Chapter 508 The old friend left (1)
Seeing Xiao Ling's eager look, Liu Ying nodded helplessly.Although it is not a day's work to practice, the time inside the space is indeed very different from the time outside.In addition to the richness of aura, time is a huge gap.One day of practice outside, but 500 years in space.This huge gap can pull a person's cultivation far away in one go.Coupled with the countless spiritual fruits and liquids in the space, Luo Cheng can discover the speed of leaps and bounds at this stage of cultivation.

Luo Cheng has already passed his thirty-thirties, and if he cultivated only with the little aura outside, he would try to catch up with her.It's impossible, even if Luo Cheng has her unlimited spiritual pills and spiritual fruits behind her.The further you get to the back, without a certain amount of time to accumulate, even if it is a small level, it is not easy.Therefore, it is definitely a good thing to take Luo Cheng into the space to practice one day earlier.

Thinking about the space and the stories told by Xiao Ling, Liu Ying hoped that these unexpected surprises would not scare Luo Cheng into a petrified state.Especially the part that Xiao Ling said, he was the soul reincarnation of the founding god of the God Realm.I am afraid that anyone who is a human being will be frightened by this earth-shattering news.

Because, not to mention Luo Cheng as the client, even she, as a bystander, was shocked.

Leaving out of the space, Liu Ying took Luo Cheng into the space in no hurry.But out of curiosity, I wanted to do an experiment to see if what Xiao Ling said was true.Luo Cheng is really the reincarnation of the God of Creation, not to mention the error of the little spirit, it is not the same thing at all.Walking into the small courtyard, Liu Ying pursed her lips and smiled when she saw Luo Cheng who had been waiting at the door for a long time. "Brother Luo, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Not long ago, just came out. The night outside is heavy, let's talk when we come in." Luo Cheng shook his head, seeing Liu Ying's smile on his always expressionless face.Couldn't help but slightly raised it upwards, and her tense face softened a lot.Knowing that Liu Ying's current cultivation base is not afraid of Yelu at all, but Luo Chengcheng naturally blurted out words of concern.

No matter how strong Liu Ying is, in Luo Cheng's heart, Liu Ying will always be just a girl who needs careful care.As her boyfriend, it is duty-bound to care about her and love her.

"it is good."

Liu Ying didn't refute Luo Cheng's lie, nodded and went into the back room.Sitting down, he took a hot cup from Luo Cheng and took a sip.Feeling the strong tea fragrance emanating from her mouth, the smile on Liu Ying's face deepened a bit.Thinking of what she was going to tell Luo Cheng earlier in the morning, a look of hesitation flashed across Liu Ying's face.However, it quickly disappeared, coughing lightly to cover up the tension in my heart.

"Brother Luo, you must have felt it too. I have something to tell you tonight. Yingying doesn't want to hide it from you. I should tell Brother Luo about this. Not long ago, Aunt Deng troubled me, and I couldn't be more angry I moved my hand. It ruined her voice, made her unable to speak again, and even beat her to the point of being seriously injured and hospitalized. Brother Luo, I don’t regret these things, but I don’t know if Brother Luo has any feelings for Yingying in his heart. what idea?"

"Brother Luo believes that Yingying is a person. If my mother hadn't acted first, she would have done something excessive. Yingying would never have done it lightly, let alone sealed her throat so that she could never speak again. Words. I warned her early in the morning, but I didn't expect that she would be stubborn and dare to trouble Yingying. Everything is her own fault and she can't blame others. "

Luo Cheng knew his biological mother's temper well, so he said harsh words early on.However, he never expected that he would threaten her with a divorce.It didn't take long before she completely forgot about it and didn't take it seriously.Liu Ying laid such a heavy hand, presumably his mother must have done something unforgivable.

Turning his eyes, he thought about Deng Minzhi's crazy style and paranoid character.Suddenly thought of something, Luo Cheng hurriedly asked: "Yingying, did my mother send someone to hurt you?"

Knowing a child is better than a mother. Similarly, children know and understand their parents well.

"Yes, not only did I hire someone to hit me with a car, they wanted to ruin my appearance. They failed, and they even tried to kill me with a knife. I was so angry that I couldn't hold back, so I did it hard." Wei Luocheng said Hearing half a word of reproach, Liu Ying nodded secretly in her heart.Hearing Luo Cheng's questioning, Liu Ying was startled and thought to herself.It seems that Luo Cheng has a general understanding of Deng Minzhi's actions, and he has already warned him in advance.

It's a pity that Deng Minzhi's character is too self-centered, and it is impossible to listen to Luo Cheng's warning.Although she knew that this matter was cruel, since Luo Cheng asked, Liu Ying still told Luo Cheng the truth.The matter was originally linked to Luo Cheng, and he had the absolute right to know the truth of the matter, even if the truth was cruel.

"She wants to kill you, is she crazy?"

Hearing Liu Ying's narration, Luo Cheng's expression suddenly changed.With a livid face, he roared in disbelief, and his thick eyebrows were tightly knit together, causing several knots.Looking down, a look of deep disappointment flashed away.Thinking of something, Luo Cheng said again.

"Yingying, did my grandfather and father file for divorce from her?"

Although Luo Cheng used a questioning tone, his eyes revealed incomparable affirmation.According to how well he knew this so-called mother, if he hadn't lost the backing of the Luo family, he would have been accused by the Deng family.His mother, a high-ranking lady.It is absolutely impossible to do such a stupid thing that loses face, unless it is driven to a dead end.There was no one to vent their anger on, so they could only blame Liu Ying for everything.

There is no cure, for the sake of the Deng family, for the sake of the so-called face, this is his mother.

"Yes, this matter is very big, and almost everyone in Beijing knows about it. Counting the time, it may have already left, because Grandpa Luo is also supporting their divorce." Nodding, Liu Ying was sure answer.As for the Deng family coming to block her because of Deng Minzhi's affairs, Liu Ying didn't elaborate further, so as not to make Luo Cheng feel even more uncomfortable.

One more thing is worse than one less thing. Anyway, these things have passed, and they haven't caused any harm to her.It's rare to be confused in life, so why worry about too many things, just make yourself unhappy.

"Retribution, everything is her own fault, no one else to blame. Yingying, I'm sorry, brother Luo didn't think about it well. I thought I warned her, so I should at least restrain myself." With a wry smile, a bitterness flashed across Luo Cheng's face, but It will fade away soon.Thinking of something, Luo Cheng's eyes flickered, and a gleam of light flashed across his eyes without a trace.

Without the real card that got in the way of mother, father Luo Haizhi should be happier than anyone else now.Especially that little lover, she should be more happy to set off firecrackers to celebrate, and that Luo Huimei who eagerly wants to enter Luo's house.I'm afraid she is even more impatient now, wishing to enter the Luo family immediately and become the eldest lady of the Luo family.

But, is the door of the Luo family so easy to enter?Luo Cheng believed that his grandfather would never allow these messy women to come in.Even if Luo Huimei is indeed a member of the Luo family, otherwise, after so many years, Luo Huimei is already in her twenties, grandpa will recognize her, so why wait until now.

(End of this chapter)

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