Chapter 600 Magic Guild (5)
Fearing that the magician or swordsman who had killed the monster came back to ask for the magic core, the wolf mercenary group made a decisive decision.Erase the traces on the ground and escape in a hurry, but soon the surprise appeared again.Not far away, the members of the wolf mercenary group once again discovered a large number of monsters of all levels that had fallen down on the road.And the further back, the higher the rank of the fallen monsters, from the holy beasts to the divine beasts, and finally even a super divine beast fell down.

While the wolf mercenary group was pleasantly surprised by this discovery, they were also so shocked that their heartbeat almost jumped to their throats.It's just that it's a fool not to pick up something cheap. It doesn't matter who killed it, as long as they didn't see it, they took it.Terrified, he quickly pocketed the magic core with his hands and feet, and then left in a hurry.It wasn't until the end that the monsters could no longer be seen, and everyone was content to call it a day and leave the forest as quickly as possible.

It's a good thing that the pie fell from the sky, and the magic core was exchanged for gold coins at the Magic Guild, and the members of the wolf mercenary group breathed a sigh of relief.After dividing the gold coins, the temporary mercenary group disbanded immediately, and everyone hurriedly left here.He was afraid that he would be found by the powerful man who killed the monsters and ask them for the magic core.Just kidding, there is no reason to spit back the baby after getting it. Everyone is not a fool, and they continue to stay in the town on the outskirts of the boundless forest.

Anyway, everyone only comes to the Boundless Forest to take risks and hunt monsters to make a small fortune.Now that I have all the money, it is not out of my mind to continue to stay.

The evil wolf mercenary group took advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, but fortunately Liu Ying did not open his mind.Seeing the scene where the wolf mercenary group sold the magic core for gold coins, otherwise, seeing all the gold coins that should belong to her go into other people's pockets.Liu Ying would definitely feel pain and want to slap someone, the golden gold coins were picked up right under her nose.

Magic cores are valuable things, especially magic cores above the level of divine beasts, which are rare enough to sell for sky-high prices.Now Liu Ying doesn't know that the magic core can be exchanged for gold coins. When Liu Ying enters the town and finds out the rules of survival in the magic world, she will definitely regret it.

Everyone followed Liu Ying's wishes, leisurely shuttled through the forest, walked along the main road, and walked slowly into the city.However, even so, our five senses are much sharper than ordinary people.Especially Suzaku and the others are demon cultivators, and their sense of smell is more acute and terrifying.Even if they were hundreds of meters away, or even thousands of meters away, they could easily smell something strange in the breath ahead.

Just when everyone was feeling bored, a strong smell of blood suddenly wafted in front of them.Everyone felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and immediately regained their energy. They sniffed with their noses in high spirits, and analyzed what they found in front of them.But Liu Ying made an exception first, and subconsciously swept over with her divine sense.

Looking around, seeing the horrible scene in front of her, Liu Ying's brows were unconsciously knotted a few times.What a pity, it turned out that a dozen or so rookie magicians came to the edge of the forest to practice.Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened in the forest, and a ferocious seventh-order holy beast ran out.It's still a bloodthirsty monitor lizard, a junior magician, how can it be the opponent of a holy beast-level monitor lizard.With just one mask, several unfortunate magicians were torn apart and swallowed by the monitor lizard.

These magicians are just a group of sixteen or seventeen-year-old children, and the people who lead the team are just boys in their early twenties.Seeing that the clothes should still be students of the Academy of Magic, Liu Ying couldn't bear to think of her eldest brother and Tao Tsai at home.Seeing these future seedlings in front of her eyes, they were killed by an ugly monitor lizard.

Pursing her lips tightly, Liu Ying's figure flickered, and she suddenly appeared in front of this group of ashen-faced students.Under everyone's astonished eyes, Liu Ying made a sudden move with cruel and decisive methods.He broke off the corner of the monitor lizard's mouth with both hands, and saw that the monitor lizard did not die.He stomped on the monitor lizard's head again, under everyone's shocked and unbelievable eyes.A monstrous lizard at the level of a holy beast was trampled away, and even its white bloodshot brain burst out.

He took a deep breath, and shocked exclamations sounded one after another.Staring blankly at Liu Ying, no one could believe it, a holy beast that couldn't even be cut by a giant sword.Right in front of their eyes, a young girl stomped on her head.This, what kind of strength is this? He glanced at Liu Ying's hands.And there was no shadow of the magic wand. Everyone subconsciously thought that Liu Ying should be a swordsman, but even senior swordsmen don't have this strength.Thinking of something, everyone was shocked again. Could it be that this girl who suddenly appeared is stronger than a great swordsman.

Oh my god, this, this is too scary, where did she come from?Even Rick, the super genius in the Academy of Magic, broke through the super geniuses of the great magicians, and he is not as terrifying as the girl in front of him.What they didn't know was that the great swordsman they mistakenly thought was nothing in front of Liu Ying.Even if it is a top-level sword god, it is difficult to get any cheap in Liu Ying's hands.

It's a good thing they didn't know, otherwise, they would have fainted from fright.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he took a deep breath to calm down.Quickly poured a bottle of magic potion and drank it, feeling the burning wound on his body slowly recovering.As the leader of the team, Bambi finally breathed a sigh of relief.Putting away the shock on her face, it was a fact that Liu Ying rescued them.As a gentleman, it is the most basic etiquette to thank your lifesaver.

Even the social status of a swordsman is not as high as that of a magician.But the strength of the opponent is indeed stronger than them, so it is only natural to accept the thanks.And such a young great swordsman is definitely worth wooing.Politely, she wanted to reach out to hold Liu Ying's hand and kiss it, but Liu Ying quickly moved away sideways.

Seeing this, Bambi was not angry, and thought to himself that maybe the young female swordsman didn't like this aristocratic etiquette.The tip of his eyes glanced at Liu Ying's clothes, although it was a bit weird.But the material of the clothes is very good, and it is also very beautiful to wear.Bambi lowered his eyes and thought for a while, maybe this is the costume of a foreign race.And her status should not be low, she cast a glance behind Liu Ying as a guardian.It was also a group of handsome men who appeared out of nowhere, and Bambi's eyes flashed a flash of brilliance.

He retracted his gaze, bowed to Liu Ying in a gentlemanly manner, and then said gratefully with a smile: "Dear lady, thank you for saving our lives. We are students of the Imperial Magic Academy, my name is Bambi , is an intermediate magician. He is also a Viscount of the Locke Empire, as a reward. You can make a request, as long as it is not too much, we will do our best to satisfy you."

Miss, your whole family is the lady.

Dodging Bambi's wolves, watching Bambi's pretending gentlemanly manners made Liu Ying feel dizzy for a while.This is the so-called aristocrat, who opens his mouth with a long series of polite honorifics, making people dizzy.A flash of disdain quickly flashed in the eyes of the drooping eyes. With a small middle-level magician, she is not even qualified to run errands.I'm ashamed to say repayment and meet her request.

(End of this chapter)

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