Chapter 500 Who Is More Bullish (4)
Could it be that this is not an ordinary magic weapon, but the legendary spirituality.

Thinking of this possibility, everyone was even more shocked and nearly lost their souls.Looking at Xue Wu foolishly, he couldn't even hear Elder Xiao's strange cry, in his eyes, all his attention was on Xue Wu.Spiritual weapon, hell, Liu Ying, a female cultivator in the late stage of Jindan, possessing several high-level treasures is scary enough.

But, what did they see, besides high-level treasures, she actually has legendary spirit weapons.The corner of the mouth twitched for a spiritual weapon that had never appeared in thousands of years. Everyone's hearts were burning, and their burning eyes were fixed on Xue Wu, wishing to make a hole.At the same time, everyone also thought through why Elder Xiao was whipped lightly by Ju Mang, and the whip flew away, and he lost the ability to fight back.

This is a spiritual weapon, and it would be a ghost if the defenseless old monster in the concentration period could withstand it.

Spirit weapon, do you want to hit people like this?However, just one golden core stage has spiritual weapons that countless people can't even dream of.

Does this still allow those old monsters above the Nascent Soul stage to survive?What's more, what's even more unacceptable is that, in addition to the spiritual weapons and treasures, there are also ancestors above the Concentration stage serving as her servants.

Owner?Thinking about these two words makes countless people feel powerless.God loves her too much, he gave her all the good things, everything that countless people can't have in a lifetime.Envy, jealousy and hatred, everyone has mixed feelings, and they have all kinds of moods.

"Ah, damn it, you." Elder Xiao, who was whipped by Xuewu's giant tail, managed to stabilize his body after flying hundreds of meters away.He exhaled wildly and let out a low curse in fear.Looking at Ju Mang wrapped around Liu Ying's body in horror, his face was blue and white.

The spirit weapon, this is the legendary spirit weapon, it is really extraordinary.He was able to vomit blood so easily, his eyes flickered, and Elder Xiao couldn't help showing a hint of greed in his eyes.However, when he saw Xiaolu and Xiaojin who were full of murderous looks next to Liu Ying, he caught the frost in his eyes.Elder Xiao couldn't help but shuddered.

Is this world crazy? Why are all these seniors having a brain twitch?Why did they all recognize a female cultivator at the golden core stage as the master.What made Elder Xiao even more jealous was how qualified a female cultivator at the golden core stage was to possess a magic weapon of the spirit weapon level.No matter how bad it is, this spiritual weapon should only be eligible to be possessed by monks above the Concentration stage.In the bottom of his heart, the person Elder Xiao thinks about is himself.

However, thinking about it in his heart, Elder Xiao didn't dare to do anything in front of the two terrorists, Xiao Jin and Xiao Lu.Spiritual artifacts are good, but they must be used with one's life.In Elder Xiao's mind, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Ying to be recognized by the spirit weapon.Presumably this spirit weapon must have been given to her by those two seniors.With gloomy eyes turned, Elder Xiao watched anxiously as the spiritual weapon was owned by Liu Ying, but he couldn't snatch it, and he felt like vomiting blood.

Similarly, Elder Wu and Elder Chu, and even Lei Bozhong, an old monster in the late Nascent Soul stage.Looking at Liu Ying who was smiling wildly, she also gritted her silver teeth.He was so eager that he almost didn't drool, but he didn't even dare to raise his hands when he was stared at by the two of Xiao Lu and his men as cold as ice arrows.I was afraid that he would be mistaken for bad intentions, and end up in the same miserable situation as Elder Xiao, and was almost killed by a senior in the transformation stage.

I feel aggrieved, as an elder of the Kunlun Sect, I am so embarrassed to be in a little-known sect, I really have nowhere to show my old face.

Liu Ying didn't care what Lei Bozhong and the others thought, she was afraid that they would back off and flee.He winked at Xiaolu, cast out the barrier, and surrounded all the Kunlun faction.Let them run away but have nowhere to go, obediently raised their hands in surrender, and handed over what she wanted.If you want to steal other people's things, you have to be ready to be robbed at any time.Lei Bozhong is really a bad learner, he has experienced it once, and he wants to pull a group of backs and bleed with him.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Kunlun has a lot of treasures, so it shouldn't be bad.Squinting her eyes and smiling, Liu Ying looked at the ashen-faced Elder Xiao, with a flash of disdain in her downcast eyes.I still miss Xiao Xiao's blood dance, and I really can't get enough of it. If this is the case, then I can't blame her.With a gloomy cold light flashing like a devil, Liu Ying opened her eyes to break the silence in front of her eyes.

"Elder Xiao, retaliation for retaliation. However, you almost hurt me, but I saved your life, so you Kunlun faction should make some gestures. How about this, my request is not high , leave the storage bags around the waists of all the disciples who have joined the Mingyang Sect. Today’s matter will be cancelled, and you will be sent back. Of course, it also includes Elder Xiao returning the storage bags of the elders next to him.”

With a fox-like sly smile on Liu Ying's face, she spoke harmlessly.But the audience behind them heard three black lines flashing across their foreheads, and the corners of their mouths twitched speechlessly.

Could it be more shameless, the savior, thanks to Liu Ying for being able to say it.The cause of the matter was on Liu Ying from the beginning to the end.Whether it's Lei Bozhong or Xiaolu's sudden attack, it's all because of Liu Ying.However, Elder Xiao, who was drawn by Liu Ying's magic weapon, vomited blood directly, and Wu Huan cheekily said that he was Elder Xiao's savior.He even asked for something.

It occurred to Liu Ying that what she wanted was not only Elder Xiao's storage bag, but also the storage bags of the Kunlun School disciples.The corners of everyone's mouths twitched uncontrollably, and at the same time, they were sweating for Liu Ying's audacity.The younger disciples worshiped Liu Ying to such an extent that it flooded like a river.

"You?" Elder Xiao blushed after hearing Liu Ying's angry words.He didn't take a breath, and almost passed out.However, even if he was not lucky enough to faint, he was so angry that his beard was crooked.Up and down, people are dumbfounded.

Elder Wu's sharp eyes saw Elder Xiao who didn't say anything when he was angry, but his face was livid with anger in his heart.He stared at Liu Ying gloomyly, his eyes almost jumped out.Pointing, it is too outrageous, regards Kunlun as nothing.As a supreme elder, how could Elder Wu swallow this.You know, Liu Ying's words included him.It is easier for him to hand over the treasures he has accumulated for countless years than to directly kill him.

Unbearably angry, Elder Wu is a stubborn person.I can't bear it anymore, even the Buddha is angry.What's more, he is still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Buddha.His cultivation is a fairy, not a Buddha.There is no need to bear it, and there is no need to bear it anymore. Elder Wu doesn't care if he offends the two seniors.Taking a deep breath, he shouted angrily.

"That's enough junior, you are too inappropriate for me, Kunlun. The storage bag is the lifeblood of every monk. You are more cruel than directly killing the old man. You are just relying on the support of two seniors around you." , but I also have such ancestors in Kunlun. Anyway, I swear to the death that I will never hand over the storage bag. If you have the ability, you will kill me, and I will go underground to see how long you can continue to be arrogant."

(End of this chapter)

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