Chapter 491: The Ancestor Strikes (1)
No matter how good-tempered a person is, he can't bear to be raised as a blood slave by a vampire, not to mention that Liu Ying is not a very good-tempered person herself.As the person involved, Liu Ying was furious in an instant, her eyes almost burst into sparks.Before Mori made a move, Liu Ying couldn't bear it anymore.The remaining rationality made Liu Ying wave her hand subconsciously to form a barrier, so as not to spread to the outside, sacrificed the blood dance, and couldn't help attacking Mori with a murderous look.

"Xiaolu, let's go and help too. This damn old monster actually wants to take his master as a blood slave. It is unforgivable. It's like eating a bear and a leopard's guts. He's tired of living. What are we waiting for, Xiaolu? , to help the master, and beat this parasite-like old monster to the bone, until his mother doesn't even recognize it." Xiao Jin glanced at Xiao Lu, and before Xiao Lu could reply, Xiao Jin rushed forward in a rage.

"Kill him." Xiaolu didn't react too slowly, and chased after him in a flash.Thick hostility emanated from the whole body, making Ya Ya next to her tremble in fright, and her rosy face was stained pale.Taking a deep breath, his sharp eyes saw a bat suddenly appearing behind Morrie.In Yaya's hand, golden needles appeared out of thin air, and she waved her hand towards the bats.

Everyone has the same goal, which is to kill all these vampires whose eyes are covered in shit.

"Interesting, the grasshopper after the autumn actually has the guts to resist. If that's the case, well, then I will grant you a blessing, and let you see the true power of the blood race." Without fear of the bloody long silk in Liu Ying's hands, Mo Li Stretching out its long sharp claws, it greeted it head-on.Seeing that blood-colored Ling Duan suddenly transformed into a huge long snake with his sharp eyes, Mori was startled at first, and then curled his lips in disdain.

The sharp claws grabbed out of thin air, and to Liu Ying's surprise, it was worthy of being the blood king.Unexpectedly, he bravely turned the top-grade treasure into a giant snake, and only relying on the big hand that he casually transformed, he tightly pinched the giant snake's neck.No matter how Xue Wu twitched, he couldn't struggle to break away from Mori's restraint.Sensing that the breath of the blood dance was getting weaker, Liu Ying's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly waved her hands and typed out several spells.He wanted to take this opportunity to distract Mori's attention, so as to give Blood Dance a chance to escape.

It just disappointed Liu Ying. Even though she now has the strength to transform into a god, she still has nothing to do with Mori.The strength of the vampire's body and its abnormal resilience made Mori ignore Liu Ying's attack at all.Let Liu Ying's various deadly attacks hit his body, like raindrops hitting his body, making Mori feel painless.There was even time to cast a playful smile at Liu Ying, as if mocking Liu Ying's overreaching.

The angry Liu Ying almost vomited blood, and stared fiercely at Mori, her bright black eyes bloodshot with anger.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Lu happened to see Mori's arrogant smile, and the hot-tempered Xiao Jin immediately became angry.Raising his fist, he rushed towards Mori in a rage.Similar to Mori, Xiao Jin is not afraid of Mori's physical attack because of his physical strength.Mori sensed Xiao Jin keenly, and he didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when Mori saw Xiao Jin's punching was mixed with terrifying coercion.His face changed greatly in fright, and he was about to dodge and run away, but the other side happened to be blocked by Xiaolu.

There was no way to hide, and he could only watch helplessly as Shang Jin's fist, which was harder than iron, hit him.If it is really the strength of the seventh level, it is different. With one punch, Morrie will be sent flying thousands of meters away.Seeing the opportunity, Xiaolu grabbed it out of thin air, and suddenly grabbed a long green whip in her hand.When Morrie was weightless, he suddenly became angry and despicably whipped the long whip at Morrie.

The whip, which was transformed from the branches of Xiaolu's body, swung out a murderous green vigor in an instant.Immediately, to make matters worse, this murderous energy whipped at Morrie.Morrie couldn't bear it any longer, and opened his mouth to scream.The sharp scream pierced the entire night sky in an instant. If it weren't for the barrier Liu Ying had created in advance, the entire earth would have heard Mori's screams.

Without the restraint of the blood boss, Xue Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief.Returning to the original shape and returning to Liu Ying's hands, Liu Ying took a closer look and found that the light on Xue Wu's body seemed to have dimmed a lot.Apparently, Morrie's seemingly random pinch just now severely injured Xuewu's vitality.If it wasn't for Xiao Jin's sudden force, I am afraid that Xuewu might be directly beaten back to its original shape by Mori, turning into an ordinary gauze.

She narrowed her eyes resentfully, looking at the screaming old monster being beaten by Xiaolu, a strong murderous look flashed on Liu Ying's face.Blood Dance is now her most proud magic weapon, if it falls into the hands of Mori like this, how can Liu Ying be reconciled.Sensing the anger from Xue Wu, Liu Ying patted Xue Wu reassuringly, showing weakness that it doesn't need to worry.This old monster of the blood clan, she will never spare him.With a jump, Liu Ying quickly chased after him, preparing to block Mori's retreat with a large number of people.

Xiao Jin is the bravest. He has tasted the benefits of fists and knows that this move is very useful for Morrie.Before Mori stabilized his figure, Xiao Jin suddenly appeared behind Mori without saying a word.Raising his fist again, he attacked Mori's temple like a broken bamboo.But this time it is not so easy to succeed, I have tasted the power of Xiaojin's iron fist.

How could Mo Li casually take a peek at Liu Ying and the others, and glanced at Xiao Jin inexplicably.His figure was as fast as lightning, and he dodged Xiao Jin's powerful blow at a high speed. He turned around and appeared behind Xiao Jin, stretched out his sharp claws, and directly probed for Xiao Jin's heart.The goal is clear, that is, to dig out Xiao Jin's heart.

"Treacherous, Xiao Jin, be careful."

Liu Ying exclaimed, and shot together with Xiaolu, trying to cut off the sharp claws that Mori stretched out.However, what surprised Liu Ying and Xiaolu was that they couldn't cut off the sharp claws of the old monster with all their strength.With a flash of inspiration, he immediately guessed that the claws and fangs of this vampire are the most powerful weapons of a vampire.As the prince of this old monster, one could imagine that his sharp claws would not be too bad.

"It's such a small trick, you actually want to hurt this king's sharp claws, naive." With a cold snort of disdain, Mo Li's hand movements remained unchanged, and he accelerated towards Xiao Jin's chest.Although Xiaojin also felt the danger, but his speed was still a step behind Morrie.He turned sideways and escaped Morrie's fatal blow, but his body was still scratched by a hideous blood hole.

Clenching a mouthful of silver teeth, Xiao Jin glared viciously at Morrie, who was smiling with complacency.Not daring to delay, he quickly took a Fuyuan Pill that Liu Ying had just refined, which was a higher level than Peiyuan Pill.Swallowing the whole bottle in one breath, in addition to quickly repairing the wound, the most important thing is to remove the poison from the vampire's claws.Feeling that the wound was being healed quickly, Xiao Jin couldn't help but suddenly changed.Turning into the body and roaring to the sky, he opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards Mo Chen in anger.

"Old monster, take your life."

"Hey, it turned out to be a little dragon. I'm just saying, you're definitely not human. Well, I'll meet you and see if our blood race is stronger, or you, this little dragon, are more ferocious." Captured Xiao Jin's eyes Strong hostility, with a ray of brutal anger.Seeing Xiao Jin getting angrier, Morrie laughed wildly and evilly.While speaking, Morrie's figure flickered, and a huge bat body appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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