Chapter 459 The Entire Army Was Destroyed (2)
She smelled the delicious smell of meat, this time Liu Ying not only did not arouse the slightest appetite, but almost fainted.Because this is the smell of her own meat, let me ask you, how many people would be interested in her own meat, and it's not a pervert.

Xue Wu helped her share part of the thunder tribulation, and her vitality was severely injured after being hacked.A single blow caused serious damage to the top-grade treasure. One can imagine how terrifying the power of this day's thunder calamity, that is, the golden calamity.This is nothing, what embarrasses Liu Ying the most is that Tianlei Jie actually split her five-color fairy clothes to nothing.

Mistake, she actually missed this point, the power of Thunder Tribulation cannot be resisted by mere high-grade treasures.Even the top-grade treasure, Blood Dance, was severely injured, but Liu Ying was very satisfied with this fairy clothes.Just being struck by the thunder, Liu Ying was in great pain.This is not just a problem with Lingshi, but a rare good thing that can't be found.Damn Tianlei is really despicable enough to let her go through the calamity naked.Although her whole body is scorched black now, she is not worth seeing at all.

He cursed a few viciously, quickly took out a bottle of Lichen Pill, and stuffed it into his mouth.Losing a top-grade treasure garment for no reason, the pain is the pain of the flesh, and the most important thing is to survive the thunder disaster right now.Gritting his teeth, he held back the waves of severe pain, and swallowed the urge to scream back into his stomach.As expected of a fifth-order top-grade panacea, the mild medicine that melts in the mouth immediately begins to work. The scorched meat and damaged meridians are quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

To Liu Ying's surprise, there was still a lot of lightning power left in her body, and the star ring between her fingers suddenly exerted force at this moment.Absorb all the remaining sky thunder in the body, leaving only a strand of metallic sky thunder in the dantian.In this way, Liu Ying's recovery speed was even accelerated.Invisibly, he helped Liu Ying again.

Will the star ring absorb the power of lightning?
Sensing this change, Liu Ying's face beamed with joy.So does it mean that Xingjie can also help in the next four thunder tribulations, sucking her away the thunder and lightning.If this is the case, then her chances of surviving the thunder disaster will be greatly increased by several tenths.Just as Liu Ying was pleasantly surprised, the second Heavenly Wind Tribulation struck again.The guess was correct, the Heavenly Wind Calamity is a wood, but its power is no less than that of the Heavenly Thunder Calamity, and it is even more than twice as powerful.

Feeling the crackling thunder and lightning flashes on her body, Liu Ying felt the top of her head was on fire.A good head of hair was burnt to the ground, this time even the eyebrows were not spared.They were all naked, but Liu Ying was afraid that the hair on her body would be burned off, so she bit her silver teeth and resisted the severe pain that was tearing her body.As the thunder struck, the meridians in the body were once again burst by the domineering lightning.What frightened Liu Ying even more was that in addition to the devastating damage to the meridians, even the golden core in the dantian was harassed by lightning.

The violent thunder and lightning squeezed into the dantian aggressively, wrapping the golden elixir tightly.Shocked by the crackling lightning, Xue Wu shrank back into his dantian to recuperate in fear, not daring to confront the sudden thunder and lightning.As for the other lightning powers that were scurrying around in his body, they were quickly absorbed by Xingjie.In a few minutes, it was sucked up. Similarly, the remaining Thunder and Lightning Star Ring in the dantian still consciously did not move it.One of the two lightning bolts is metallic and the other is wooden.The attributes of Xiangke, entangled together are like a few drops of cold water dripping from a frying pan, and the flowers explode in an instant.The skin that had recovered was cracked again, and blood continued to overflow from the cracked skin. In less than a few breaths, Liu Ying changed from a black charcoal to a blood man.

There was a slamming sound, and Liu Ying was so painful that she wished she could faint immediately.The meridians, which were already tattered, became even more chaotic under the battle between the two thunderbolts.Biting her lower lip tightly, not allowing herself to faint, Liu Ying quickly stuffed a handful of Liyun Pill and Huajie Pill into her stomach again.

After the cool panacea melted, he quickly helped Liu Ying recover her broken body.When the body was repaired in sevens and eighties, Liu Ying glanced at the body with spiritual consciousness, and was surprised to find that the meridians of the whole body in the dantian were not only intact, but a blessing in disguise.The meridian is not only multiplied by white width, but also more solidified.With a flash of inspiration, Liu Ying suddenly understood why Xingjie could absorb all the thunder and lightning, but deliberately left a little in her dantian.

It turned out that she wanted the remaining power of thunder and lightning to help her open up her meridians and refine her meridians and body.Make it more solid and more resilient, so that it can better meet other thunder disasters.In this way, not only was Liu Ying not dying of being struck by lightning, but like Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten to death, she became more and more energetic.Jieyun in the sky seemed to have discovered Liu Ying's wrongdoing, and thunder and lightning flashed, as if roaring at Liu Ying.

"If you have the ability, chop it down quickly, I'm not afraid of you."

All things have spirits, Liu Ying knew that Jieyun also had spiritual consciousness, and had the strength to resist.Liu Ying also became more courageous, and she was not afraid to be naked. Anyway, except for Xiao Jin, there were no strangers for hundreds of miles around.And Xiao Jin is her demon pet, and they are all her own, anyway, it doesn't matter if Xiao Jin has seen it a long time ago.In Liu Ying's heart, Xiao Jin is still the little snake who knows how to be cute and coquettish, regardless of gender.He held his head high and held his chest high, arrogantly pointing to the sky to challenge him.

As if hearing Liu Ying's arrogant yelling, Jie Yun's rumble was a little louder, as if roaring.Those streaks of lightning were even more ferocious and frightening, constantly flashing across the dark clouds.The ground trembled, and the countless birds and beasts in the distance were even more frightened.Not only that, but the entire Wuxing Continent felt that the sky was unusual.

The Jieyun brewed again for a while, and a rough ice calamity descended again.Different from the previous two lightning calamities, Liu Ying felt that the thunder struck her, and her whole body seemed to be pierced into the body by countless needles, causing a heart-rending pain.Unable to control it anymore, Liu Ying let go of her throat and let out a sharp scream.A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and he rolled on the ground without any image.

Thousands of ants devouring the heart, I am afraid there is no such pain, it is almost fatal.No, it was more enjoyable than killing her with a knife.This kind of excruciating pain made Liu Ying feel overwhelmed with pain, one wave after another, if Xingjie hadn't shown his power again and quickly sucked away the thin water system thunder and lightning from his body.I'm afraid Liu Ying really can't bear it, so she just kills herself.

Simply the water attribute does not conflict with the other two types of lightning, otherwise, Liu Ying might really vomit blood and die.Struggling, Liu Ying took out a few more bottles of pills with difficulty, no matter what kind of pills they were, and went to the doctor in a hurry.He poured all the bottles of pills into his mouth, then bit his lower lip firmly, sat cross-legged, and used his spiritual power to dissolve and absorb the medicine as quickly as possible.

God damn thief, she has five spiritual roots, and her cultivation is miserable enough to crawl like a turtle.She still couldn't see it, but actually used the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation to block her way.The more she is like this, the more unwilling she is, and she will survive this hellish five-element thunder tribulation even if she dies.

(End of this chapter)

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