Chapter 542 Adhere to the ideal (2)
"Sister is going to leave Shangjing?" Liu Tao didn't expect such a result, and his bright eyes immediately fell down.His eyes darkened, although it was a pity, but Liu Tao was not young anymore. A 17-year-old boy knows many things, and understands that everyone's path is different.What Liu Ying wants to walk in the future is not a path that ordinary people can walk.Nodding in understanding, Liu Tao felt better after glancing at Xiaotian and big brother Liu Hai beside him.

Fortunately, there are big brothers and the others, and we are all in Beijing University together, so we won't be too lonely.There are Brother Luo and Brother Xiaojin by my sister's side, so they can't be greedy for other things.My sister has given the whole family a good environment and a carefree life for everyone.He can't help his sister, at least he shouldn't add trouble to her.

"Well, don't be too sad, it's not about life and death. Isn't it possible for the whole family to get together during Chinese New Year? Taozai grows up, and when he goes to college, he will find a girl friend. From now on, he won't have a sister in his eyes .”

He has been very attached to her for the past two lifetimes, and treats her very well as a younger brother.Liu Ying was also very distressed, and she didn't want to make him sad, but there was never a time when everything was perfect.So, even though her heart was a little sad, Liu Ying still looked at Liu Tao seriously, comforting him patiently.

"No, don't worry, sister. Taozi understands everything and will obediently listen to what my sister says. Study hard and become a useful person in the future. By the way, don't forget what my sister said. Taozai plans to start his own business after graduation. Enter the computer, research and develop game software by yourself. Sister, don't forget to give Taozai the foundation of starting a business."

He nodded sensiblely, thinking of something, Liu Tao reminded with a smile.Now Liu Tao also likes to play video games, but he has been able to control himself so as not to be addicted to it.Liu Tao's brain turned extremely, seeing the huge demand in the game market, the smart Liu Tao decided to study software development, research by himself, and then let his elder sister start a business after graduation.


Suddenly hearing that Liu Tao wanted to develop game software by himself, Liu Ying's heart tightened for a while.Fearing that Liu Tao would go down the same path as before, Liu Ying took a deep breath, straightened her face, and said sternly: "Tao boy, what's going on? When did you become obsessed with this thing? Didn't my sister have a long time ago?" Did I warn you not to touch these addictive things?"

"Sister, you misunderstood. Tao Tsai is not addicted to the Internet. He just saw that this game market will definitely be a big hit in the future, so he wants to start a company to research and develop game software after graduation." Liu Tao didn't expect Liu Ying to change his face when he said it. , with a gloomy face, that cold and knife-like gaze.Liu Tao was taken aback, his face turned pale uncontrollably, he swallowed, and explained in a panic.

"Lie, if you are not addicted to the game, how do you know the quality of the game. No, sister is not allowed to touch these harmful things. There are tens of thousands of businesses in the world that make money. If you really can't find it, sister can give it to you." You can play with a jewelry company, but in short, you are not allowed to touch this business."

Remembering Liu Tao's obsessive and unrepentant appearance in her previous life, Liu Ying kept a dark face and refused to listen to Liu Tao's explanation without saying a word.Stubbornly convinced that Liu Tao must have been behind her back, he became addicted to these illusory online games again, unable to extricate himself, even to the point where he wanted to develop it himself.

Fearing that Liu Tao would really learn it badly again when she didn't pay attention, Liu Ying's flustered brows were knotted a few times.Thinking of that time again, Liu Tao was addicted to online games every day.I can't take care of food, I'm skinny, and I just ask for money when I have no money.I don't know how to work to earn money by myself, and what's more, my parents sneaked home without giving money, and ran away after stealing the money.

Liu Tao's terrifying inhuman appearance at that time flashed through his mind, and Liu Ying's expression became even more ugly.No, she will never watch Liu Tao act badly again and become a scum that everyone despises, a puddle of mud that no one thinks he can't help.

"Sister? Why do you have such an idea? Liu Tao will not lie to her sister. If Tao Tsai is really addicted to online games, it is impossible to be admitted to Beijing University now, and it is even more impossible to maintain such grades all the time, let alone develop it by himself. Research hardware. Without certain professional knowledge, not to mention development and research, it is not easy to understand. Big Brother, Brother Xiaotian, you have been with Taozi all the time, why do you know Taozi best. Help me tell my sister, what am I? What kind of person, what is he usually like?"

Liu Tao has an indescribable love for computer software development.So as soon as I came into contact with it, I fell in love with it immediately, studied hard and chose a major early.The purpose is to be able to develop by himself after graduation, and to establish a career exclusively for him, a career that he is interested in and loves.

Hearing Liu Ying's indifference suddenly, he couldn't help but categorically refuse.Liu Tao is a little bit tricky, but because of his strong interest in this industry, he still loves it.So that Liu Tao did not obey blindly as before, and pursed his lips tightly, Liu Tao tried to persuade Liu Ying.He even winked and asked Liu Hai and Ge Xiaotian to help him persuade Liu Ying not to cut off the things he likes in one bite.

"Big sister, Tao Tsai is not lying. Tao Tsai is indeed not addicted to it. It is just that he likes online games under the introduction of his classmates and feels that this industry has great potential, so he wants to study this major. Do your own research and development."

Received Liu Tao's anxious look for help, Liu Hai, as the eldest brother, naturally had a duty to do so.Stand up and help Liu Tao explain, lest Liu Ying really cut off the career that Liu Tao rarely likes and is determined to do.

"Yeah sister, you don't even know that Liu Tao has worked so hard to learn this major. It's not that he is addicted to games, he just likes it. Besides, research and completion of games are two different things. Don't worry, sister. Liu Tao has his own ideas. Never He will act foolishly and ruin himself." Having seen many students addicted to it, Ge Xiaotian can understand why Liu Ying's face changes when he hears about online games.

However, if you understand it, you understand it, Ge Xiaotian can still distinguish the seriousness of the matter.Having been with Liu Tao for four years, I know very well what kind of person Liu Tao is.Addicted to online games, don't be kidding, Liu Tao has been targeting Liu Ying since he was a child.Trying hard to be as good as Liu Ying, how can I learn to be bad.

Even if Liu Tao doesn't ask him for help, Ge Xiaotian will speak for Liu Tao.

"Yingying, the game development industry should be a hot industry in the future. If Liu Tao really has the ability to develop independently, it shouldn't be too bad." Seeing Liu Tao's anxious appearance, Luo Cheng said to Liu Tao The impression was very good, and I couldn't help but add a kick to help persuade.

"Sister, you just trust Tao Tsai. When did Tao Tsai disappoint my sister?" Hearing that his eldest brother Liu Hai and Ge Xiaotian spoke for him, Liu Tao felt relieved.The sharp eyes caught Liu Ying's ugly face, and it began to ease a lot. Liu Tao's heart raised to his throat, and finally he also relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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