Chapter 596 Magic Guild (1)
People are more angry than people, but not everyone has such a strong heart that can withstand such a blow.

"Congratulations to your fire spirit, you have successfully advanced." As the master of the fire spirit, Liu Ying not only does not feel threatened by Sanwei Zhenhuo.On the contrary, she felt very kind. Seeing Huo Ling jumping excitedly in her palm, Liu Ying couldn't help showing a sunny smile on her face.

"Thank you, in fact, this is all thanks to the master. Without the help of the master, with the current strength of Huo Ling, it is impossible to mutate into Sanwei Zhenhuo." Although Huo Ling was extremely excited, facing Liu Ying's congratulations, Huo Ling didn't dare to take credit for it.Shaking his head, he hurriedly told the truth.

"You're welcome, we are all on our own."

They looked at each other, conveying unspoken belief.After chatting for a while, Liu Ying felt that a dozen of them were equal in strength, and there were even a few more powerful auras approaching her.The strong murderous intent made Liu Ying shudder uncontrollably.A gleam flashed in his eyes, his face darkened, and he quickly withdrew the fire spirit.Glancing at Luo Cheng, everyone immediately set off, pumped up their horsepower and squeezed out their breastfeeding energy, and quickly moved away from this place of right and wrong.


No need to guess, Liu Ying knew that it must be the ancestor behind Ruan Laowei and the others who had received the news and came in a hurry.Liu Ying fled quickly, fearing that Ya Ya and Li Ji would not be able to keep up.Liu Ying decisively took them into the space directly, and then continued to run away with concentration.Feeling the powerful aura behind him, and that getting closer and closer, the majestic pressure made people feel breathless.

It made everyone's face pale a little bit, knowing that if you just run away blindly, you will definitely not be able to escape.Several of the old monsters chased by the opponent are in the tribulation stage.In the situation where Xiaoling and Nan Siding couldn't come out to help, everyone had no chance at all.Make a quick decision, afraid of discovering the same oolong incident as last time with the ogre flower again.Liu Ying asked everyone to slap a few breath-holding talismans on their bodies, and then went straight to the ground.

Fleeing all the way to the depths of the ground, he almost stopped when he received the magma in the center of the earth, and quickly dodged to hide in the space.

The speed of the monsters in the tribulation period is very fast, just as Liu Ying led everyone into the space.In the next second, without even a breath, several old monsters from the tribulation period appeared in the ground where Liu Ying and others disappeared.Due to gravity, no matter how strong the old monsters are, they cannot lock the breath of Liu Ying and others.Looking at the magma in front of them, the old monsters could only guess that Liu Ying and his group hid in the magma.

Gritting their teeth and roaring, several old monsters chased him to this point.How could they be willing to let the murderer who killed their descendants go at this critical moment.Tacitly rushed into the magma, there was a great momentum to find Liu Ying and his group, kill Liu Ying and others, and never give up.

After entering the space, Liu Ying was finally able to take a breath, thinking of the coercion that was like a large army pressing down on people.Let Liu Ying realize again how terrifying the coercion of high-ranking monks is, almost making some people desperate and unable to resist the illusion of being shaken.The difference of only one level makes people so powerless. The more Liu Ying understands, the more difficult the challenge becomes.Not to mention strength, it is this coercion that makes people not even have the strength to raise their heads, let alone mention other things.

He poured a bottle of royal jelly into his mouth, and the warm current formed by spiritual energy poured into the atrium, filling the Nascent Soul.Liu Ying's pale face returned to its original rosiness.Her gaze turned to Luo Cheng, and seeing the seriousness on Luo Cheng's face, Liu Ying rolled her eyes, understanding what Luo Cheng was worried about.Those old monsters are too strong, I'm afraid they will have to stay in the space for a while before they can go out.

Otherwise, it would be terrible if they let them get caught.It's a pity, according to Xiao Ling, the complete control of the space is not so fast.At least after ascension, she can freely control the space to escape in the space.It is very inconvenient to not have to be in the same place where the space flashed in every time you go out.If the enemy has been sitting outside waiting for a rabbit, it will be miserable, and he will be caught by the gangster.

This weakness is too fatal. Although Liu Ying also wanted to change it, she just couldn't reach it because of her cultivation.Although she is now in the middle stage of Mahayana, she is still far from ascending.Take one step at a time, and you can't be greedy anymore, at her current age.Stepping into the Mahayana period is already very against the sky, and it is generally known that it may faint from fright.

While Liu Ying was thinking, she suddenly heard a crisp bird call.Liu Ying's mind turned quickly, and she guessed who it was.Like everyone else, he immediately looked up and saw the fiery little Suzaku affectionately flying down with Xiao Ling and the others, and stopped on the spiritual fruit tree beside him.Nan Siding, who did not have Xiaoling's delicate and pretty figure, fell in front of Liu Ying.When they saw Liu Ying and Luo Cheng, they couldn't hide their joy.

"Master, Master Chuangshen, you are back." Nan Siding and Xiaoling said in unison, with a slightly loud voice.

"Well, Xiaoling, is Suzaku alright? Did you make trouble in the space?" Seeing that Kaiyue didn't feel a bit uncomfortable, the mythical beast Suzaku was still very comfortable.Liu Ying felt relieved, but still asked a casual question.

"Master, it's okay, Suzaku is very good and well-behaved. Master must be very surprised why Suzaku appeared in the Beastman Continent. Xiaoling knows the reason. Master, don't worry, listen to Xiaoling slowly and carefully." To Liu Ying Xiao Ling had already guessed the doubt in his heart.After interrupting Liu Ying and the questions everyone wanted to ask, Xiaoling started a long series of explanations.

After an unknown amount of time, after listening to Xiao Ling's words, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched uncontrollably.It never occurred to him that in this strange land of orcs, Luo Cheng would be involved in something.The Suzaku in the God Realm was originally Luo Cheng's mount, and when Luo Cheng fell, how could there be Suzaku left in the eyes of the gods.Headed by Thunder God, the old hag who returned to the Witch God secretly tricked and seriously injured the mythical beast Suzaku.

This little Suzaku was actually seriously injured and escaped from the lower world at a heavy price.At the cost of godhood and cultivation, he tore through the space and fled to the orc continent where there were no practitioners.It retracted back into the shell to nourish and rebuild, but it didn't expect that time would change, and the orc continent was also discovered by practitioners and took possession of it.If it weren't for Liu Ying's sudden appearance, the mythical beast Suzaku would have become a fat sheep today, and everyone would want to take a bite of it.

Although Suzaku has lost all of his cultivation, he has also lost his godhead.All had to be rebuilt, but fortunately, Suzaku's memory was not lost due to the passage of time.Therefore, as soon as Xiaoling and Nan Siding appeared, Suzaku sensed it.It's a pity that Suzaku's cultivation is still too low to sense the reincarnated Luo Cheng.Otherwise, Suzaku would definitely charge towards Luo Cheng as soon as he appeared in this world.

"Brother Luo?" Catching Luo Cheng's complicated expression, Liu Ying frowned worriedly.The gaze turned to Suzaku again, with Xiao Ling and Nan Siding present, Suzaku should have known that Luo Cheng was its original owner by now.

(End of this chapter)

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