Chapter 570 Collective Breakthrough (3)
If it weren't for the heaven-defying cheating device of space, Liu Ying couldn't imagine that it would take millions of years to retreat all at once.When you go out of the customs and see the scene where things are different, what will you feel in your heart?

Sighing, put away the emotion in my heart.Liu Ying stopped wasting time, and quickly took out the Pomo Pill from the jade bottle, and took a few deep breaths.Suppressing the agitation in his heart, he unsealed the jade bottle's lid.Suddenly, the alchemy king in the jade bottle immediately seized the opportunity and wanted to escape quickly.However, no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to escape Liu Ying's five-fingered heart.As soon as he waved his hand, the Pomo Pill had to obediently fly back to Liu Ying's palm.

If Liu Ying hadn't made this magic-breaking pill by himself, Liu Ying couldn't help wondering whether this magic pill had become refined by herself.Sensing the vague dissatisfaction from King Pill, a look of surprise flashed across Liu Ying's face.Think of the way in Journey to the West, when Sun Dasheng stole the elixir, those elixir flew away by themselves.Liu Ying had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly understood a little bit, or, the elixir after the elixir may really give birth to spiritual wisdom.

What's more, it can also practice and become a celestial being.However, if the elixir is refined into a human body, I am afraid that it will inevitably become the object of greed of countless immortals and even gods.Who would not have evil thoughts about a treasure that defied the heavens.No matter how frighteningly strong a person is, they will inevitably desire a higher realm.

Swallowing his saliva, he settled down and stopped thinking about these messy possibilities.Opening his mouth, he swallowed the Pomo Pill in his hand, it melted in his mouth, and a gentle yet incomparably majestic and terrifying power poured into his body in an instant.With her eyes tightly closed, Liu Ying felt the majestic spiritual power, and a look of shock flashed across her face.

As expected of a pill king, the spiritual power contained in it alone is not comparable to ordinary panacea.Immediately afterwards, the medicinal effect of the Pomo Pill began to take effect, emitting a bright green light, which was the precious essence extracted from the flower core of the ogre Kao.It rushed to all parts of the body, causing Liu Ying's comfortable body to shake. This bright green power quickly transformed Liu Ying's physique.From the dantian to the bones and muscles of the body, there is nothing wrong.

Liu Ying could clearly feel the changes in her body, this bright green power filled her whole body.After the transformation, Liu Ying knew that her body would no longer be afraid of the invasion of the devil energy, and could even use the devil energy for her own use.It is no longer limited to spiritual energy, and can also be absorbed into the body to practice when encountering magic energy, and then transform it into spiritual power.This kind of heaven-defying physique is definitely a good thing that countless cultivators in the fairy world desire, but cannot achieve.

The benefits are far more than this. In addition to the power of the ogre Kao, Liu Ying deliberately added the water of life.Coupled with the effect of Transformation Tribulation, the golden runes actually mutated the Demon-Breaking Pill.Quickly transform Liu Ying's body again. When the transformation of the entire headquarters is completed, Liu Ying almost jumped up in shock.

God, she found something incredible.With the help of the golden runes, the water of life actually transformed her body into a body similar to that of a vampire, or even stronger.It is almost equivalent to possessing an immortal body, which can quickly restore the body.Cell mutation, this is simply unbelievable.At this moment, Liu Ying didn't know whether to think it was the Heaven-Defying Water of Life, or the terror of the Alchemy King's Transformation Tribulation.

In short, everything is an incredible coincidence, and for no reason to let Liu Ying refine it into the Devil-Breaking Pill King is itself a miracle among miracles.

Surprises are still increasing, Liu Ying found that the spiritual power of the Pomo Pill has once again made Liu Ying's cultivation step forward to a small level.She successfully stepped into the peak of the initial phase of the Mahayana period, and there were surprises one after another, which made Liu Ying overjoyed.Although it was only a small step, it saved Liu Ying a lot of time in penance for tens of millions of years.Shu Gong opened his eyes, Liu Ying's excited eyes lit up, and he jumped up, Liu Ying raised her head excitedly and screamed twice uncontrollably.

Slowly calming down, thinking of something, Liu Ying hurriedly released her consciousness to see how everyone was doing.Unexpectedly, Liu Ying discovered many happy events, and Luo Cheng followed closely.With the help of the Demon-Breaking Pill, he broke through the barrier of the Transformation Stage and officially became a top monk in the Mahayana Stage.And Xiaolu and the others also made new breakthroughs one by one.And Ya Ya and Li Ji, who were the worst in cultivation, also entered the stage of transformation in one fell swoop.

As for other changes in the body, it is almost the same as Liu Ying, but the strength is different.Maybe this is different from the individual's absorption capacity, the overall effect of the medicine is the same.Leaving out of the practice room, he saw Luo Cheng who was already waiting outside the door.Liu Ying smiled and nodded, reached out to hug Luo Cheng, and pressed a kiss on his face.

"Brother Luo, congratulations on your breakthrough and entering the Mahayana stage."

"Well, it's all thanks to Yingying. By the way, Yingying, has this magic-breaking pill mutated?" Luo Cheng hugged Liu Ying back, and Luo Cheng liked Liu Ying's intimacy very much.Right, what did you think of, Luo Cheng asked puzzledly.As the name suggests, the Demon-Breaking Pill should only have the effect of destroying demon energy. It is unreasonable to transform the body into a perverted body like a vampire, almost possessing an immortal body.

You must know that the greatest weakness of a cultivator is that the body is not strong enough.It's impossible to be as terrifying as the demon cultivator. Only relying on the tyranny of the body, it can ignore the attack of the magic weapon.Even, the body can be used directly as a magic weapon, fiercely fighting with the magic weapon of a cultivator.Possessing an immortal body, as long as the Nascent Soul in the body does not die, it is necessary to take the last dangerous move, abandoning one's own body and rebirth.

If the body can also continue to evolve as the cultivation level continues to advance.Then, even if they fly into the fairy world in the future, they will still have a certain amount of resistance.Moreover, if the body can really be cultivated into an immortal body, then Luo Cheng can no longer rely on his original body.As long as the godhead is regained, the body that was taken away by the witch god and whether it is defiled or not can be destroyed, and it is no longer important.

Thinking of this, Luo Cheng couldn't help showing another smile on his face.

"Hehe, Big Brother Luo has also noticed something is wrong. Yes, the effect of this Demon-Breaking Pill has changed a bit, probably because I added the water of life on a whim when I was refining alchemy. The golden rune, so if you are not careful, it will not be like this."

Xiaolu once said that taking the water of life for the second time can have the effect of bringing the dead back to life.Then, the mutated water of life can make people have an immortal body, so it makes sense.

"Water of life? That's how it is. Yingying is wrong and wrong. Maybe there will be even greater surprises after possessing an immortal body." Luo Cheng was not in a hurry to find out what it was, his lips raised, and his eyes flickered. After a touch of clarity.No wonder, about the water of life, Luo Cheng has a deep understanding of the miraculous effects of the water of life after Xiao Ling boasted.

Xiaoling can create elves by using the water of life to practice.Then it is not impossible to have the miracle of transforming the human body, but now it just confirms this possibility.

Bigger surprise?
(End of this chapter)

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