Chapter 527 Romantic Marriage Proposal (3)
For four years in college, Feng Shuyuan, who was a wallflower, was not bad at first.But because of Liu Ying, Feng Shuyuan is doomed to be a wallflower and no one cares about her.Even if he did, he would approach her only to find out about Liu Ying, so as to take the opportunity to look at Liu Ying more, or even say a few words.

At Ruhua's age, no one cares about her, Feng Shuyuan feels aggrieved when she thinks about it.With Wang Lina, and a group of girls in the same class, all of them hoped that Luo Cheng would abduct him home quickly, so that he could be brought up by a yellow-faced lady sooner.

"That's right, that's right, Young Master Luo is a trustworthy, extinct good man. Promise him, promise him, promise him." After receiving the wink from Feng Shuyuan, everyone started booing again, making Liu Ying quickly agree to Luo Cheng's marriage proposal .Anyway, it's just an engagement, so it doesn't matter if you agree to it and then examine it slowly.

Thinking of Luo Cheng's sentence of ten years made everyone think about it.After all, Liu Ying was only eight or nine years old at that time, and Young Master Luo had already met his eyes.For a moment, while everyone was shocked and speechless, they also understood why Luo Cheng had never looked at any lady in all these years, let alone fell in love with so-and-so.

Luo Shao, who is also said to be like a god by everyone, actually likes little loli.Set the goal early on, come to develop a lolita, and immediately prepare to pack people away as soon as they turn eighteen.

The eldest and youngest of the Luo family actually liked Lolita, and this love lasted for ten years, or even for a lifetime. This is definitely big news that shocked China.

"Promise me, give brother Luo a chance to treat you honestly, okay?" With everyone booing, Luo Chengxin mustered up his courage again and took out the ring in his hand.He quickly grabbed Liu Ying's hand, wanting to act first, and put the ring on Liu Ying's finger directly, so that Liu Ying had no chance to refuse.

With Liu Ying's strength, she could have dodged it, but she didn't.Luo Cheng's face brightened, and he immediately guessed that Liu Ying meant to agree to him by default.Overwhelmed with joy, Luo's hands trembled and he almost lost the ring in his hand.The ecstasy gushed out from his heart, causing the smile on Luo Cheng's face to rise to his ears. Anyone who is a human can feel the joy surging from the bottom of Luo Cheng's heart.

Staring blankly at Liu Ying, Luo Cheng, overwhelmed by ecstasy, forgot to put the ring on Liu Ying's ring finger.All he knew was to stare at Liu Ying, but he couldn't react for a long time.Till Liu Ying raised her hands and felt a little tired, she smiled and shook her head, and said helplessly, "Brother Luo, are you going to continue to be in a daze? If so, Yingying will regret it, I don't want to be engaged to a fool. "

"Yeah, she agreed, she agreed. Young Master Luo, what are you waiting for? Why are you in a daze? Quickly put the ring on our goddess. Don't let her come out again to harm the talents of Beijing University, so that we Xiaojiabiyu has a way to go." Looking at Luo Cheng who was still acting stupid and only smirking, Feng Shuyuan hated iron for being weak, and vomited blood in anger and hurriedly yelled.

"Yes, quickly use the ring to lock him up." The other students also shouted, urging Luo Cheng to take the last step quickly.As long as Liu Ying is caught with a ring, the matter will be considered over.

"You promised, that's great Yingying. If you promise, you are not allowed to go back on your word. I won't allow it. Brother Luo promises that he will treat you well in the future. You will be the only one in every lifetime, and you will never change your mind. From now on, you will be my housekeeper. Treat Luo casually The eldest brother supervises and guards him. He beats and scolds, but never fights back."

Not in a hurry to put the ring into Liu Ying's finger, Luo Cheng repeated his promise again to make Liu Ying feel at ease.Seeing Liu Ying nodding and agreeing with a smile, Luo Cheng was so excited that he wanted to scream.It's just that Luo Cheng's upbringing prevented Luo Cheng from making such an expression of losing his composure in front of everyone.Nodding heavily, he put the pink diamond ring representing his heart on Liu Ying's ring finger.

Not too big or too small, just right, the pink ring stone reflects pink light in the sun.Liu Ying's hands looked more delicate and fair, which made Luo Cheng's eyes flicker, and a strange light disappeared without a trace.This girl, whom he has loved deeply for ten years, has finally settled down, and it will all belong to him in the future, so he doesn't have to worry about being snatched away halfway. This feeling is really at ease.

Luo Cheng felt the satisfaction he had never had before, his eyes lit up, and he thought of something.Luo Cheng decided to prepare a grand engagement banquet for Liu Ying, to let all his friends know that Liu Ying is his fiancée, and let the whole world know.Liu Ying is the woman he ordered, and no one is allowed to rob him.

Otherwise, he would have killed the person who robbed Liu Ying.With drooping eyes and pursed lips, a look of cruelty flashed quickly in his eyes.

"Okay, I hope Brother Luo doesn't let me down, otherwise, I don't mind making it come true for the promise you said. Even if my strength may not catch up with Brother Luo in the future, even if I die, I will die before my death." The moment before that, he gave Big Brother Luo a hard bite."

Squinting her eyes, Liu Ying warned with a half-truth and half-false smile.Luo Cheng is a sensible person, and Liu Ying believes that he will definitely hear that she is not joking.Dangerous lover, as long as Luo Cheng does not betray her, she can give everything to be good to Luo Cheng.However, if Luo Cheng dared to deceive her, the same Liu Ying would retaliate a thousand times, even at the expense of her life.

Because, this is what Luo Cheng personally promised, and she didn't force Luo Cheng to say it.Being in love is one thing, being married is another.Love can be carefree, but getting married is a kind of eternal responsibility, especially giving birth to a son, it is the responsibility of both parties.


Liu Ying's words startled all the onlookers present, and then thought of Luo Cheng's bloody promise.It also made the faces of all the students show complex expressions, and they secretly speculated in their hearts whether what the two said was true or not.Although Liu Ying said it with a smile, everyone felt that Liu Ying didn't seem to be joking, but was seriously warning and reminding Luo Cheng.

If she dared to betray her, she would definitely kill Luo Cheng.

"No, never, Big Brother Luo will not let this happen. Unless the person Yingying sees is not Big Brother Luo, otherwise, even if he dies, Big Brother Luo will never change his mind." Not by Liu Ying's words Intimidated, Luo Cheng's face remained unchanged, and he still promised with a smile.

However, under the smile, Luo Cheng secretly speculated in his heart.Even Song Quanliang tried again and again, but couldn't find out who the person was.Hurting Liu Ying so deeply, she is still in a state of panic until now, not daring to trust the man completely.Even though he has been with Liu Ying for such a long time, in terms of space time, it has been hundreds of thousands of years.With his gaze downcast, Luo Cheng swore in his heart that one day he would find out the cheap man who hurt Liu Ying and make him pay a painful price.

The graduation photos became different and meaningful because of Luo Cheng's unexpected marriage proposal.For the students of the foreign language department who participated in this marriage proposal, they also felt that it was very meaningful.Because the proposer is special, he is the grandson of the founding father of Shangjing, and the woman is Liu Ying, who is well known in Shangjing and has been named a goddess.The man is handsome and the woman is pretty, each with their own excellent match, coupled with the two people's unique marriage proposal testimony, it is unforgettable for everyone, and it is firmly remembered in the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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