Chapter 513 The old friend left (6)
Xiaolu could see clearly about Miao Huo'er in the space.Catching the sadness on Liu Ying's face, Xiao Lu pursed her lips, and spoke softly and calmly to enlighten Liu Ying.

"Yes, master, everyone has her own life, and maybe this is destined to happen early in the morning. Master should not be sad, but should be happy for Miao Huo'er, because she may soon have a new life at another time." Not necessarily." The words became a prophecy, Xiao Jin was just comforting words, but she did not expect that Miao Huo'er at this moment would really encounter another turning point in her life.

"Me?" Liu Ying was about to say something when the phone in her hand rang suddenly.Seeing that it was an unfamiliar call, Liu Ying's face darkened, and she pressed the answer button.

"Hello, I'm Liu Ying, who is looking for me?"

"My sister is me, and I am Xiaotian. My sister is not well, and sister Huo'er is dead. Brother Luan Fei knew that sister Huo'er was dead, so he also committed suicide last night. Sister, Xiaotian is so scared, can Xiaotian move?" Go to my sister. I don't want to stay at brother Luan Fei's house anymore, brother Luan Fei's parents, younger siblings look at me so strangely."

When Ge Xiaotian spoke, his voice was mixed with a strong nasal voice, and there was a vague fear.Presumably, before that, Ge Xiaotian had already cried, and after crying for a long time, his voice became hoarse.

The phone was connected, and when he heard the familiar voice on the other end of the phone, Ge Xiaotian, who had lost his mind, finally found his root.I am no longer panic and helpless, as if the sky above my head has collapsed.Before Liu Ying could answer, Ge Xiaotian choked up and continued.

"Sister, I'm afraid, I'm really scared. Brother Luan Fei, Brother Luan Fei and Sister Huo'er all shed a lot of blood. Their eyes are all wide open, with tears hanging from the corners of their eyes. Brother Luan Fei said let I'm looking for my sister, sister, Xiaotian will be obedient. Don't make trouble for my sister, can my sister not be like sister Huo'er, leave Xiaotian behind, and never talk to Xiaotian again."

"Xiao Tian?"

Liu Ying didn't expect it to be Ge Xiaotian calling, and heard Ge Xiaotian on the other end of the phone.There was an intermittent voice with a strong nasal voice, and then I imagined the face of Huo'er and Luan Fei who both died tragically.Even though she was used to seeing blood, Liu Ying's eyes couldn't help being stained with water.Because the two who died were not her enemies, but friends.Hearing Xiaotian's pitiful and helpless pleas in her ears made Liu Ying feel even more uncomfortable.

Her mind couldn't help but still fantasize about the scene that Xiaotian said, and Liu Ying didn't know how to react.Although they only met once, Liu Ying could clearly sense Luan Fei's feelings for Miao Huo'er.However, Liu Ying never thought that he could love Huo'er so deeply, that after learning that Huo'er had left, he would actually follow Huo'er to die for love.

It takes a lot of courage to commit suicide.

At this moment, Liu Ying discovered again that there is no true love in this world.It's just that she didn't meet her in her previous life, and her youth was wasted by a scumbag.

"Sister, why don't you talk? Is it because my sister thinks Xiaotian is a burden. I don't want Xiaotian to be by my sister's side. Sister, Xiaotian will be really good. And now Xiaotian has learned to do many things, and Xiaotian can help my sister clean up , and can cook delicious dishes. Brother Luan Fei also said it was delicious, if my sister tried it, she would definitely like it. Sister, don't, don't ignore Xiaotian, okay?"

When Liu Ying didn't answer for a while, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help being anxious.He hurriedly mentioned the advantages he could think of, hoping to impress Liu Ying and let Liu Ying take him in.Otherwise, he was helpless and didn't know any friends, so he was at a loss.Brother Luan Fei was gone, Ge Xiaotian could feel Luan Fei's family members keenly, and his expression towards him changed immediately.It won't be long, even if he is willing to continue to stay at brother Luan Fei's house.

I'm afraid that Brother Luan Fei's family will no longer carelessly take him in.

"Stop, Xiaotian, don't think about it, my sister is just too shocked to hear the news suddenly. I can't react for a while, and I don't mean to dislike Xiaotian. As long as Xiaotian is willing, my sister certainly welcomes Xiaotian to live with my sister. Even if Xiaotian doesn't know how to cook, clean, or anything else, my sister won't dislike her. You can live with Xiaotian as you please, until Xiaotian gets annoyed and doesn't want to live anymore."

After going around in a circle, I didn't expect Xiaotian to stay by her side.Liu Ying thought to herself, perhaps, this is also her fate with Ge Xiaotian.Sensing the despair in Ge Xiaotian's tone, Liu Ying hurriedly recovered and gave Ge Xiaotian an affirmative answer.

Ge Xiaotian has a simple personality, so keeping him by his side may cause some minor troubles.However, Liu Ying believes that she can overcome it, and Ge Xiaotian promised that he will be obedient, so.Liu Ying believes that if there is no reason, Ge Xiaotian should not rashly cause her any big trouble.As for economic problems, it is even less of a problem.

Ge Xiaotian is not a child, he is considered a young adult at the age of fifteen or six.She doesn't need to take care of her carefully. Liu Ying believes that he will be able to figure out the survival issues that should be understood and learned.How to say Ge Xiaotian is also a second-order ability, the most basic self-protection is not enough.

Furthermore, death is the most important thing, the deaths of Miao Huo'er and Luan Fei are also due to her.If it wasn't for fulfilling Luan Fei's request and seeing Ge Xiaotian at a loss, how could Liu Ying bear it.After all, compared to the first time they met, Liu Ying had a crush on Ge Xiaotian, a simple boy.Otherwise, Liu Ying wouldn't be so straightforward, so she followed Ge Xiaotian to the research base and rescued the superhumans in the research base.

"Really, that's great, sister, you really agree to let Xiaotian follow my sister."

The surprise came too fast, Ge Xiaotian originally wanted to say something.It's just that as soon as the words came to his lips, Liu Ying agreed without thinking.Wiping away the teardrops on his face indiscriminately, Ge Xiaotian was so happy that he almost jumped up.

"Of course, when did my sister lie to you?" He sensed Ge Xiaotian's rising voice and crisp laughter from the other end of the phone.Liu Ying knew that she had done the right thing this time, but the corners of Liu Ying's mouth couldn't help twitching when Ge Xiaotian said the left and right sister.

Now she is one or two years younger than Ge Xiaotian, and she has a sister in her mouth.If it wasn't for listening too much, Liu Ying might not be used to it.However, it was better than hearing Huo'er call her elder sister. Thinking of Miao Huo'er, Liu Ying's smile sank again.Pursing her lips, Liu Ying secretly assured her.

Huo'er, Luan Fei, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaotian.Until he adapts to this society and has the ability to live independently.

"Well, my sister is not lying." Ge Xiaotian hurriedly nodded in agreement as if he was afraid that Liu Ying would regret it.

"Okay, you tell my sister where you are now. My sister will pick you up later." He heard that Ge Xiaotian didn't want to stay at Luan Fei's house anymore, and Liu Ying didn't want to delay, making Ge Xiaotian wait anxiously.Finish things as soon as possible, and I have to go to school later to explain clearly the absence from class to the head teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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