Chapter 560 Urban Farce (4)
Strangely, Luo Cheng and Xiao Lu were not included in the assassination list.Just assassinate the woman and let the man go, this strange assassination made Luo Cheng feel a little confused.I can't figure out who is behind this, who will find out such a neurotic killing order.Normal people don't usually target men and let women go, or catch women as targets of threat.

On the contrary, Luo Cheng has performed so many tasks, and has never seen such a strange thing.It's unbelievable, I don't know what kind of medicine the person behind this is selling in the gourd.However, no matter what it is, if he dares to appoint a killer to assassinate him, he will definitely not let go of the black hands behind him.

"How is Brother Luo, do you know what's going on?" Seeing the strange look on Luo Cheng's face, Liu Ying frowned and asked curiously.

"These are professional killers. They only know how to use money to do things, and they don't even know who paid the money. However, there is one thing that is strange. The order they received was to kill you, Ya Ya, and Li Ji. And Not including me and Xiao Jin, I don’t know what the people behind this mean.”

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, when asked by Liu Ying, Luo Cheng told Liu Ying the information he had found.At the same time, he also expressed his incomprehension.

"Oh, just kill me and Ya Ya, and let the man go." Hearing the unexpected news, Liu Ying's face flashed with surprise.After thinking about it for a while, Liu Ying, like Luo Cheng, couldn't figure out which pervert did this.It was quite interesting to make such a killing order, and Liu Ying couldn't help but start to guess who was behind it.

"Master, who do you think it would be to issue such a hunting order." Yaya leaned over and heard the conversation between Luo Cheng and Liu Ying.I couldn't help being curious, my eyes twinkled, and I said with a novelty expression on my face.

"I don't know, but same-sex repells each other. If he hit us hard but let Brother Luo and the others go, this person must be either a pervert or a woman, and he might even fall in love with Brother Luo and the others." Liu Ying has a deep understanding of people's openness and boldness.In a flash of inspiration, thinking of something, Liu Ying glanced at Luo Cheng, Xiao Jin and the others jokingly, her eyes could not help showing a teasing look.


Liu Ying's words surprised Ya Ya and Li Ji, but Ya Ya didn't feel much as a queen bee.After all, Ya Ya has a huge harem, and she can choose any man.As long as she likes, the men in the whole hive can be hers.Li Ji is different, in turn, she is one of Jin Pengze's women.Naturally, it is unacceptable for a woman to make such a bold move.

"Master, whether it's a man or a woman, it's definitely a pervert to do such a thing. No matter who he is, if he dares to send a killer to assassinate the master, Xiao Jin will definitely help the master to tear him apart." Xiao Jin heard Liu Ying say that it might be possible. It was their reason, and they quickly stood up and promised with an indignant face.

"Kill him." Xiaolu was more direct, with a gloomy face, and the murderous intent in her eyes was not concealed in her eyes.

"That's right, master, we must find out this damn pervert, no matter how tortured he is, he can't survive or die." Jin Pengze has a soft spot for watching the enemy's dying struggle, and he likes to make the other party's life worse than death.Unwilling to be left behind, he hurriedly echoed.

With a lesson learned once, Liu Ying will be much more cautious in her next itinerary.No matter where he goes, he releases his consciousness, pays attention to the movement around him, and wants to find out the black hand behind the scenes as soon as possible.However, the person behind the scenes has not been found yet, and unexpectedly saw many scenes of male and female battles that made people blush.Especially at night, there are countless such primitive dramas.

In the end, they couldn't take it anymore, and everyone had to give up and take back their consciousness.At the same time, everyone looked a little embarrassed and thought to themselves, this foreigner is really unusually enthusiastic.

Everyone is not afraid of assassination, just want to find out who is behind the scenes as soon as possible.Soon, not long after, another wave of murderous people attacked them.This time it was even more speechless and astonishing. For Luo Cheng and the others, these men in black suits chose to use close combat.As for Liu Ying and the girls, they just raised their guns and slapped them cruelly, with a clear goal of wanting their lives.

Liu Ying was so amusing at the behavior of these people, she stopped being polite and killed several killers who didn't have long eyes.Then he found out the leading man, without saying a word, he unleashed coercion, immobilizing the other party.Then put your hand over the opponent's head and take out the useful memory fragments.It went well this time, and Liu Ying finally found useful information.Seeing the memory picture in the other party's mind, Liu Ying raised her eyebrows a little dumbfounded.

I really didn't expect that she was just guessing casually, and she was really wrong.The person behind the scenes is really a woman, and she is also a perverted nympho.Not just one of them, Luo Cheng, but all of them.He wanted to catch Luo Cheng and Xiao Lu, etc., and get them all back and give them to her as male favourites.

This perverted woman's appetite is really not ordinary, and she has raised a lot of male favorites.She was so daring that she wanted to capture the men around her as guests.Hmph, dare to miss her man, this nympho really has his brain caught between cracks.It's fine to move her man's mind, and what's even more hateful is that he dared to send a killer to take her life, which is even more unforgivable.

A hint of hostility flashed across the sharp pupils without a trace, and the corners of the mouth turned up.At this moment, Liu Ying's body makes people feel infinitely dangerous, not angry and majestic, which makes people feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

Just as Liu Ying sank into her own thoughts, Luo Cheng and a group of partners had already dealt with all the people sent by Yimeier.The strong smell of blood, as well as the horrific corpses lying on the ground, all made the passers-by who sneaked a peek on the road feel terrified.Looking at Liu Ying and the others, there was a look of shock on their faces.

A black suit and black sunglasses.Locals in Italy know that these people are the Mafia that everyone fears.However, no one expected that the battle would be one-sided.These few beautiful over-the-top men and women, with bare hands and without even a gun, actually killed dozens of mafia gangsters who were so vicious.Everyone can't help but wonder if this is the shooting scene of a Hollywood action movie.Some people even looked around curiously, looking for a camera hidden in the dark.

After a long while, they couldn't find any so-called cameras. At this moment, everyone had to admit that this bloody street was comparable to a Hollywood film set, and they were all real.These beautiful men and women really bravely killed dozens of mafia gangsters with their bare hands.For a moment, the audience, who were afraid of causing trouble, rushed to flee the scene, fearing that they would be implicated innocently.

Luo Cheng and Ya Ya didn't pay much attention to the chaos everywhere.The tip of his eyes caught the murderous look in Liu Ying's eyes, and he couldn't help showing a worried look.As the person next to him, Luo Cheng was even more worried.She stepped forward and hugged Liu Ying gently, and said softly: "What's the matter, Yingying, find some clues."

(End of this chapter)

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