Chapter 551 Sweet time (5)
Wanting to harm her, few people in today's comprehension world would have the guts. Even if Deng Minzhi didn't say anything, Liu Ying already had doubts in her heart.

"Impossible, I don't know, I don't know anything." Being stared at by Liu Ying with murderous eyes, Deng Minzhi panicked for no reason, subconsciously said.However, when the words came out of his mouth, Deng Minzhi was shocked, his eyes widened and he was stunned for a while, and then he screamed in ecstasy.

"Ah, I, I can talk now."

"Shut up, don't mess around here anymore, ghosts are screaming. Yingying, Xiao Cheng, what happened here, did your mother do something?" Mr. Luo saw that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately guessed that it must be Deng Xiaoping. Min Zhi played tricks.When I first came here, I heard Liu Ying talking about the wine. Although I didn't hear it before and after, Mr. Luo could still tell from everyone's expressions that there must be something wrong with the wine.

Suddenly hearing Deng Minzhi's excited screams again made Mr. Luo even more angry.A sharp knife slashed at Deng Minzhi fiercely, and sternly reprimanded him furiously.

"Grandpa?" Looking at the worried grandfather, Luo Cheng's cold heart finally felt a little warmth.

"Grandpa, Mom didn't do anything special. I just wanted to make a joke and give everyone a surprise. Well, Mom has been tired all day too. Grandpa will let Mom go back to rest first." Liu Ying didn't want so many people to see Luo's jokes.He winked at Mr. Luo and asked the security personnel behind him to take Deng Minzhi away from the scene.

"Okay, what Yingying said is reasonable, take her down."

Everyone understood what Liu Ying meant, and Mr. Luo also felt everyone's gaze.Nodding his head, he ordered Deng Minzhi to be taken down. Seeing that Deng Minzhi still didn't know what to do, he screamed and wanted to break free.It made Mr. Luo furious, and at the same time he secretly rejoiced that his attitude was firm enough at the beginning.Otherwise, let this crazy woman stay in Luo's house, not to mention Luo Cheng's embarrassment, and the family may never have peace.

When everyone didn't see it, a green light spot sank into Deng Minzhi's body.Ordinary people can't see it, but Luo Cheng and Liu Ying can see it clearly.Put a long line to hang the big fish, don't move Deng Minzhi now, it won't be long before the diving fish should surface by itself soon.Looking at each other, there was a touch of bloodthirsty cruelty in everyone's eyes.

As if nothing had happened, what should be done or what should be done, as the protagonists Liu Ying and Luo Cheng still fulfilled their responsibilities.The remaining untoasted ones will be toasted table by table.Everyone tactfully didn't ask what happened. Even though Deng Minzhi was swept out of Luo's house, she was still Luo Cheng's biological mother. No one could change this fact.Moreover, one family doesn't care about the affairs of the two, and no one will be stupid to expose people's scars.

Eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, and everyone quickly put the unpleasant farce aside.At first, I was surprised by Liu Ying and Luo Cheng's good drinking capacity, and hundreds of tables came down to pay respects.The two of them didn't change their faces, and they didn't even feel drunk.What was even more shocking was that the crowd of groomsmen and bridesmaids behind him were all huge.Even if he is preached, he can look like a normal person if he tilts his head up and down a whole bottle of high-strength foreign wine.

Countless guests who watched with open eyes were stunned, and they all marveled that it is indeed true that things and like gather together.Just relying on this mass, it is enough to make people impressive.

The banquet was coming to an end, although Liu Ying and Luo Cheng were late at the beginning, they still did their best to see off the guests.It wasn't until after all the guests were sent away that I was busy until after twelve o'clock in the evening before dragging my tired body back to the villa.

"Yingying, I'm sorry, you were wronged again today because of my mother's affairs." Even though she knew that Liu Ying didn't touch Deng Minzhi, part of it was because she wanted to draw out the black hands behind the scenes.However, Luo Cheng still understood in his heart that the bigger reason was on him.If it wasn't for him, Liu Ying wouldn't need to go around these detours at all, and would be able to see the truth of the matter directly by searching Deng Minzhi's soul.

However, in this way, Deng Minzhi would become an idiot and useless person.

"Brother Luo, don't forget what our relationship is now. Brother Luo's mother is also my mother. Although she is annoying, she is not no matter what. She is also an elder, and Yingying can't really kill her. But Brother Luo, Yingying doesn't want to lie to you either. Capital crimes are inevitable, but living crimes are inevitable. I don't want to endure today's incident. As long as the murderer is found out, I will take action to teach her a lesson. But I promise I won't kill her, Just to teach her a lesson she will never forget."

Human patience has a limit, and today Deng Minzhi made it clear that he wanted to kill her in public.Once Liu Ying endured it, but this time Deng Minzhi colluded with foreign enemies to harm her.If you can bear it like this, God will not be able to see it.Cultivators have clear grievances and grievances, how can the anger in Deng Minzhi's heart be eliminated if he does not take action to teach Deng Minzhi.

"Okay, as long as Yingying can calm down, it doesn't matter. Although Brother Luo doesn't want her to be my mother, Brother Luo has no choice. Forgive Brother Luo for not being able to avenge Yingying." There was a deep sense of loss and helplessness.When his gaze met Liu Ying, it turned into guilt.

"It doesn't matter, brother Luo is fine, as long as brother Luo is on Yingying's side, Yingying is already very happy in her heart. Okay, brother Luo, today is our engagement day, don't say these things If you are frustrated, if Big Brother Luo really wants to make up, why not pay with flesh."

Diet men and women, everyone is not a child anymore, and the relationship has been confirmed.Liu Ying herself is not an inexperienced rookie in this matter. It is not a bad thing to watch Luo become her as a jade for so many years, and she is approaching forty.If you ask him to endure it now, it seems a bit inhumane.

Putting Deng Minzhi's matter aside, in the dead of night, a man and a woman are in the same room.The surroundings were silent, the room was covered with happy words, and an ambiguous atmosphere suddenly diffused.Liu Ying blinked at Luo Cheng, and the impulsive words suddenly ran out of her mouth.As soon as he finished speaking, seeing Luo Cheng's astonished gaze, Liu Ying's face turned red all of a sudden.Even his neck and ears were not spared, he quickly lowered his head, deeply annoyed in his heart.

She is a girl, how could she say such things like a pervert.Glancing at Luo Cheng with sharp eyes, he secretly wondered if Luo Cheng would think that she was an unscrupulous girl.After thinking about it, Liu Ying quickly comforted herself.Today is also the wedding night, and it is not a big deal if something happens between the couple.Thinking of this, Liu Ying took a deep breath and suppressed the shyness in her heart.

Slowly raising his head, he met Luo Cheng's burning and longing eyes.Liu Ying's heart trembled uncontrollably, and without allowing Liu Ying to explain anything, Luo Cheng, who was aroused by Liu Ying's words, spoke excitedly first.The look of joy on his face couldn't be concealed, his squinted eyes were stained with a hoarse voice, and he said in a somewhat depressed voice.

(End of this chapter)

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