Chapter 557 Urban Farce (1)
"Thank you, Mama Chen." Luo Cheng's affection for Mama Chen, who took care of him since he was a child, is far better than that of Deng Minzhi.A rare smile appeared, and a gentle nod to Mama Chen.

"Thank you, thank you, this is what Chen Ma should do."

After waving her hand, Chen Ma felt Luo Cheng's seriousness, and her heart warmed up.Laughing and leading Luo Cheng and Liu Ying into the room, seeing Mr. Luo poking out with sharp eyes, the smile on Chen Ma's face became even brighter.Sighing secretly, this feeling is really good, the Luo family hasn't had such a relaxed atmosphere for a long time.It seems that since the arrival of Liu Ying, Luo Chengcheng has started to laugh, and he is no longer lifeless all day long.

"Yingying, you guys are here. I thought you wouldn't come today, but come tomorrow." Seeing Liu Ying and Luo Cheng, Mr. Luo burst into a smile.Thinking of waiting stupidly for a long time, he couldn't help but put on a straight face, pretending to be dissatisfied, and complained.

"Grandpa, I have something to do at noon, so I came here late. But it's just right, we will stay at night, and by the way, I will make a meal for grandpa, and give grandpa a toothbrush." ​​I understand that the old man is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, not sincere in anger.The smile on Liu Ying's face did not change, and she explained.

"So that's the case. Well, you guys have to cook a table of good food for Grandpa tonight. Come on, let's sit and chat first. Grandpa just made a pot of tea. Let's try to see if Grandpa's craftsmanship has improved."

Mr. Luo is not an unreasonable person. Knowing that Liu Ying was delayed, Mr. Luo immediately forgave Liu Ying and Luo Cheng.It was still early, old man Luo was not in a hurry to urge Liu Ying and Luo Cheng to make dinner for him as soon as they arrived.Anyway, it should be his, and he can't run away.Thinking of the spirit tea he had just brewed, Mr. Luo hurriedly greeted Liu Ying warmly and asked Liu Ying to try his brewing skills for him.

As for Luo Cheng, he was directly ignored by Mr. Luo.There is no way, whoever called Luo Cheng is not good at this at all, discussing the tea ceremony with Luo Cheng is a waste of energy playing the piano with cattle.

"Okay, grandpa, don't worry, the fragrance, although I haven't drunk it yet, but I can tell that grandpa's tea art has improved again by smelling the fragrance." Sit down according to the old man Luo's intention, and take the teacup handed by the old man, don't worry Just raise your head and drink.Liu Ying sniffed lightly, feeling the tangy, strong fragrance of tea.Nodding her head, her eyes lit up, and the tip of her eyes caught Mr. Luo's expectant gaze. Liu Ying was not stingy, and praised her generously.

"Yingying still has a good eye, just by smelling it, you can tell whether grandpa's tea art is good or not." Being praised by Liu Ying, Mr. Luo was so overjoyed that he couldn't see his teeth.

Luo Cheng also sat down automatically and consciously, unable to enjoy the tea poured by Mr. Luo himself.Luo Cheng wasn't jealous either, he poured himself a glass and drank it with his head raised.The aura is good, but it still feels a little astringent. I really don’t know what’s so good about this tea. The spirit wine is much better than this stuff.

"If you don't know how to drink, don't drink it. You're wasting all the good tea." Looking at Luo Cheng who was drinking with his head upright, Mr. Luo shook his head in pain.His sharp eyes also saw Luo Cheng's disgusted expression, which made Mr. Luo even more angry.With a straight face, he couldn't bear it and gave a reprimand.

Luo Cheng is good at everything, but his tea addiction did not inherit him.It's not as good as Liu Ying's post, which is equally good without saying anything, and it can also deceive people.It's not like Luo Cheng, who knows how to keep a straight face all day long like him, without saying a word.Thinking of this, and comparing the before and after, Mr. Luo couldn't help but favor Liu Ying, and couldn't help but love Liu Ying even more.

"It's okay, grandpa. Anyway, there are plenty of spiritual teas here, if grandpa likes them. Yingying also has a lot of other varieties of spiritual teas on hand. Yingying will give them to grandpa, so that grandpa can enjoy drinking by himself when he has nothing to do." Looking at the little one Like a child, Mr. Luo has a face full of pain.Liu Ying threw a teasing smile at Luo Cheng in a funny way. In order to smooth things over for Luo Cheng, Liu Ying had no choice but to change the topic and divert Mr. Luo's attention.

Are there other varieties of spiritual tea?
Hearing what Liu Ying said, Mr. Luo's eyes lit up.With renewed energy, he threw Luo Cheng aside and asked excitedly. "Really, Yingying can't fool grandpa, they are some spiritual teas. Can Yingying take out some for grandpa to see now, soak some and try to see how it feels."

"When did grandpa see that Yingying lied? It was Yingying who came here with great difficulty. Here, grandpa will make some for himself to drink. If grandpa likes it, Yingying will bring some more for grandpa." Love for tea, Let Liu Ying slowly learn to fry tea by herself.It's no longer the same as before, rough directly picked the new tea leaves from the tea tree, and used them to make tea, which greatly reduced the good spirit tea.

He took a jade bottle and handed the fried spirit tea to Mr. Luo.Seeing Mr. Luo's ecstatic expression, as if he had obtained some rare treasure, Liu Ying couldn't help showing a bright smile.

"Good tea, good tea, Yingying will know if there is any as soon as she makes a move."

When the lid of the jade bottle was opened, a strong scent of tea wafted out of his nostrils, which immediately made old man Luo's eyes shine.He kept nodding his head and praised again and again.Almost impatiently, Mr. Luo took out another set of white jade tea set, as carefully as if he were treating his beloved.

From washing the tea set, to getting some spiritual tea with tweezers and pouring it into the teapot.Went for the first tea, settled down and hurriedly poured a cup first and took a sip.Feeling the smooth and fragrant tea flow down his throat, Mr. Luo closed his eyes comfortably, enjoying this wonderful moment.

"Okay, okay, good tea. What kind of tea is Yingying? It is comparable to this Lingwu tea, but it has its own unique characteristics. Turn the flavor." Opening his eyes, Mr. Luo stared at Liu Ying with burning eyes, and asked excitedly.

"Grandpa, this is a rare Wannianlonglong tea. It is a treasure that can only be found in the dragon's lair. It's no wonder that it doesn't taste good. If grandpa likes it, please give him more tea and let him save it for himself to drink slowly. In addition, there are Several kinds are not bad, they are the top-quality spiritual tea that Yingying accidentally found during her training. They are packed in jade boxes, and grandpa will know the taste after trying it himself."

It's a rare congenial smell, Liu Ying sees that Mr. Luo really likes it.Not stingy, he generously took a few more jade boxes and handed them to Mr. Luo, explaining with a smile.

"Long Yincha? Good name. Since Yingying gave it to me, then grandpa will not be polite. By the way, Yingying, you are going on a trip with Xiaocheng. Do you want to put away the things sent by others? Although grandpa is safe here, grandpa is afraid that your dad will miss it. They are all good things, which will inevitably make people jealous."

Thinking of these frequent hints from Luo Haizhi, Mr. Luo was very disappointed.He made up his mind on the gifts that others gave Luo Cheng and Liu Ying, and wanted to use these things to open up his own contacts so that he could seize the opportunity for promotion.For Luo Haizhi's corruption, while Mr. Luo was disappointed, he also felt powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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