Chapter 469 Solving hidden dangers (1)
Seeing the seriousness on Liu Ying's face, Grandma Li returned Liu Dasheng and others knew the seriousness of the matter.Especially knowing that these vampires arrested them only to threaten Liu Ying, everyone felt even more uncomfortable.He thought it was their incompetence that dragged Liu Ying down and caused Liu Ying to run back and forth.Not daring to delay, Grandma Li and others immediately nodded in agreement.Anyway, I have been to Mingyang School once, and I know that the environment there is very good. During the time when I came back, everyone was thinking about it.

If it weren't for the consideration that Liu Tao's two brothers are both studying, everyone would have wanted to move back to the Mingyang School for a long time.After all, in addition to the good environment, there are usually people waiting for you.Don't think about anything, just enjoy life.Eat well, drink well, everything is perfect and comfortable to the extreme.Who doesn't like this kind of fairy life, it's better than staying in this mundane world and worrying about daily necessities.

"Okay, as long as I can help grandma Yingying, I have no objection. Besides, grandma has been thinking about going back to Xianle Peak for a long time, wishing to go back and live the life of a fairy. I have never been to such a good place before. In the villa It’s still comfortable to live in. However, after enjoying a better life, when I return home, I don’t even feel comfortable breathing.”

Grandma Li was the first to agree with a smile on her face, and patted Liu Ying's hand, signaling Liu Ying not to blame herself too much.Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. This is just the fault of others. There is no need to keep taking it on yourself.

If a family does not speak the same dialect, there is nothing to be implicated or not implicated.

"That's right, Yingying, since the matter is urgent, mother will go to clean up immediately. Your father will call to help Taozai and your brother take a good leave. You go to your hometown and bring your grandpa back to your grandma. We will leave in a while. Taozi, you guys also go and pack your things." Li Meijuan said that the wind is like rain, as if she couldn't help but feel anxious.He went upstairs in a panic and started to pack his things, which made everyone stare blankly.

"Yingying, you go and bring grandpa and grandma, and your mother and I will finish the follow-up matters." Liu Dasheng has no objection to living in the Mingyang faction for a period of time, and even looks a little bit like Grandma Li. expect.

"That's right, sister, my eldest brother and I will pack up immediately, and my sister will hurry and bring grandma here." Not to be outdone, Liu Tao nodded with a smile on his face, and went upstairs with Liu Hai.I hurried to pack my clothes and some useful things.Thinking that he could return to Mingyang School soon and live a completely different life from here, Liu Tao couldn't help being happy in his heart.

Thinking of the spiritual orchard in the backyard of Xianle Peak, Liu Tao couldn't help but swallow hard.

"The master blames himself for his own use. They are all master's family members, so they don't care about such a small matter." Xiao Jin nodded approvingly when he saw the crowd scattered around to go about their business.Seeing Liu Ying with a slightly curved mouth and a moved face, Xiao Jin's heart was loosened.

Family is the bottom line in Liu Ying's heart, and it is also the most lingering concern in her heart.Efforts to improve strength, in addition to want to make yourself stronger.What's more, she hopes to be able to protect them, but now, because of her, they are hurting them, so Liu Ying naturally feels more uncomfortable than anyone else.Fortunately, everyone was rescued in a hurry, otherwise, Xiao Jin couldn't imagine what kind of means Liu Ying would use to take revenge on those who hurt them.

However, anyway, since things have happened.Even if everyone is fine, Xiaojin can guarantee that everyone will be settled next time, Liu Ying will never let those people in the research base go.

If someone hurts me once, I will repay the enemy ten times.

This damn research base, after returning those bloody vampires, is just waiting to be destroyed.Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and it is not too late for a woman to take revenge in a lifetime.Even if the current strength may not be enough, as long as enough time is given, one day the leader will look good.After all, no matter how strong a vampire is, it is nothing more than a blood emperor.But the cultivators are different. If they have passed the catastrophe and ascended after the stage of transforming gods, as long as they are strong enough, it is definitely more than enough to take down a mere blood prince.

No matter how bad it is, isn't there still him and Ya Ya?The dark golden pupils narrowed, and a ruthless light flashed away.

"Thank you, I know. Xiaojin, Yaya, help me take care of my house. I'll come whenever I go." Liu Ying smiled relievedly and nodded. After receiving Xiaojin's consent, Liu Ying disappeared from the spot.Even if it's not for grandpa, Liu Ying has to think about grandma, no matter how grandpa makes trouble.Liu Ying didn't pay attention either, and took people captive anyway.

The small county town is not far from Liujia Village, so Liu Ying returned home in a few moments.Seeing Grandpa who was busy cooking, Liu Ying showed surprise on his face.When did the grandpa who always ignored and didn't know how to cook actually know how to cook?And she did it so proficiently, with a sweep of her consciousness, Liu Ying was shocked again when she saw her grandma sitting in the living room watching TV and waiting for her meal.The corner of his mouth twitched, secretly startled, when did the status of the two old people in the family reverse.

How did grandma manage to make grandpa cook willingly and stop talking nonsense about a gentleman staying away from the kitchen.

Quietly walking to the living room, Liu Ying winked at Grandma Liu, signaling that Grandma should not be surprised.Frowning thoughtfully, Liu Ying asked curiously, "Grandma, why is grandpa cooking?"

Asked by Liu Ying, Grandma Liu blushed with embarrassment, and smiled embarrassedly: "It's nothing, who asked him to drive you away, grandma is in a hurry, so she won't cook for your grandpa. Plus grandma Not at home from time to time, as time goes by, your grandpa will be able to cook. These days, your grandpa has changed a lot, and his temper is not as aggressive as before. Grandma thinks, since you left, the house is empty, Not popular at all. Coupled with the occasional pointing and weird eyes from the villagers, your grandfather must have regretted it. He shouldn’t have spoken so aggressively and drove you away.”

Grandpa regrets it?
Hearing grandma's explanation, a look of surprise flashed across Liu Ying's face.It never occurred to me that my grandfather, whose neck is like iron, would bow his head one day.Thinking of seeing grandpa busy in the kitchen just now, Liu Ying's eyes flickered when he looked calm and indifferent to the world.I already believed in what Grandma Liu said.

The blood is close relatives, and the broken bone is still connected with a tendon.Knowing that Mr. Liu has really changed for the better, and that he has repented of the past and realized everything, Liu Ying felt more or less relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.It's not just her, Liu Ying has always known in her heart that her father always misses her grandpa at home.After all, they are biological father and son, so there is no overnight feud.Besides, grandma would tell everyone about grandpa's recent situation in everyone's ears from time to time, knowing that grandpa was not happy living alone in his hometown.The hatred for grandpa gradually faded a lot as time went by.

Especially the eldest brother, who misses grandpa even more.

After all, from childhood to adulthood, the elder brother was the one whom grandpa loved the most.The eldest brother is not a fool, how could he not remember his grandfather.It's just that what Grandpa did that day was really too much.It was only then that the eldest brother made up his mind to stand by their side and leave the father who loved him the most with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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