Chapter 477 Escape from birth (3)
Fortunately, Liu Ying spoke in time, and Xiao Jin flashed into the space immediately.The difference was less than half a second, and Mori arrived at the place where Xiao Jin disappeared.Liu Ying was almost non-stop, and immediately closed the space, for fear that Morrie, who was being chased, would find any clues.Although vampires don't have the so-called divine sense, but also, vampires have an extremely keen sense of smell.

Otherwise, Morrie wouldn't be able to catch up accurately just by relying on his breath.

Even though the space has been completely isolated from the outside world, Liu Ying's heart couldn't help beating wildly when she thought of that thrilling moment.It's too thrilling, it's really a blood-sucking patriarch at the prince level, and it's only less than half a second away. This speed is really incomparably frightening.Liu Ying couldn't imagine what would happen if they hit him head-on.They ruined his painstaking efforts. I am afraid that if he does not die, his skin will peel off, and even life will be worse than death.

"Damn it, where did he go?" Seeing Xiao Jin disappear right under his nose, Mo Li's lungs were about to explode.Unwilling to give up, Morrie thought to himself that the man must have not escaped, but was just hiding in the dark.The methods of the Eastern monks are all kinds of strange, and Mori has fought against each other a long time ago, and he also believes it.With all the coercion in his body, Mori used the wind blades as dense as a rainstorm, trying to find out the person hiding in the dark.

It's just that Morrie was disappointed, and he used all kinds of tricks to dig three feet into the ground.All kinds of methods have been resorted to in heaven and earth.The surroundings were still quiet, and there was no reaction at all.Obviously, Mori's thinking was wrong, there were no Tibetans around here, just that damned Xiao Jin.He really escaped right under his nose, and he escaped without a trace.

He blasted down a large area of ​​forest with a palm like venting, and Mori almost vomited blood in anger.Not long after the order was issued, if Liu Ying is to be hunted down.Morrie never expected that the backyard would catch fire so soon, and Liu Ying led someone to kill him and fight back with his carbine.The evil handsome face was covered with ferocious blue veins, which made people feel shocking and terrified.And the long white fangs are even more shocking.The breath of two people is missing here, fearing that this is just a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, Mo Li hurried back the same way.

Cultivator Dongfang is really treacherous, he dared to shake him so boldly.

After a long time, there was still no abnormality detected, so Xiao Jin couldn't help asking: "Master, what should we do now? If we destroy the research base, they will definitely not let us go."

"Master?" Ya Ya's face changed slightly, apparently also frightened by Mori's terrifying aura.Already hiding in the space, the coercion that can be felt is almost negligible, but Ya Ya still has a feeling of being out of breath.It was too shocking, and there was no thought of resistance at all. This is the coercion on the level, as long as it is a beast, it cannot escape the natural pressure of this blood.

After silently reciting the meditation formula several times, the violently beating heart was silenced.Hearing Xiao Jin and Ya Ya's anxious words, Liu Ying smiled slightly and comforted her: "Xiao Jin, Ya Ya, don't be intimidated by this old monster all at once. No matter how angry and angry you are, the majestic Blood King You can't lose your sense of proportion in front of the younger generations. Stare at us personally, let alone chase all the way to Huaxia. From what I can see, at most they will send more blood clans to hunt us down. It can be delayed for a while, if It really drove him into a panic, and he came to the door himself, and in the worst case, we will flee back to the realm of comprehension and hide ourselves."

I made the worst plan in my heart early in the morning, so I didn't worry too much when things came.With no future worries, Liu Ying doesn't care about anything else.Anyway, everyone is in the realm of comprehension, even if they live in the realm of comprehension for a long time, it doesn't matter.One day when his cultivation base has improved enough to be able to fight this old monster recklessly, it will not be too late to sneak out to have a showdown.

Sensing the arrogance in Liu Ying's words, Xiao Jin came back confidently, no longer panicked and lost.Thinking of his stunned look just now, Xiao Jin couldn't help but a flash of embarrassment flashed across his face.

The master was only in the Nascent Soul stage, but he was able to calmly deal with the blood king of the blood clan, and he recovered immediately.And he, as a fifth-order golden flood dragon, the future dragon, was so scared by the other party that he was at a loss what to do.Fortunately, Ya Ya didn't mean to make fun of it, otherwise, Xiao Jin really wanted to find a piece of tofu and kill him head-on.There is space, what is he afraid of, but a mere blood king.Given enough time, Xiao Jin believes that he will be able to fight back and get back the lost face in a short time.

"The master is right. The blood king in the cultivation world must not dare to force his way in. And even if he dares to force his way in, it is absolutely impossible to break in. The blood race is a member of evil cultivators. Once discovered, it will definitely become the pursuit of all cultivators. The target to kill." After clearing his mind, Xiao Jin nodded in agreement.

"Just figure it out. Right now is not the best time to go out. It's better to take it slow and go back to Huaxia to find out the news after the limelight passes. As long as the old monster doesn't do it himself, we can still continue to finish our studies with a big swagger. "

Catching the clarity in Xiao Jin's eyes, Liu Ying smiled with satisfaction.Glancing at Yaya with sharp eyes, Liu Ying nodded approvingly when she saw that Yaya's face had also returned to normal.The topic inadvertently mentioned about going to school, the university has already been admitted, and Liu Ying's thoughts are mostly completed.Maybe she should consider skipping a grade to complete her studies, anyway, she has already learned a lot of what she should learn.University-style teaching, to be honest, Liu Ying feels that there is really nothing to learn.

Rather than forcing myself to stay in school and waste time, it is better to concentrate on training and encounter strong enemies in the future.You don't have to be as passive as you are now. Those who are being chased can only shrink back and hide in a hurry.If she is strong enough, she can kill at this moment, and kill the blood king who is chasing up in one fell swoop, so as to avoid future troubles.

Reborn, the trajectory of life has changed drastically.Don't be so stubborn that you must get a college degree in order to find a good job and support yourself and your family.She doesn't lack money and work. The only thing she lacks right now is her lack of strength.It is impossible to sweep everything, stand at the highest apex, and protect the people, things, and things you want to protect.

"Master, we are all listening to you. Whatever the master says is good." Yaya looked at Liu Ying and Xiao Jin's confident expressions, and the smile returned to her face again.

"Well, by the way, there is plenty of time anyway, why don't we first explore the space and see those giant dragons, and how about elves?" Liu Ying was interested in seeing the beautiful creature early in the morning. I just haven't had the time to take a look at it.It's just right now, since I can't go out anyway, it's the right time to explore the space.

The space has doubled, and many strange creatures have appeared.Maybe there will be unexpected surprises. Thinking of the mermaid tears presented by the Mermaid Queen, Liu Ying couldn't help but have bright eyes.After all, they are all rented on her territory, so it is appropriate to pay some accommodation fees, not too much.With a wicked smile, Liu Yingle's mouth almost turned up behind her ears.

"Master, I want to go too?" Xiaolu, who had been quietly listening to everyone talking, shook the tree excitedly when she heard that she was going to explore the space.However, as soon as these words came out, thinking of the tree roots that were deeply rooted in the ground, Xiaolu died immediately without Liu Ying saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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