Chapter 518 Unexpected Surprise (5)
It's just that she is always a sister. She has never argued with her sister for anything, and even gave way everywhere.Giving all the good things to Miao Xin'er, thinking about it, Miao Huo'er didn't expect her sister to harbor evil intentions.Killing her, unwilling to ask for clarification, Miao Huo'er hastily drank a lot of tea, trying to hold out until Miao Xin'er came back.After more than an hour, the phone on the table rang several times, but Miao Huo'er didn't answer it again, lying on the table and waiting motionlessly.

Another hour later, Miao Xin'er really came back, and saw Miao Huo'er lying motionless on the table.Miao Xin'er laughed like crazy, and triumphantly told the secret that had been hidden in her heart for a long time.He has been dissatisfied with Miao Huo'er since he was a child, and he was also afraid that Miao Huo'er would steal her inheritance from her.He even did not hesitate to sell Huo'er, secretly sold Huo'er to the research base, and then told Huo'er.When she saw Huo'er coming back from that damn research base, she was so terrified that she had to kill Huo'er herself for peace of mind.

Huo'er lying quietly on the table followed Miao Xin'er's words, the tears in her eyes were like broken pearls.It never occurred to her that the elder sister who supported her to live was the one who hurt her the most.Unbearable, Miao Huo'er, who was trembling all over, couldn't put it on anymore, picked up the stool at hand and slammed it hard at Miao Xin'er.

Seeing the bleeding, Miao Xin'er stared at her with wide eyes in disbelief, and fell to the ground at once.Huo'er suddenly smiled, the smile was so poignant, so hopeless.

Anyway, she couldn't survive, and Huo'er would never let the femme fatale Miao Xin'er live again, and she would have to hold her back if she died.However, the only thing I feel ashamed of is that I feel sorry for Luan Fei's deep affection.At the last moment when he closed his eyes, Huo'er's only hope was that Luan Fei could change his mind and forget about her, find a good girl, get married and have children in a serious manner.

However, what Huo'er didn't know was that it wasn't long after she left.The infatuated Luan Fei, knowing that Huo'er was gone, immediately committed suicide and followed him, fearing that he would not be able to catch up with Huo'er's figure if it was too late.

After listening to Wang Lina's long story, Liu Ying remained silent for a long time, with mixed emotions in her heart.Gu Youyun said that women are the most poisonous, but Liu Ying never thought that Miao Xin'er could be so cruel.They were supposed to be sisters who had no grievances or enmities, but they were only for the inheritance left by their parents.He didn't want to share Huo'er, so he sold Huo'er to the inhumane research base.Even more afraid that the secret in his heart would be exposed, he did not hesitate to poison and kill Huo'er.

All kinds of bad deeds are really heinous, and Liu Ying regrets it very much.Why did you let this poisonous woman go for Huo'er's sake, let her have a chance to harm Huo'er, and even killed the infatuated Luan Fei.If the time could come back again, Liu Ying would definitely not be relentless, and personally solved Miao Xin'er.

However, when the matter developed to this point, there was no way to turn back, and there was no so-called regret medicine to sell.Now, Liu Ying can only pray, hoping that the next generation Huo'er and Luan Fei will meet again, and there will be a good result.It will no longer end in tragedy like this life.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ying's heart skipped a beat, as if she had been touched by something.For a moment, Liu Ying seemed to see the rules of heaven and earth flashing in front of her eyes, but it was too much and disappeared all of a sudden.Although it was only a moment, Liu Ying still sensed it, and tightly grasped the touch of this moment.With a flash of inspiration, Liu Ying immediately guessed what it was. This should be the key to the formation of the realm of the God Transformation Period.Birth and death, life and death, the law of reincarnation, the law that all things follow.

She couldn't help but think of Luo Cheng, even a god cannot escape this fate.After falling, they can only be reincarnated and start over.

And she, although she is an exception, has returned to the past, and in essence still has not left the route of death.Life and death depend on each other, there is life before death, and there is death before life.Thinking of this, Liu Ying felt that the aura in Yuan Ying was rapidly circulating.Steadily immersed in his own thoughts, the Nascent Soul in the alchemy suddenly opened his eyes and smiled.

Her field has become.It's a pity that it's not convenient now, otherwise Liu Ying really wants to try the effect of the domain she just formed.The realm of reincarnation, controlling life and death, under the transformation of a god, as long as you enter the surrounding area of ​​her.She has the absolute right to control everything, whether it is life or death, it is all in one thought.

Looking back at Wang Lina and Feng Shuyuan who were still chattering, Liu Ying was in a better mood than ever.Thinking of the main reason for the formation of this field, Liu Ying couldn't help feeling more grateful to Miao Huo'er.The formation of the domain means that the current her is already a real transformation of the gods.

"This Miao Xin'er is really vicious. He even killed his own sister. Yingying, fortunately we didn't expose the matter of Miao Xin'er at the beginning. Maybe Miao Xin'er got mad and poisoned her too. It hurt us too." Thinking of this possibility, Feng Shuyuan couldn't help but shudder, secretly rejoicing in her heart.

"Okay, don't talk about these boring and scary topics, it's scary. Yingying, should you talk about yourself? Do you know that your future mother-in-law is divorced. And the legendary mistress and illegitimate child The girl also came out of the water, showing up generously to go out with your future father-in-law. This Wu Shaoying is not simple. I heard that he used to be in the service industry. If he hooked up with your father-in-law, he would immediately close the mountain and obediently let Luo Haizhi Jinwu hide her beauty .After giving birth to Luo Huimei, I never dared to come out to make trouble, and I have endured it until now before showing my power. Yingying, you let me know, does Wu Shaoying have a chance to enter the Luo family?"

Wang Lina was very familiar with what happened to the Luo family recently, and stared at Liu Ying with bright eyes, wanting to get some first-hand news.

Raising a young lover is a common problem of rich and powerful men. Liu Ying has personally experienced Deng Minzhi's temper.Liu Ying didn't think it was unusual for Luo Haizhi to cheat.After all, how many men can bear the eyes of the wife they marry into the door, and they only know that they are facing her husband's family.You can't tell her many things. Those who don't talk about their thoughts will definitely have other thoughts after a long time.

However, as soon as they got divorced, the little lover immediately surfaced, and even the private daughter also ran out.This kind of heart is too anxious, Liu Ying's eyes flashed, a little worried about Luo Haizhi's actions.If Luo Cheng finds out, he will definitely be sad and disappointed.

Father's love is like a mountain, but Luo Haizhi seems to be unqualified.

Facing Wang Lina's and Feng Shuyuan's thug eyes, Liu Ying was once again left speechless by their gossip.These are the family background of the Luo family, she is not qualified to dictate, what's more, she doesn't know the truth of the matter at all.I don't even have the confidence to talk nonsense and release false news indiscriminately.Shaking her head funny, Liu Ying said seriously.

"No, I'm just like you, I don't know these things at all. I don't even know who Wu Shaoying is. If you didn't tell me, I wouldn't even know these things."

(End of this chapter)

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