Chapter 555
"Don't ask me to come in and sit down?"

Smelling the strong smell of alcohol in the space, he looked at the sour smell coming from Yang Shaoyuan's body and the crumpled clothes on his body.Everything shocked Liu Ying, and she never expected that Yang Shaoyuan, who was always as strong as Xiaoqiang who couldn't beat Xiaoqiang to death, would have such a decadent side.The tip of her eyes glanced at the empty wine bottles scattered on the ground, which made Liu Ying frown even more.

"Come in, come in and sit down, it's a little messy here, I'm sorry." After being awakened by Liu Ying, Yang Shaoyuan was a little at a loss, and nodded in a hoarse voice with a hint of panic.Turning sideways to let Liu Ying come in, seeing the mess all over the ground with his sharp eyes, Yang Shaoyuan blushed, and thousands of words finally turned into a simple sorry.

"What are you sorry for? Yang Shaoyuan, you didn't feel sorry for me. What you were sorry for was you, Lina, and your parents who had high expectations for you. A man, how can you behave like a tramp? I Didn’t I tell you early on that it’s impossible between us, Lina has a deep love for you and is a nice girl. And, you also have that kind of relationship, in case Lina has your child now, do you think You avoid her like this, don't you feel sorry for her?"

Looking at the embarrassed Yang Shaoyuan, Liu Ying shook her head, single-handedly picked out the thorn in Yang Shaoyuan's heart.Procrastination will only make Yang Shaoyuan confused about the reality. Only those who are ruthless and dig out all the wounds can heal faster.

Blindly escaping cannot solve the problem, only to deal with it positively is what a man should do.

Wang Lina may have his child?
After Liu Ying suddenly poured a bowl of ruthless medicine, Yang Shaoyuan was shocked all over.Suddenly recalling what happened that day, Yang Shaoyuan couldn't help feeling a little panicked.Neither he nor Wang Lina took any protective measures that day, and if Wang Lina had his child, it would not be impossible.Although Wang Lina took the initiative at first, he responded later.His face was pale and pale, and Yang Shaoyuan was suddenly confused.

"I, Yingying, what should I do? I didn't do it on purpose, just, just?" No matter how smart Yang Shaoyuan was, he was still just an impulsive young man at heart.Although I have experienced unrequited love, I have no experience in true love.Now jumping directly to giving birth, Yang Shaoyuan is even more confused, not knowing how to deal with it.

However, Yang Shaoyuan is still responsible after all, unlike an ordinary man.If she didn't want to be responsible, she just threw some money to the woman and asked her to go to the hospital to beat the child.

"Do you need me to teach you how to do it? Of course, it is to take responsibility for a man's due responsibility. Human life is at stake. Yang Shaoyuan, in fact, you have feelings for Lina for a long time, right? It's just that you are blindly avoiding and dare not face it. , Do you feel sorry for me?" Liu Ying was quite satisfied with Yang Shaoyuan's subconscious actions, she nodded secretly, and continued to use strong medicine to uncover Yang Shaoyuan's deepest thoughts.


When asked bluntly by Liu Ying, Yang Shaoyuan was taken aback, and stared blankly at Liu Ying. I couldn't refute for a long time.Wang Lina is a good girl, sunny and beautiful, and excellent in everything.Seeing Wang Lina dangling under the nose every day for four years, even if the heart is hard, it will gradually soften.Yang Shaoyuan is also a normal man, so of course he will inevitably be attracted.

However, for the sake of face, coupled with his unrequited love for Liu Ying, he kept ignoring the squirm in his heart.Now that Liu Ying picked it out today, Yang Shaoyuan just wanted to deny it but didn't say anything.

"Okay, Yang Shaoyuan, don't rush to deny it. We are all grown-ups, dare to be brave. Besides, you and Lina are unmarried, and no one will say anything when you get together. Besides, I am also engaged. It's impossible to fall in love with another man in this life. So, think about it carefully, don't keep avoiding blindly, in case Lina is really pregnant with a child. Think about it day and night, if something happens, you won't It’s easy to say, after all, you have also studied physiology, so you should know that pregnant women who have just given birth to a child are prone to miscarriage when they are in a bad mood.”

Sensing keenly the hesitation on Yang Shaoyuan's face, Liu Ying was overjoyed.Strike while the iron is hot, Liu Ying hurriedly took advantage of the victory to pursue, and gave Yang Shaoyuan a blow to the head to make him realize the reality.For a responsible man, the child will definitely become his deathbed.Seeing Yang Shaoyuan who followed her words with panic on his face.Liu Ying couldn't help but applaud Wang Lina's decisiveness in her heart. Maybe Wang Lina might really be on the right track as this is a dangerous move that ends in death.

Yang Shaoyuan should give him a blow to the head, let him walk into a dead end, avoiding the unavoidable is the only way to let him see his true heart.

"I, Yingying, thank you, I know what to do. Don't worry, no matter whether Lina is pregnant with my child or not, I will treat her well in the future. However, Yingying, you can tell me why from the beginning Don't you want to give me the slightest chance?"

Yang Shaoyuan is a smart man, he was awakened by Liu Ying's stick, and he immediately knew who he was really right now.However, after seven years of bitter love, Yang Shaoyuan couldn't help but want to ask why Liu Ying didn't choose him from the beginning to the end.He thought he was a pretty good man, although he could be a little worse than Luo Shao, but anyway, everyone was of the same age, and he was considered the Prince Charming in the eyes of his schoolmates.

Catching the relief in Yang Shaoyuan's eyes, Liu Ying felt relieved.Knowing that the current Yang Shaoyuan really got out of the demons that trapped him, Liu Ying grinned when he heard Yang Shaoyuan's confused question.Thinking of something, Liu Ying decided to use actions to sever Yang Shaoyuan's last thought.

With a wave of his hand, he dealt with the mess in the room, as well as the air full of sour smell.After clapping their hands, the closed curtains were automatically opened, and the bright sunlight outside immediately shone in.Looking at the stunned Yang Shaoyuan, Liu Ying thought of something, grabbed it out of thin air, and immediately had a cup of warm honey water in her hand.Handing it to Yang Shaoyuan with a smile, his eyes beckoned him to drink the honey water.

Yang Shaoyuan watched the miraculous scene and felt his heart almost stop in fright.Afraid that it was his illusion, Yang Shaoyuan rubbed his eyes fiercely, and found that Liu Ying was still standing in front of him alive.And the messy room he made became clean as new in the blink of an eye.With a signal from Liu Ying's eyes, Yang Shaoyuan took the cup that Liu Ying conjured out of thin air.Holding it in his hand, Yang Shaoyuan even felt the cup was warm.

Swallowing, Yang Shaoyuan tried to drink the honey water in the cup.As soon as he ate his stomach, Yang Shaoyuan felt his whole body tremble, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and his spirit was unprecedentedly good.Awesome, wide-eyed, even an idiot knows how unbelievable it all is.It was even more miraculous than magic tricks. Looking at Liu Ying thoughtfully, Yang Shaoyuan asked in surprise.

"Yingying, is this, is this true? How did you do it? Is it magic or supernatural powers? delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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