Chapter 467 Surprise (4)
"That's right, it's me. What do you want after arresting my family?" Seeing Xiao Jin and Ya Ya leave, Liu Ying's tensed heart finally relaxed.He lowered his face and concentrated on dealing with the person on the other end of the phone.Wanting to use her family to threaten her and make her obedient, this lunatic from Country M is indeed very calculating.

But, is she such an easy-to-fool person?After Xiaojin rescues everyone and settles down the family, she will definitely return to the carbine.Go to country M in person, kill all these damn bastards, and let them know that Chinese cultivators are not soft persimmons, who can be manipulated by these monsters at will.The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and a cold smirk flashed across his face.

"I don't want to do anything. In order to capture Ms. Liu, we lost a lot of elite talents. Even the experimental product that I just researched has been damaged a lot on you. So, as a compensation, Ms. Liu will pay a price. It should be. Of course, our request is not too much. We just want to study how Eastern monks are different from ordinary people. In addition, if Miss Liu tells the so-called exercises of Eastern monks, we will not be embarrassed Your family, we will return Miss Liu's freedom afterwards."

The voice was mixed with a deep smile, it seemed that this was really a reasonable sale and purchase, not a forced one.Liu Ying couldn't stop laughing at the pretentiously generous tone of alms.

It is really a great gift, and she will be set free afterwards.Of course they are free, they have all been studied by them, they have no life, even the soul has flown out of the body, how can they not be free.With a sneer, Liu Ying was not afraid of the threats in the other party's tone, and retorted disdainfully: "Enough, don't pretend to be a good person in front of me, I know better than anyone how your research base treats mice. You use them as experiments Even if you really find out with conscience and let me go, I’m afraid I’ll be useless if I come out. I’m warning you, it’s best to let me go immediately, otherwise I won’t let you go.”

"Miss Liu, it seems that you still haven't figured out the situation, and you dare to threaten us in turn. If you dare to be disobedient, then no wonder we treat your family well. After all, your two brothers are not wrong, they are actually a Ancient warriors. If they are used as real dangerous goods, I believe they can research something useful."

Liu Ying's refusal not only did not anger the other party, but instead provoked an evil laugh.He snorted coldly, with a strong sense of threat in his tone.It seemed that she didn't take Liu Ying's refusal to heart at all. Right here, there was a sound of explosion in her ears.Jill, who was on the phone, suddenly had a sudden feeling, and a bad premonition welled up in her heart.He poked his head out in a hurry, and looked at the helicopter following through the window. Jill's face turned dark when he saw the situation outside.

The damn Eastern cultivator is really cunning enough to distract them with tricks.Another person was sent to intercept him on the way, and he hung up the phone decisively.With a low curse, Jill quickly opened the door and flew out.However, Jill's speed was still a step behind. With the division of labor between Xiaojin and Yaya, saving people is just a matter of effort.A few marquises in the area are not even a piece of cake for them.

The vampire who hijacked Liu Dasheng and others could be captured with just a few gestures, and the spiritual sense sensed Jill's pursuit.Xiao Jin winked and asked Ya Ya to protect everyone, he came to meet the Duke who sucked blood.

Those who dare to do something to the owner's family and cause the owner to worry about self-blame, these people deserve to die.Isn't the recovery ability of vampires amazing? That's just right, he wants to try how amazing the recovery speed of these vampires is, and whether they will also feel pain.Don't rush to kill the Vampire Duke directly, under the shocked eyes of Grandma Li and others.Xiao Jin dashed forward and rushed forward, without using anything, he directly swung his fist at Jill.

With full strength during the concentration period, let alone a duke vampire, even a lord-level vampire is enough to drink a pot.After all, Xiao Jin is not a human cultivator, but a golden dragon, whose strength is even more terrifying than ordinary people can imagine.With just one punch, a bloody big hole was punched in Jill's chest, which was rushing forward. What's even more creepy is that Xiao Jin's fist passed through Jill's body.Withdrawing their hands, seeing Jill's empty body, everyone shivered in fright and almost vomited.

It was too scary and bloody, even the scene in the movie was not as scary as seeing it in person.

Jill was shocked when he sensed the terrifying aura coming from Xiaojin's body, and he wanted to retreat on the spot.It's just that it was still a step late, and Xiao Jin, who was rushed up, caught him right.A duke-level vampire is astonishing both in terms of strength and physical strength.However, he discovered something, this ruthless man actually punched a bloody hole in his chest with just one punch.

A sharp scream pierced the sky, causing everyone's ears to sting.

This heart-piercing pain made Jill almost forget to flap her wings, and fell from the sky in embarrassment.Gritting a mouthful of silver teeth, Jill desperately stabilized herself.No matter how amazing the recovery ability of the vampire is, falling from such a height in the sky will still be painful.His eyes flickered, looking at Xiao Jin whose face was full of murderous looks, Jill shivered again in fright.His face was pale and white, and he retreated again and again, not daring to resist it.

With just one move, Jill knows that he is definitely not an opponent. Even though the vampire has an immortal body, he still has many weaknesses.Regardless of the fact that the wound has not fully recovered, Jill turned around and wanted to escape.

"It's not that easy to escape." Sensing Jill's intention, Xiao Jin sneered disdainfully.A dodge appeared in front of Jill out of nowhere, and before Jill could react, Xiaojin raised his iron fist again and was hit again.The bloody scene reappeared, accompanied by Jill's sharp screams.The blood mist continuously sprinkled in the air, which was shocking.

Different from Grandma Li's panic, when Yaya saw Jill's miserable state, she added fuel to the fire and shouted excitedly: "Brother Xiaojin did a good job, beat this damned ugly monster to death. If you dare to get the master's idea, you must not take it lightly." Let him go."


Hearing Yaya's strange name, Liu Dasheng, who was still in fear, and other members of the Liu family all cast a strange look at Yaya.Who is this beautiful woman, where did she come from, how did she appear with Xiao Jin, and suddenly ran to save them halfway.Who is the master she was talking about? Questions popped up in everyone's mind.

In addition, what is the origin of these people who ran to the house to arrest them, and why did these people arrest them?It was scary enough to see Xiao Jin spill blood all over the sky by this foreigner with black wings and blond eyes.However, when everyone saw that Jill's wound was continuously repairing and healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, everyone's shocked eyes almost fell to the ground again.

(End of this chapter)

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