Chapter 479 Escape from birth (5)
But, my God, what did she hear? Could it be that she has a problem with her ears and heard it wrong.Just by drinking a small amount of water of life, she can jump several levels in an instant, which is too heaven-defying.Quickly regaining her senses, Liu Ying stared at the tree spirit of life resting on the palm of her hand with wolf eyes, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "Tree of life, is what you said true? I can drink a little too, and Drinking it can also improve your cultivation quickly."

And Xiaojin returned Yaya, and when he heard the bragging of the tree of life, his head swelled in shock, and he couldn't believe the news he heard.What kind of fetish is this water of life? It can actually make the sacred tree grow rapidly, and it can also make the monks in the Nascent Soul stage quickly advance.Their eyes lit up, and Xiao Jin and Ya Ya couldn't help casting a scorching gaze at the Tree of Life.

Liu Ying and Xiaolu are fine after drinking, does that mean they can also drink a little water of life and have a quick sex.

The perception of the tree of life is keen, and it has the inherent advantage of being able to hear what everyone is saying.Sensing Xiaojin and Yaya's thoughts, Tree of Life shook his head apologetically.

"The master can drink it, because the master is the master of the star ring, no matter how strong the power contained in the water of life is. If the master drinks too much and can't stand it, the star ring will help the master to absorb it, so that there is no danger. You are just Monster beasts of the fourth and fifth ranks simply cannot withstand the power contained in the water vapor of life. Not to mention a little, even a drop may make you unable to withstand the explosion and die. Unless you suddenly reach the realm of Xuanxian, you will Maybe start drinking the water of life to improve your cultivation."

Xuanxian?Everyone was taken aback when they heard this unfamiliar word.As soon as he thought about it, he immediately understood that the mysterious realm mentioned by the tree of life must be the realm after ascension.Only Xiaojin and Yaya can drink the water of life after becoming a Xuanxian, not only Xiaojin and Yaya, but even Liu Ying gasped in shock.While shocked, there was also some joy in my heart.

This is the advantage of space. Although there are so many uninvited guests suddenly, it is definitely worth the price to get this benefit.You can jump several levels at once, Liu Ying's heart beats faster when she thinks about it, and her eyes shine brightly.Such a heaven-defying baby, even Xiao Jin can't drink half a drop, and she, just because she is the master of the space.You may drink a little, the difference is not a star and a half.If such a precious thing can be drunk frequently, does it mean that her cultivation base can also increase rapidly? Her eyes flashed, and Liu Ying wondered happily in her heart.

"Master, this won't work, unless it's a tree spirit. For monks of other races, drinking it for the first time will have the effect, and drinking it after that will not improve their cultivation, only the effect of healing the wound and bringing the dead back to life. However, resurrection can only be used once, and it will be useless if you use it too much."

Stared at by Liu Ying's scorching eyes, Tree of Life explained with a guilty conscience.The more something against the sky, the more restrictions there are, otherwise, if everyone practices by drinking the water of life, I don't have to worry about it.There will be more people practicing to become immortals, and the fairy world is full early in the morning.Being able to have a chance to let the cultivation base reach the top is already considered a heaven-defying fate, and the probability of breakthrough and ascension has also been greatly increased by several percent, which is luck that many people can't even ask for.

Only drinking it for the first time will be effective, and the tree of life has broken his mind, and Liu Ying's face flashes a look of boredom.But it disappeared quickly, took a deep breath, and calmed down the violently beating heart.Liu Ying constantly comforted herself, to have a chance is considered a great luck against the heavens, and she should not be too greedy.She has so many advantages, even if she has five spiritual roots, she will be able to practice Zhengguo one day.Besides, in addition to being able to cultivate as a master, there is an additional chance to bring the dead back to life.

It's like having one more way than others. She is still greedy for such a unique good thing.

"I understand, thank you Tree of Life, once a chance is already a good thing that others can't even ask for, I shouldn't be greedy for other things. Well, Tree of Life, I'm itching to be told by you, I can do it now To drink the water of life?"

It is a good thing to be able to jump a few steps in a blink of an eye. It should be better to drink with a higher cultivation base, and it can save more time.But now time is urgent, Liu Ying must step up her training and quickly improve her cultivation.When I meet the old monster of the blood race again, I have a chance to fight, instead of always hiding in XZ like now, trapped but powerless to fight back.Of course, even if he jumped several steps in an instant, it was still difficult to deal with the blood king, but it was a little bit of progress.At least, it's good to have absolute self-protection and counterattack when facing other vampires.

"Of course, Master, please follow me."

The Tree of Life fluttered its small and transparent wings, looked at Liu Ying with a smile, and signaled Liu Ying to follow.Then he flew down through the clouds, and under the shocked eyes of all the elves, he took Liu Ying all the way to the tree.With a thought, the huge tree root suddenly moved out of a hole that was one person tall.Liu Ying and Xiao Jin looked at each other, then flew to follow.During the continuous descent, seeing the beautiful elves with pointed ears, they looked in amazement, and Liu Ying also cast admiring and inquiring eyes.

The elves are worthy of being the darlings of the heaven and the earth. They are beautiful and long-lived. At the same time, from the moment they are born, they have the natural power endowed by nature.It can communicate with all plants, and at the same time use plants as blades to attack incoming enemies.The power of nature must not be underestimated. Even the giant dragons who are high above do not dare to underestimate the attacks of the elves.

The moment the tree hole appeared, a terrifyingly majestic force surged out, causing everyone to tremble.The spiritual power in the body can't help but run wildly automatically, but after a few breaths of effort, everyone feels that their cultivation base has improved by half a step.Before drinking a sip of the water of life, just standing outside and taking a sip has such a terrifying effect.The three of Liu Ying, master and servant, were stunned for a while in shock, and they had a new understanding of the heaven-defying nature of the water of life in their hearts.

With such a terrifying power, it is no wonder that such a magical tree of heaven and earth as the tree of life can be bred.

What is such a terrifying water of life? I thought of the fairy power that the tree of life just said.Liu Ying had a flash of inspiration, could it be that the power contained in the water of life is actually immortal power.That's why Xiaolu can quickly grow and advance, and it can also make her jump several steps in an instant, her eyes are bright, and Liu Ying finds out that the probability of this possibility is very high.

Otherwise, Liu Ying really couldn't think of anything in this world that could have such a heaven-defying existence.The star ring is truly a divine tool, with surprises everywhere, surprising and frightening at the same time.Such a terrifying treasure against heaven made Liu Ying even more determined not to let outsiders know about Xingjie.Otherwise, a catastrophe will be out of control, let alone a greedy cultivator, or a high existence in the world of immortals and gods.Knowing about Xingjie, I'm afraid I can't help but come to snatch it.

A flash of light flashed indistinctly in the bottom of the drooping eyes, and Liu Ying's desire to win was aroused again.Treasures are those who can live there, although she used to disdain this robber-like concept.However, Liu Ying knew that this was the most straightforward truth in the realm of comprehension. Only by being stronger than the opponent can one win in a narrow way.You must practice hard, and you must not relax in the slightest.Only by standing at the highest peak can she protect everything she cares about and cherishes without fear of all dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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