Chapter 464 Surprise (1)
Sure enough, the big sect still can't believe it, there is no benefit, and they will never be an early bird easily.

With a serious expression on her face, Liu Ying stepped out of the space without saying a word.Checking the caller ID of the phone, seeing Zhou Mingjun's call, Liu Ying quickly dialed the call back button.With a beep, the other end of the phone was connected immediately, obviously it must have been waiting for Liu Ying to call for a long time.That's why they answered so quickly. Before Liu Ying could say anything, Zhou Mingjun on the other end of the phone had already spoken hastily.

"Hi, I'm Zhou Mingjun, may I be the Supreme Elder, my disciple has something urgent to report."

"I am, Zhou Mingjun, tell me, what happened again?" Hearing Zhou Mingjun's anxious voice on the other end of the phone, Liu Ying's heart sank again.Pursing her lips tightly, an ominous premonition hit her heart again.

"The Supreme Elder is really you. That's great. This disciple has something urgent to report. The disciple received the news that the superhuman research base in country M sent a large number of experts to sneak into China, intending to round up the Supreme Elder. Back to country M. In addition, the disciple also received wind that the research base of supernatural beings sent a telegram to the dragon group. It said that all the members of the dragon group would be wiped out, but it would only take a few days. , there are quite a few missing for no reason. Disciple guesses, I'm afraid they are all in a bad situation."

Speaking of this, Zhou Mingjun's tone was a little choked up, and he paused, with a look of grief and indignation on his face.At the same time, he was more annoyed, angry that he was not capable enough to avenge the dead team members, and hated his incompetence even more.Because they were afraid that another team member would be killed, they all hid back in the secret base of the Dragon Group aggrievedly, acting like a coward, not daring to show up easily.

"Elder Supreme, what do you think we should do now?"

"Zhou Mingjun, I hope you can understand that right now our strength is not as strong as the research base of supernatural beings in country M. We can have no fear of supernatural beings and mutants, but the vampire royal family behind them is what we have to guard against. As of now, I can only wait and see if there is any movement from other sects. After all, the invading enemies have all come to the door, and they must not be able to watch the fire from the other side as if nothing happened. You hide for a while, and I will see if they all Someone was sent to find it."

After listening to Zhou Mingjun's narration, Liu Ying's face changed slightly.He secretly wondered how much water the master Zhou Mingjun spoke of, and how strong he was.With her confrontation with Xiao Jin's strength, is there any chance of winning?

Having said that, first appease Zhou Mingjun, who has no masters.But, in fact, in Liu Ying's heart, she doesn't really believe that the major schools will make any big moves. Those old monsters are more willing to spare their lives than anyone else.The chances of letting them fight head-on with immeasurable vampires are very slim.After this incident, Liu Ying concluded a truth, relying on the help of others, it is better to expect to come faster by herself.

"Okay, I will follow the instructions of the Supreme Elder, hide first, and wait and see what happens." After Liu Ying's reminder, Zhou Mingjun, who had no master, regained a little bit of confidence.By the way, this is the territory of Huaxia Kingdom, not the territory of M Country.Since the supernatural beings and vampires from the West broke in, they would definitely anger the big bosses in the cultivation world, and it's not certain who will win.

Having settled down, Zhou Mingjun nodded in agreement, and with Liu Ying's guarantee, it was like taking a reassurance.

After hanging up the phone and raising Xiao Jin's worried gaze, Liu Ying shook her head. "Take one step at a time. I hope they only send some experts who are strong outsiders and capable in the middle. It won't be too difficult to deal with."

After taking leave for more than a week, and returning to school again, Liu Ying was surprised to find that the students around her looked at her strangely.Back in the dormitory, Liu Ying found out after asking Wang Lina and the others that she got in Mr. Luo's special car that day and other students saw her.And it was spread, which made Liu Ying even more astonished. That day she was photographed with Deng Minzhi in the supermarket and posted on the Internet.

Not only all the students of Shangjing University saw it, but also other ordinary people in Shangjing.For a while, Liu Ying's name became famous again, but she had been concentrating on training and didn't realize it.

"Tell me, Liu Ying, what is your relationship with the Luo family? If you confess, you will be lenient, but if you resist, you will be strict." Wang Lina stared at Liu Ying with a small smile, blinked her eyes, and asked excitedly.

"That's right, tell me, why does Deng Minzhi, who looks like a psychopath on the Internet, bother you? Also, she said that you are not allowed to enter the Luo family. Are you dating Luo Cheng, the only son of the Luo family, the legendary paralyzed face. "When Feng Shuyuan mentioned Luo Cheng, her eyes suddenly flashed with a creepy splendor.Leaning close to Liu Ying, he couldn't wait to ask.

As long as the young people in Beijing are familiar with Luo Cheng's prestige, apart from his prominent family background, it is more about his military exploits.There is also the fact that he never smiles with girls, and even disdains to talk, all of which attract attention.

"Do you know Brother Luo?" Catching the strange look in Wang Lina's and Feng Shuyuan's eyes, Liu Ying took a step back, avoiding their scorching and hair-raising gaze.Raising her eyebrows, Liu Ying asked instead of answering.

"Go, please, what kind of family background do Lina and I have? You can't even be counted as a third-rate family in Shangjing. How can you be qualified to know a red family that ranks among the top three. However, although it is not considered to be acquaintances, the name of Mr. Luo is right. For those of us little people, it is like a thunderbolt. I have heard it in my ears since I was a child, and it is difficult to know his deeds. Although he is easy to talk and even a little scary, his family background still attracts countless young ladies. willing."

When Feng Shuyuan heard Liu Ying's rhetorical question, she rolled her eyes and chattered endlessly to explain the reason.

"Okay, don't talk about this, let's get back to the point, don't try to take the opportunity to change the subject. Tell me quickly, are you dating Luo Dashen?" Interrupting Feng Shuyuan's adoring chatter, Wang Lina stared at Liu Ying, her eyes Ambiguously brought back the topic that Liu Ying had avoided.He smiled wickedly at Liu Ying, as if he would never give up until he achieved his goal.

"By the way, Liu Ying, you are really treacherous. You actually used the trick of changing the subject to divert our attention, and you almost passed by suddenly." After being reminded by Wang Lina, Feng Shuyuan glared at Liu Ying in a sudden realization.

It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.Anyway, they all knew that she had a boyfriend, and Liu Ying didn't bother to hide these little things that were almost widely known.Nodding her head, she generously admitted her relationship with Luo Cheng. "Yes, my boyfriend is him. Why, do you have any opinions or suggestions?"

A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, ignoring the evil eyes of the two, Liu Ying asked with a playful smile.

It really is!
After receiving Liu Ying's affirmative answer, Wang Lina and Wang Lina looked at each other with a flash of understanding on their faces.Women are always unavoidable to gossip, even for a young lady who is enough for ordinary people to look up to.Unanimously, they approached Liu Ying, and asked excitedly: "Liu Ying, I really, my wife adore you. Quickly tell me, how did you get along with Luo Dashen, the legendary God who doesn't even bother to look at girls. It's you Chasing him, or is he chasing you?"

(End of this chapter)

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