Chapter 539
"Yingying, thank you for all the hard work you have done for me." On the way back, Luo Cheng looked at Liu Ying beside him who had never mentioned a single word from the beginning to the end.Luo Cheng felt deeply moved. This is the person he loves deeply, silently paying for him and paving the way for him.

"Thank you, you forgot what our relationship is." Understanding what Luo Cheng said, Liu Ying smiled and shook her head.

Xiaojin and Xiaolu, seeing the warmth and silence between the two, a smile flashed in their eyes.Looking at each other, they both sent silent blessings to Liu Ying and Luo Cheng.Returning to Shangjing again, Luo Cheng was notified by the old man that all the preparations had already been made.Just wait for Luo Cheng to come back, take his things with him, and go to the Liu family to propose marriage together.The date of engagement is also set, not on NO.30 at the end of the month.

Exactly one week before today, Liu Ying heard the news from Luo Cheng suddenly.The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, sighing secretly that this speed is really not ordinary fast.There is some anticipation in my heart, but also some apprehension, since the parents of both parties have already discussed it.Although Liu Ying is also a party involved, she can't say anything in denial.It's rare for everyone to be happy, anyway, it's not a real marriage, it's just an engagement, it doesn't matter what you want.

In fact, Liu Ying really wanted to tell Luo Cheng that there was no engagement at all in her family.Not many people know how to play engagement, they all get married directly, or they live together after a trial marriage.Anyway, they are all grown men and women, it's no big deal if you like me.As long as it is suitable, it will be over when the time comes.

Time was running short, and the whole family lived in the Mingyang faction during the holidays.Mr. Luo has never been to the world of comprehension, so it doesn't matter if he goes, but those guards are not.For the sake of convenience, Luo Cheng asked Mr. Luo to take the guard's leave, so he didn't have to follow him.As for the private matter, Luo Cheng also canceled the helicopter, and swept the various gifts from Xiao Shan Gao prepared by Mr. Luo into the storage bag.They directly led Mr. Luo to fly to the realm of comprehension.

Mr. Luo experienced this novel flying method for the first time, looking around in a novel way.It was clearly broad daylight, but no one saw it, and it was like walking on flat ground, without any discomfort.Another glance at Liu Ying, Xiao Jin and others seemed to be walking on flat ground naturally.But obviously it was just a step, but Mr. Luo found that this step seemed to take a thousand miles away.His eyes flickered, and Mr. Luo couldn't help being extremely shocked by the magic skills of these immortals again.

"Yingying, what is the realm of comprehension like? Is it different from where we live?" With his eyes wide open, thinking about the place he was going to soon, Mr. Luo couldn't help asking.

"Grandpa Luo, this? You'll know after a while when you see it with your own eyes." Liu Ying grinned and looked at Mr. Luo who was looking around curiously. Liu Ying was not in a hurry to answer.Instead, he blinked his eyes mysteriously, letting Mr. Luo see it with his own eyes.Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Only by seeing with your own eyes can you truly experience the beauty of the world of cultivation.

Thinking of something, Liu Ying narrowed her eyes and smiled, maybe.Feeling the beauty of the realm of comprehension, maybe the old man will be the same as grandma and the others.I fell in love with living in the cultivation world, and I don't want to move back to the secular world, maybe I live in the cultivation world directly for the elderly.Anyway, if you have company, you won't be lonely. The most important thing is that there are people waiting there.Whether it is safety or life, it can be better guaranteed, so that you don't have to be distracted and run around.

"Hehe, Yingying is not good, and she will bully Grandpa Luo before entering the house. If she marries into Luo's family in the future, Grandpa Luo will be inferior to those Filipino servants in the future." When Liu Ying is from her own family, and After getting along for so many years, Mr. Luo was teased by Liu Ying.I couldn't help but want to make fun of Liu Ying, glanced at Luo Cheng with a half-smile, and said with a playful smile.

"Grandpa Luo's mouth is getting more and more outrageous, so I won't tell you." The new wife hasn't entered the house yet, and now is a sensitive period.Even though he is usually used to joking, when it comes to this matter, he still can't help but blush.Looking at each other with Luo Cheng, Liu Ying took the lead in dodging into the realm of comprehension, and asked Luo Cheng to bring Mr. Luo in with him.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Lu naturally followed Liu Ying, nodded at Luo Cheng, and followed behind.Go back to the Mingyang faction and wait, let Luo Cheng and Mr. Luo follow in front of you.But in just a few breaths, Liu Ying arrived at Xianle Peak and saw the news received early in the morning.The family members who were waiting at Xianle Peak early on, and even Wude Yuanjun, who just happened to be in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Seeing the appearance of Liu Ying and Xiao Jin, all of them had joyful smiles on their faces.Especially Lord Wudeyuan and the disciples of the Mingyang Sect were even more delighted to see Liu Ying's appearance.Obviously, they have all received wind of the major events that have happened in the past few days.Knowing that Liu Ying not only defeated the gold-eating ant colony, but also took down the seventh-level gold-eating ant king in one fell swoop, and took him under the door, and became Liu Ying's servant again.

Moreover, in addition to this, there are more than a dozen queens of the sixth rank, and there will be countless gold-eating ant colonies of the third rank and above.It shocked Wude Yuanjun even more, and it was unbelievable that he received the wind.At this moment, Liu Ying not only broke through the Nascent Soul Stage, but also became the Patriarch of the Transformation God Stage.Even Luo Cheng, who has become the ancestor of Huashen, also has an unimaginable magic weapon flying sword on his body.

All the exciting news made Wude Yuanjun return to the Mingyang faction, so excited that he couldn't help himself.Knowing that Liu Ying is going to be engaged to Luo Cheng today, Mr. Wu Deyuan and the elders and disciples in his sect don't care about practicing.They cleaned the top and bottom of the door early to welcome the arrival of Liu Ying, Luo Cheng and other ancestors.

Today is different from the past because of the great achievements of Liu Ying and Luo Cheng.The reputation and status of the Mingyang School are rising, and the number of disciples is increasing year by year.Because of the panacea provided by Liu Ying, the cultivation bases of the disciples in the sect are no longer the same, and almost all of them are below the foundation establishment.The number of disciples in the Golden Core Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage gradually began to increase. Even the Golden Core Daoist who introduced Liu Ying to the Mingyang Sect before has become a Nascent Soul cultivator.

And Su Qigang is not bad, with Liu Ying as a big tree.With an unlimited amount of panacea, and the support of various geniuses and treasures, the cultivation base is gradually rising.In four years, although he couldn't be as heaven-defying as Luo Cheng, he suddenly reached the stage of transforming gods.But among the disciples of the same year, he can be regarded as a peerless genius. In the late stage of foundation establishment, he is about to break through the golden core stage.In just a few years, he has made rapid progress from the Qi training period to this point.

Su Qigang's luck made the disciples of Mingyang sect very envious, and they wished to replace him.Of course, you can't become a disciple of Liu Ying's sect, but you can enter Xianle Peak as a servant, or even a handyman.From time to time, to get some rewards, or a few words on the cultivation level, that is also an opportunity that everyone is eagerly looking forward to.

Because, as everyone has seen, the people who entered Xianle Peak all feel that their progress is much faster than other disciples.Just like Liao Ke'er, she was only a disciple in the Qi training period before.But just because he fell into Liu Ying's eyes, he became the steward of Xianle Peak, and now his cultivation base has also risen to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he will soon be able to suddenly reach the late stage.What makes everyone even more envious and jealous is that the disciples of Elder Liu who work in Xianle Peak, as long as they enter the golden core stage.

(End of this chapter)

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