help say something nice in front of Mr. Luo, and complete the divorce proceedings.

Deng Yuwei's face darkened after he glanced at the people behind him who were still in a daze.Facing Liu Ying's indifferent eyes, Deng Yuwei's face became even more ugly.With a cold snort, Deng Yuwei shouted angrily in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Xiao Sao, fox, don't play tricks here. You injured my aunt, and she is still lying in the intensive care unit of the hospital. You are embarrassed to pretend that you don't know. It's true that there is no one in our Deng family. But it's just a village. The little girl who ran out wanted to drive her mother-in-law out of the house before she entered the house. I really don’t know if the Luo family’s eyes were bewitched by ghosts, or if you, a vixen, used some magic tricks. I helped you, you vixen."

Vixen?Listening to Deng Yuwei's vixen, Liu Ying's drooping eyes flashed a look of cruelty quietly.It turned out that he was a member of the Deng family, and he was so thick-skinned that he had the nerve to come to the door and make a noise.Who is right and who is wrong in the incident, they must have investigated it early in the morning.However, knowing that it is an unreasonable party, but still dare to come here to make irresponsible remarks, it is not a good thing to see the Deng family.

Capturing the obscenity in the eyes of Deng Yuwei and these young men made Liu Ying feel an unknown fire in her heart.The bullying is too much, what about the village girl, should the village girl be bullied by these rich and powerful people?
Hmph, it's a good idea to bully the few by relying on the number of people, it's really kicked by the donkey.

Raising his hand with a slap, he rewarded Deng Yuwei with a resounding Wuzhishan.Seeing the astonished Deng Yuwei, Liu Ying sneered viciously and said: "My mouth is not clean, I don't smoke. If you have something to say, hurry up and fart, I'm very busy and I don't have time to spend time with you boring psychopaths. Tell me, what do you want, reveal your purpose, don't waste my time."

He watched Liu Ying's sudden attack without any warning, leaving a red slap mark on Deng Yuwei's face.Everyone's eyes bulged in fright, and they never thought that the temperamental beauty in front of them would be so hot-tempered, and they would go crazy when they said they were going crazy.The strength is still so great, thinking of the loud applause, everyone feels the same, and can't help but feel a pain in the flesh.

However, when they heard the words of Liu Yinglei's death, everyone behind Deng Yuwei was shocked again.There was a thunderbolt in the sky, the wind was messed up for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched.Gasps sounded one after another, never expecting Liu Ying to burst out with such classic words.

"Little bitch, you dare to hit me, do you know who I am? I am..."

Deng Yuwei, who was the person involved, was a little taken aback by Liu Ying's sudden slap on the head.It took a long time to come back to his senses, and he stared at Liu Ying in astonishment, his ferocious eyes seemed to be eating people.Deng Yuwei, who was furious, didn't care about his usual demeanor, and yelled profane words, but Liu Ying slapped him again after he finished speaking.

There was a slap, which made people's ears tingle, which shows how hard Liu Ying slapped.

"You were the one who hit you. I warned you. How dare the corners of your mouth be so unclean. It's a shame. If you don't want to say it, forget it. I don't have time to listen to you talking nonsense." Looking at Deng Yuwei's swollen old Gao's face , Liu Ying is very satisfied with her masterpiece.Like this kind of arrogant sand pig, if you don't give him any color, you really think that women are easy to bully.

After leaving a word, Liu Ying lazily took care of Deng Yuwei and others who were still confused about the situation, turned around and took out the key to enter the house.Noticing Liu Ying's intentions, everyone who was stunned immediately reacted.When he rushed up, he wanted to grab Liu Ying and not let her in.Liu Ying's sharp eyes saw the person rushing forward, the restraint of a person who quickly flashed sideways.

"Bitch, it's not that easy for you to run away after beating someone. You have to give our Deng family an explanation no matter what today, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you. Ah Wei, what are you still doing in a daze, are you not happy?" Catch her now, don't let anyone run away. If you dare to hit me, I will definitely not let you go." Covering Lao Gao's swollen face, Deng Yuwei was so angry that he almost went crazy.He glared at Liu Ying viciously and growled angrily.

"Oh." Deng Weiye, who was called by Deng Yuwei, was stunned for a while, and rushed forward with four or five people beside him, trying to help Deng Yuwei's bodyguards restrain Liu Ying.It's just that Liu Ying looked harmless, but when they actually went to round up, everyone discovered that Liu Ying was actually an extraordinary practitioner.Five or six of them arrested together, not to mention capturing Liu Ying, they didn't even touch the hem of each other's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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