Chapter 598 Magic Guild (3)
There was silence, and no one spoke again.Quietly watching Suzaku, waiting for her to make the final decision.If the answer is no, no matter how reluctant everyone is, they have to let Suzaku go.

Lowering his head, Suzaku was enlightened by Luo Cheng's sentence that an outsider is like a god.The whole person was a little dumbfounded, his eyes were slightly red, although he knew it was true.But when Luo Cheng said it bluntly, Suzaku still couldn't help but his heart constricted.Biting her lower lip, she looked at Luo Cheng who was silent and looked away.Subconsciously glanced at Liu Ying again, thinking of what Xiao Ling and Nan Siding said in his mind.After thinking about it, Suzaku also felt that it made sense, as long as Liu Ying was recognized as the master.

Liu Ying will be her master in the future, and Luo Cheng, as Liu Ying's partner, is also her master.

After thinking about this, Suzaku finally felt better.In addition, he also has a good impression of Liu Ying. Suzaku's personality is hot and straightforward, but he is too nostalgic and persistent.That's why I was hesitant. Now that I have figured it out, I can pull out the clouds and see the sun.Suzaku immediately stopped thinking about other things, and with a slight smile on his face, he nodded in agreement under everyone's expectant eyes.

"Well, since Master Chuangshen has no objection, she will be Suzaku's master from now on. Master, Suzaku is willing to submit, and she will become the master's servant from now on." Turning around meticulously, kneeling in front of Liu Ying respectfully, Suzaku said crisply .Glancing at Liu Ying from the corner of her eye, and seeing the approval on Liu Ying's face, Suzaku knew she was doing the right thing.

It's just that there is one more master, which is actually not a big deal.Anyway, as long as she can still follow Mr. Chuangshen, then it will be fine.Of course, there is another reason, that is, Suzaku actually likes the star ring very much, and likes to live a carefree life in the star ring.Don't look at the hypocrisy of the gods in the God Realm, and the old hag of the witch god who comes here every day and dangles in front of her eyes.

Thinking of the despicable witch god, Suzaku suffocated in his heart.One day, she will definitely return to the God Realm, cut the witch into eight pieces, and let the witch god know that she, Suzaku, is not easy to mess with.

"Okay, get up, you are welcome to join our team again." After receiving a ray of soul fire from Suzaku, they felt that the connection between them had been established.And she could sense what Suzaku was thinking, Liu Ying nodded in satisfaction.With a wave of the plain hand, a gentle spiritual force lifted Suzaku up, and said with a smile.

Suzaku can understand practical things, and changing her mind is the best result, and it is also the result that everyone wants to see most.

"Thank you, master." After establishing a connection with each other, Suzaku once again had a deeper understanding of Liu Ying's extraordinaryness.Glancing to the side, Xiaolu and the others, whom she hadn't been looking at, Suzaku nodded with a smile.Unexpectedly, they would be Liu Ying's partners, and one of them was Kai Tianshu.This discovery brought Suzaku's potential for Liu Ying to a new level.

Perhaps it might really be a good choice to recognize Liu Ying as the main one.

It really did, Suzaku really became their partner.Sensing the connection between each other, Ya Ya and Xiao Jin showed excitement on their faces.Sansheng was lucky, never had delusions, but he never thought that such a day would come, what a big surprise.Especially Xiao Jin, when he looked at Suzaku, his eyes lit up.Without Liu Ying's instructions, she took the initiative to lead Suzaku to find the territory.And also enthusiastically told Suzaku a lot about Liu Ying and Luo Cheng, and at the same time took the initiative to introduce everyone to Suzaku.

Xiao Jin's sudden and overly enthusiastic behavior attracted everyone's attention.They cast strange glances at Xiao Jin and Suzaku one after another, thinking about the reason for Xiao Jin's sudden enthusiasm.Could it be that it's just because Suzaku is a divine beast that Xiao Jin adores it?Xiaolu is also a quasi-god in the future. After getting along for so long, I have never seen Xiaojin have such a dog leg.

In a flash of inspiration, everyone couldn't help guessing seeing Suzaku's hot body that made people want nosebleeds.Could it be that the charm of a beautiful woman has subdued Xiao Jin, who has always had a high vision.Dragon and phoenix match, dragon and phoenix match, Xiaojin has a trace of dragon blood, and Suzaku is also known as Fire Phoenix, maybe also has a trace of phoenix blood.If Xiao Jin and Suzaku can get together, they might really be a perfect match.

Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, Liu Ying, Yaya and other partners are happy to see it succeed.It also doesn't tell whether Xiao Jin is playing Suzaku's idea, and fell in love with Suzaku at first sight.Take your time, let them grind it out, success or failure is also a matter between the two of them.It is better for the third party not to intervene, lest it will not help, and it will be a disservice and a bad thing.

Liu Ying advanced again and again.Before he stabilized and dealt with Suzaku's affairs, he hastily closed his cultivation base.Many things have to be re-cultivated.Especially the newly obtained Sanwei Zhenhuo, it is even better to familiarize yourself with it, so as not to waste such a thing.Sometimes, this thing is definitely a surprise treasure.

What's more, in addition to these, she should also try to refine the newly obtained pills, and try the panacea refined by the three flavors of real fire.What is the difference between it and the one made by ordinary pill fire, and what is the effect of using it.

As for Luo Cheng, who was stimulated by Liu Ying's advancement speed, he was not loose.Let's retreat together, strive to advance as soon as possible, and continue to keep pace with Liu Ying.Anyway, there is time, I believe that if you work hard, there will always be gains.With the cultivation speed of Luo Cheng's Mutant Ice Spirit Root, and his talent for comprehension.In essence, it is not too difficult to catch up with Liu Ying.It's just that Liu Ying's luck is too strong, so she keeps catching up with Luo Cheng again and again.

Thousands of years, for everyone's current cultivation, is just a blink of an eye.But it also allowed Liu Ying to do more things besides non-stop training.It took hundreds of years to build a solid cultivation base, and Liu Ying started not to do business in the rest of the time.Sacrificing magic weapons, refining elixirs, drawing talismans, and proficient in various mid-Mahayana lore skills.

In addition, Liu Ying also tried to experiment with Jin Pengze and other partners.Proficiency in the control of the field will deepen the understanding of reincarnation at a higher level.Practicing spells and making mental breakthroughs require countless hours of accumulation.Unknowingly, although Liu Ying was distracted to learn a lot of things, she was not in a hurry for success, and on the contrary made her cultivation progress again.

One drink and one peck, one sees the other and loses the other, there is always one's own destiny.

While Liu Ying and Luo Cheng were concentrating on training, Suzaku gradually became one with everyone in the long river of time.No longer because she is a divine beast, and Xiaojin and the others are just monsters, feeling superior to them.Especially Xiao Jin, the relationship between Suzaku and Xiao Jin is even closer, and they get together every day to wander around in the space.Of course, after all the fun, Suzaku still puts a lot of emphasis on training.

With the help of Xiaoling, Suzaku's cultivation has also improved by leaps and bounds without realizing it, and it has lasted for nearly a thousand years.Suzaku's cultivation base has broken through from the early stage of Yuanying to the late stage of Concentration in one fell swoop, and he is only one step away from the stage of Huashen.As long as there is a certain breakthrough in the state of mind, the period of transforming into gods is just around the corner.After all, Suzaku is rebuilding, and I believe it won't be long before it breaks through to the advanced stage, and it won't be long.Maybe soon we will be able to compete with everyone and fight side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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