Chapter 497 Who Is More Bullish (1)
Master Chuangshen's reincarnation was found, and the big stone that was pressing on Xiao Ling's heart was finally removed.I didn't expect it to be so fast, and because of these unexpected discoveries, Xiao Ling's brows were tightened again.The emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry. It seems that Xiaoling is destined to be a busy life.

Liu Ying and Luo Cheng didn't know what Xiaoling and Nan Siding were thinking, nor did they know what they were thinking.Even Liu Ying is the master, Xiaoling and Nan Siding's glance don't know.This is the level, and this is the reason for cultivation.How could it be possible to discover the divine consciousness of the Xuanxian level with a mere cultivation base of the stage of transforming gods.

The next day, while everyone was waiting nervously and looking forward to it, Lei Bozhong really did not disappoint Liu Ying.He brought three great elders of the Kunlun Sect, one in the middle stage of Concentration, and the other two were not bad, and their cultivation base was in the early stage of Concentration.Seeing that his aura was still a little unstable, he must have been hurriedly pulled over by Lei Bozhong to help out not long after he entered the stage.

Although Wude Yuanjun is a monk of Yuanjun, he is also the head of Mingyang Sect.But in the face of so many irresistible high-ranking monks, I still couldn't help being stage fright.In addition, what these people were looking for was not him, but Liu Ying and Xiao Jin beside him.Therefore, Mr. Wu Deyuan kept silent, retreated to the side, and handed over the situation to Liu Ying and Xiao Jin.

Liu Ying nodded to Mr. Wu Deyuan, saying that there is no need to worry, she will take care of it.Surrounded by the entire Mingyang faction without a trace of spiritual consciousness, seeing that Shanxia was ready to go, and only waiting for Lei Bozhong and others to give an order, they started to destroy the Mingyang faction.

Liu Ying was surprised that, as expected of a great school, the handwriting was really extraordinary.All those dispatched were monks above the Foundation Establishment Stage, and there were even quite a few monks at the Golden Core Stage, as many as three to forty people.He really looked up to the Mingyang faction and was willing to spend such a capital.I don't know if they plan to deal with them first, or if they are afraid of them because of their guilty conscience, that's why they brought so many people to cheer.

No matter what it was, Liu Ying would not be afraid of them.

Before Liu Ying could say anything, the impatient Lei Bozhong was overjoyed when he saw Liu Ying and Xiao Jin, and hurriedly shouted excitedly: "Young man, hand over my things, and also the magic weapon on your body." Hand over all the elixir. As long as you cooperate, we can pretend that nothing has been discovered, let the past go, and let it go. The Mingyang faction, we have never said anything about it. How about it?"

Although Lei Bozhong is a Nascent Soul cultivator, there is a demon cultivator in the concentrating period beside Naihe Liuying.He didn't want to offend Liu Ying completely, so that Liu Ying would not let Xiao Jin kill him.However, what happened last time hit Lei Bozhong too hard, and he lost all his treasures.Lei Bozhong couldn't swallow the bad breath, so he asked the elders in the door for help.It's just that I often walk by the river, and there is no one who doesn't get wet shoes.

This time, I am afraid that Lei Bozhong will be disappointed again.It is more difficult than reaching the sky to get the things in Liu Ying's pocket from Zhou Papi.Moreover, Lei Bozhong thought that what he did was not cruel, and he didn't directly kill the Mingyang faction.In fact, Liu Ying was offended as early as when he approached the Mingyang faction and threatened to destroy the Mingyang faction.

Now he still dares to ask for something from Liu Ying in front of everyone.It's even Liu Ying's big taboo, but Liu Ying doesn't need to do it himself.

"Bold." When Xiao Jin heard Lei Bozhong's arrogant words, his hand itched and he saw that Lei Bozhong was not pleasing to the eye.With a stern shout, before everyone could react, Xiao Jin waved his hand and hit a palm.In an instant, it turned into a big transparent hand and fiercely slapped Lei Bozhong's face.

Xiao Jin's movements were so fast that there was no trace, making it impossible for the three old monsters in the concentrating stage beside Lei Bozhong to make a move.He could only watch helplessly as Lei Bozhong was slapped face to face with a resounding slap.

There was a slap, which made people's ears hurt a little, which shows how hard the slap was.The next moment, everyone saw the five bright fingerprints on Leibo's middle and right, and they all gasped in shock one after another.I was stunned, this is an old monster in the late Yuanying period, and it is actually under everyone's noses.He didn't even have the strength to fight back, so he was slapped in the face just like that.

As the saying goes, you can't beat someone in the face.It's fine to fight, and in front of so many people, it doesn't mean that Lei Bozhong can't step down.What's more, when the other party is in hostility, Lei Bozhong is not completely enraged by this appearance.However, what surprised the Mingyang sect disciples even more.Next to Lei Bozhong were three monks who were concentrating, but in front of their eyes, it was too late to make a move.

In a flash of inspiration, everyone is a smart person, and they know the person sent by Kunlun with just a mask.Not as good as the Supreme Elder of the Mingyang Sect, who knew the outcome with just one move.For a moment, the little monk who was still a little uneasy, his heart hanging in the air, also fell back into his stomach.Seeing Liu Ying, who has not changed her self-confidence, raised her head and chest without any stage fright, everyone was relieved 120 times.

So what about the Kunlun faction, could they come to them unreasonably.Such as robbers distorting the facts, even trying to bully the strong with the 'weak'?

"Seniors have to look at their masters for beating dogs. Although juniors are not talented, they are still in the late Yuanying period. But with my background in the Kunlun School, it is not impossible to advance to the stage of concentration. Is it too late for seniors to be so inferior to juniors? Elders, you have all seen how they deceived me, Kunlun, and treated them like nothing in public. Elder Xiao, you have to seek justice for your nephew and for the Kunlun sect."

Lei Bozhong's face was burning red, and he covered his burning and stinging face.There was a burst of shock at first, and then he stared straight at Xiao Jin after regaining consciousness, with a trace of cruelty passing through his eyes imperceptibly.It's a pity that even if Lei Bozhong was furious, he didn't dare to touch an egg with a stone, and rushed forward to fight Xiaojin head-on.Don't rush to use spiritual power to eliminate the red and swollen slap marks on your face, losing is losing.But Lei Bozhong's brain was quick.

If he didn't go up and do it himself, he cunningly pushed the matter to the Kunlun sent.It is not a matter of his personal face that the three great elders who came with him have to pay attention to it.It was related to Kunlun's status in the eyes of the monks. Being slapped in the face in public was tantamount to slapping the Kunlun faction in the face.He also slapped three elders in the concentrating period, just when Lei Bozhong was full of confidence and thought that Elder Xiao and the others would definitely help him save face.

A scene that stunned Lei Bozhong and everyone present happened.

Elder Xiao not only did not say anything to help Lei Bozhong get justice, but instead gave Lei Bozhong a vicious glance.Immediately, he rushed to Xiao Jin respectfully, and Xiao Lu next to Xiao Jin held a junior, and said respectfully: "This junior misunderstood the nonsense and offended the two seniors, please don't blame the seniors. This junior will definitely bring this tongue-twisting disciple back. Kunlun should train him well so that he can recognize people with his eyes in the future so as not to offend his seniors again."

This, what is the situation? Not only Lei Bozhong, but even Liu Ying was stunned by the sudden thunderous gesture of Elder Xiao.

Isn't this Elder Xiao a cultivator in the mid-stage of Concentration? How could he be so frightened that Xiao Jin's cultivation base is higher than his?Not only did he not help Lei Bozhong, but he even gave Lei Bozhong a scolding in public.As the world went down, no one would have thought that the people from the Kunlun faction were so courageous that they surrendered without even handing over their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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