Chapter 495: The Ancestor Strikes (5)
A group of disciples, as well as Liu Ying's family members, found out that it was Liu Ying and there were some strange figures, and everyone's faces showed ecstasy.No one needed to guide them, everyone excitedly saluted Liu Ying and Xiao Jin: "I have met the two Supreme Elders."

"Elder Liu, Elder Xiao is very kind, you are finally back. Not good, something big happened in the sect, Lei Bozhong sent by Kunlun came to the door with a few big elders from the same sect, and said that he wanted to ask the two elders for help. Get back his things. And, I want the two elders to compensate him for his mental loss, otherwise, I will lead my disciples to destroy my Mingyang faction. There is only one day left before the agreed time, if they don't hand over the things, they will It's about to close the door."

Seeing the appearance of Liu Ying and others, Wu De Wu Jun seemed to have found a backbone.Knowing that Xiaojin didn't like to talk, Wu Deyuanjun asked Liu Ying directly, and explained the reason of the matter to Liu Ying.

Originally, Wude Yuanjun had obtained Liu Ying's panacea, and concentrated on retreating, preparing to try to break through the late Yuanying stage.But before the matter was completed, he suddenly sensed several terrifying coercions from outside.The strong hostility made Wude Yuanjun guess at once that the person who came was not kind, and the person who was kind would not come.Had to stop retreating and hurried out to meet him.

You should know that these masters are all elders of the Kunlun Sect, as well as the hidden elders who usually don't appear easily, and the old monsters in the concentration period.The trump card of the Kunlun faction is that Mr. Wu Deyuan himself couldn't figure out what kind of gale was blown by the Mingyang faction, so he actually brought these old monsters to the Mingyang faction.Just as he was about to ask, Wude Yuanjun was unlucky enough to be the boss in the mid-concentration period, and a coercive one directly spurted blood.

Before Wude Yuanjun asked the reason, the other party had already opened his mouth without anger.Tell Wude Yuanjun to hand over Liu Ying and Xiao Jin, and ask them to return the storage bag in Leibo and pay for the loss, otherwise the Mingyang faction will be destroyed.

This sudden news shocked Wude Yuanjun, who was at a loss and couldn't figure out what was going on.However, when he caught the hostility in the opponent's eyes and the undisguised murderous intent, he swallowed the words wisely.After asking Liao Ke'er, Lord Wu Deyuan knew what great things Liu Ying had done when he was in retreat.The matter of the Kunlun faction has not yet been settled, and the blood clan in the West has been provoked again.

For a while, Mr. Wu Deyuan didn't know that Liu Ying and Xiao Jin had attracted two culprits.I don't know whether to cry or laugh, what a disaster.Not strong enough, Wude Yuanjun can only wait for Liu Ying's return.Fortunately, Liu Ying's family members are all in the Mingyang faction, therefore, Wude Yuanjun is confident that Liu Ying will not abandon the Mingyang faction and hide himself.

However, as time passed day by day, Mr. Wu Deyuan was almost impatient.Seeing that there is only one day left, Wu De Yuanjun is even more restless.Afraid of accidents, Liu Ying's family members and disciples had to be taken to the main peak for protection.

Waiting eagerly, finally the emperor paid off, and let Wude Yuanjun get his wish.

What?Lei Bozhong of the Kunlun faction brought people to the Mingyang faction to threaten to get back what she had in her hands, and even boldly issued an ultimatum to demand that she make up for the loss, or the Mingyang faction would be destroyed?
Hearing this unexpected news, Liu Ying's face was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes were immediately stained with cruelty.The damned Kunlun faction couldn't beat her, and even shamelessly went to the other old monsters in the door, hoping to use this to get things back.

To destroy the Mingyang faction, she wanted to see how the Kunlun faction came to beg for things in the morning, and how they destroyed the Mingyang faction right under her nose.She is not afraid of people coming, but she is afraid that the people sent by Kunlun will not dare to come.After closing the door, Liu Ying will definitely let them know how to write the word "regret", and make them pay a painful price.

It is not only the big sects who can bully the people of the small sects.One day, Liu Ying will let people in the comprehension world know that the Mingyang Sect can also surprise the Great Sect.

Kill faction?Hmph, these old monsters with their eyes above the top really don't take human life seriously.Don't ask right or wrong, dare to directly take such a threat when you come to the door.

As for Xiaojin and Xiaolu, they also showed strange expressions when they heard Wude Yuanjun's words.If there seems to be no anger on his body, it can't help but reveal it with a touch of coercion.

The disciples below the golden core stage can't see anything, they just feel a heavy chest, even breathing becomes difficult, and there is a feeling that they are about to suffocate to death.Qi Qi stared wide-eyed, looking at Xiao Jin and Xiao Lu in shock, his face was full of horror.

And Wude Yuanjun, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground when faced with the inadvertent coercion from Xiaojin and others.Who are these two strange men and women, their cultivation is so terrifying.Especially the terrifying aura emanating from Xiaolu made Wude Yuanjun feel like his heart was about to jump out.

With a flash of inspiration, Wu Deyuan Jun guessed whether Liu Ying and Xiao Jin had received the wind.So I rushed back to the rescue, and they were the helpers invited by the two elders.Thinking of this, Wude Yuanjun couldn't help showing an ecstatic smile on his face.

If this is the case, with the help of a few experts, perhaps the Mingyang faction will be saved.No need to be afraid of those old eight kings of Kunlun who will bully you regardless of right and wrong.

Unable to restrain his eyes from meeting Liu Ying's, Wude Yuanjun's whole body was shocked again.Obviously Liu Ying did not exude coercion, but just one look made Wu Deyuan Jun shiver all over his body.An unexplainable danger rushed to the tip of his heart. I don't know if it was his illusion. Mr. Wu Deyuan felt that Liu Ying was like a mountain, which made him feel powerless to resist.

Hastily withdrew his gaze, not daring to look at him, the feeling of palpitation made Wu Deyuan Jun's heartbeat stop for a few beats.However, after taking a look at Liu Ying's cultivation at the moment, Lord Wu Deyuan found that Liu Ying's cultivation had not changed.It's still the late stage of Jindan, but where does this dangerous premonition come from?Frowning, Wu Deyuan Jun was thinking in his heart in a daze.

He is a cultivator in the mid-Yuanying stage, why would he be afraid of a cultivator in the Golden Core stage?
Liu Ying sensed something was wrong with her aura, and glanced at Xiao Jin and Xiao Lu, telling them to put away the trace of coercion that inadvertently emanated from their bodies.Then waved a wave of spiritual power to dispel the pressure in everyone's hearts.

Although Grandma Liu didn't understand what this sudden pressure was, she disappeared suddenly within half a breath.Heaving a sigh of relief, everyone in the Liu family saw Liu Ying's figure sharply.Busily got up from the stool, walked through the crowd and came to Liu Ying.After taking a look at Liu Ying, seeing that Liu Ying was safe and sound, everyone's throats were finally relieved.

"Yingying is great, you are fine, have those matters been resolved?" Li Meijuan couldn't help but opened her mouth first, and asked urgently.

"It's my sister, are those annoying vampires gone? Sister, now we have to go back to school and stay here." Liu Tao also felt the tense atmosphere of the Mingyang faction these days, although no one told him. He, but Liu Tao just knew something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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