Chapter 482
The true original state of the Star Ring is the Star Field, as long as Liu Ying can achieve the true fruit of cultivation, he will ascend to God.Then you can truly control the star field, become the master, and become the real creation god.A wave of a thought can destroy a planet, and at the same time create new planets at will.The righteous god became the same existence as the beginning god.The audience worships and worships the gods, and becomes a god on high.

"Xiao Ling, the spirit of all things, will you be called Xiao Ling from now on?" Seeing the thick aura involuntarily emanating from the Tree of Life, Liu Ying had an idea and blurted out subconsciously.

Xiao Ling?The spirit of all things?The tree of life recited silently several times in his heart, and nodded in satisfaction. "I like it, Xiao Ling likes the name given by the master, from now on I will be called Xiao Ling."

"Just like it, Xiaoling, can you take us to see those beautiful elves?"

Thinking of the purpose of this trip, Liu Ying said with a smile.It was just a glimpse just now, and we didn't really get along with each other, but even so.Seeing these beautiful and natural spirits, full of peace and friendliness, Liu Ying fell in love with them immediately, and couldn't help but want to get close to them.

On the surface, in fact, elves do not look much like humans.In addition to a pair of pointed ears, there is also a beautiful body that is too exaggerated, and a face that does not suck the fireworks of the world, which is somewhat different from ordinary humans.The rest of daily life, eating, drinking and lazing, are essentially the same.With full ears, running out of real life, no one will recognize them as elves.At most, they mistook them for big stars or models.

"Of course, the master is the master of the star ring, and the entire space belongs to the master. As long as the master thinks, there is nothing wrong with it." Hearing Liu Ying's gentle request, there was hope in her eyes.Xiao Ling agreed with a quick nod, and flew back to Liu Ying's palm, squinting and smiling as he agreed.

"Master, let's go too." Afraid that Liu Ying would abandon them and follow this little guy, Xiao Jin and Ya Ya hurriedly chased after them.Xiaojin and Yaya didn't dare to underestimate Xiaoling, even though the spirit body is small and exquisite, but the actual cultivation level can't be sensed at all.Even Xiao Jin is now in the late stage of Concentration, and still can't see through Xiao Ling's cultivation.

If you think about it, if you drink water from a fetish such as the Water of Life every day, it will be a ghost if Xiaoling's cultivation level is low.

When everyone came out of the tree hole, the hole that was opened earlier was closed immediately, and the thick fairy energy disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.He only thought about the water of life, but ignored the situation in front of him, went out of the tree hole, and saw Xiaoling's huge tree body.Liu Ying and Xiao Jin were shocked again, it was too terrifying, let alone a hundred people, even a thousand people would not be able to surround them all.

The sharp-eyed saw all the beautiful elves who descended the tree together and knelt respectfully on the ground.Liu Ying was taken aback for a moment, but when she heard the elf queen lead her head to bow down to her, she yelled, "The elf queen, Lige, has seen the master, and the Lord Shenshu."

The group of elves behind them, after hearing what the elf queen had said, also repeated what the elf queen had just said with one voice.Liu Ying was startled at first, she didn't expect these elves to make such a sudden move, she was a little stunned.Subconsciously glanced at the elf queen's cultivation, and found that what these elves practiced was not the art of cultivating immortals, but a special kind of magic.A flash of clarity flashed in her eyes, as she had imagined, this new world was a magical world.

The elf queen knelt with all the elves for a long time, but the little elves didn't reply and asked everyone to get up.Glancing at Xiao Ling, she realized that Xiao Jin was just looking at her. Liu Ying rolled her eyes and immediately understood that Xiao Ling wanted her to speak.Speechlessly twitching the corners of her mouth, Liu Ying casually waved her hand and shot out a wave of spiritual energy, supporting everyone who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile.

"No gift, get up."

"Thank you, master." Sensing this strange power, the elf queen looked at Liu Ying in surprise like all the elves.Thinking secretly in my heart, what kind of power is this.There is no trace of magic, and it doesn't look like a knight's inner strength, although I don't know the specific origin of Liu Ying.But since Lord Shenshu made a divine metaphor, telling everyone that the young girl in front of you is the master of the elves, then she is the master of the elves.

Feeling the natural aura exuding from Liu Ying, the elves treated Liu Ying even more respectfully.

"Can you invite me to sit in the elf house?" Liu Ying couldn't help but asked when she saw the beautiful tree house built on the tree of life with her spiritual sense.

"Of course, Master, please follow me." The elf queen nodded respectfully, and led Liu Ying to the tree without hesitation.The tree trunk is very large and wide, and there is no difference between walking on it and walking on the ground.Liu Ying glanced at the little spirit, wondering if it purposely made its body like this to facilitate the movement of these spirits.

Where there are no tree poles, the elves skillfully made simple and strong ladders with thick tree vines, which makes people feel that stepping on them is no different from walking on stairs.After more than ten minutes, led by the Elf Queen, they arrived at one of the huge rooms in the middle of the tree.There was obviously no light in the tree house, but Liu Ying found that the tree house was as bright as day.With a sweep of consciousness, Liu Ying nodded when she sensed a strange energy fluctuation in the tree house.

This should be the reason for the magic. This tree house is enchanted, so it still has this magical effect.The outside of the tree house is surrounded by various flowers. Liu Ying thinks that these flowers may also be condensed by magic.After thinking about it, Liu Ying felt that magic is actually good, although some limitations are not much different from the method of self-cultivation in essence.You can also use all kinds of magical magic, and to a certain extent, you can also increase your lifespan.

The only difference is probably that there is a peak in magic, but there is no end to the journey of practice.

"Master, Lord Shenshu, and everyone, please take your seat." The elf queen calmly lowered her posture and waved her hand to signal Liu Ying to sit on the main seat.After Liu Ying and Xiao Jin were all seated, the Elf Queen was the last to sit.She winked and used the highest reception ceremony.Ask the maid to serve elf wine and various spiritual fruits unique to the elves for everyone to taste to their heart's content.

Nodding her head at the Elf Queen, seeing that the Elf Queen looked more restrained than the Mermaid Queen, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth curved slightly.With a half-smile, he glanced at Xiao Ling who had jumped onto the table, and he could guess with his knees that Xiao Ling must have passed water with the elves in advance.Seeing the spiritual wine and all kinds of fresh spiritual fruits on the table, Liu Ying was not polite and generously tried some of them.Even Liu Ying, who was better at the spirit fruit, was tired of eating the spirit fruit offered by the Elf Queen. Liu Ying didn't feel any big difference when she ate the spirit fruit offered by the Elf Queen.

When she drank the spirit wine specially made by the elves, Liu Ying's eyes lit up, and she drank the fruity spirit wine in one breath.This wine is really good, it must be brewed with spirit fruit, but the method and the level of spirit fruit are not bad.Compared with what Liu Ying bought in the cultivation world before, it is not at the same level at all, and there is no comparison at all.Liu Ying felt that this was the real spirit fruit wine, and drinking it made one's spirits shake.There was still a strong fruity aroma in his mouth, which made Liu Ying couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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