Chapter 616: Prince of the Tiger Clan (6)
Bill thought he was covering it up very well, but every movement and eyes of his was covered by Liu Ying's divine sense.It's just that the dwarves didn't do anything evil when they saw that Bill returned it, they just worshiped and became more respectful in their attitude.So I didn't point it out, as if I didn't see it.

Open one eye, close one eye, everyone is happy.

Each kind of Warcraft has its domain, and other Warcraft are not allowed to break in.If monsters of other races break in, they will be regarded as provocateurs.Therefore, after Liu Ying and the others wiped out the blood-sucking mosquitoes, they did not encounter any other monsters during the following journey.Obviously, the strength of these blood-sucking mosquitoes not only frightened countless magicians and swordsmen.Even the monsters regard blood-sucking mosquitoes like snakes and scorpions, and are not afraid to resist rashly.

After another half day, under Bill's attentive leadership, everyone arrived at the land of the orcs.However, as soon as she entered the territory of the orcs, Liu Ying felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.Seeing Bill's arrival, the orcs of the rabbit tribe expressed their welcome.But his brows were still furrowed, as if he had encountered some difficulty.I just saw a few strange humans in Liu Ying, and didn't pay much attention.

Just to say hello, Bill was allowed to take people into the beast clan to move freely.I officially entered the residence of the rabbit tribe, looking at the cute pink houses, and many rabbit tribe orcs with small tails and long ears.Liu Ying discovered that besides the orcs of the rabbit clan, there were many other races of orcs on the street.The most of them are the orcs of the Tiger Clan.

Not only Liu Ying was puzzled, but even Bill, who was very familiar with the rabbit family, was puzzled by the situation in front of him.The docile Rabbit Clan has never had much contact with other Beast Clans, especially the most domineering and arrogant Tiger Clan.What's more, he didn't rush, how could he let so many tiger clan run into his own clan.Looking back, he saw Liu Ying's doubts, and Bill took the initiative to go forward to inquire about the situation.

Seeing a familiar figure with sharp eyes, Bill nodded to Liu Ying.After getting Liu Ying's consent, she went up to say hello.

"Bai Yu, what's the matter with the Rabbit Clan? Why are there so many strange orcs here suddenly? Isn't the Rabbit Clan most afraid of dealing with people from the Tiger Clan? Why are there so many people from the Tiger Clan?" Bai Yu smiled so reluctantly that Bill couldn't help frowning.

"Hey Bill, I didn't expect you to come to the Rabbit Clan in such a free time. Don't say it, I'm suffocating in my heart. The people of the Tiger Clan are really too domineering. Usually, our Rabbit Clan pays coins for protection. Forget about Fei, now it's even more excessive, actually asking our Rabbit Clan to marry Yue'er to Shabu, the prince of the Tiger Clan. You also know that Shabu is a prince and has good strength, but you also know how bad Shabu is. Not to mention the soft and weak Yue'er, even the girls from the Tiger Clan couldn't stand Shabu's roughness, and many of them were tortured to death. If Yue'er marries, it's not a sheep in the mouth of a tiger."

Seeing that it was an old friend, Bai Yu lowered his voice and couldn't help pouring out the bitterness that was suffocating in his heart.Without taking a breath, a long series of words poured out in bursts.

Shabu, the prince of the Tiger Clan, wants to marry Yueer, the little princess of the Rabbit Clan?
Hearing the general situation Bai Yu said, Bill couldn't help showing the anger of the same hatred on his face.The tiger tribe has always been domineering, and Shabu's notoriety is even more notorious. When talking about marriage, it is actually a unilateral and domineering request of the tiger tribe.The delicate Yue'er ran into the violent Shabu's hands, so there was no way to survive.

"Bai Yu, what's going on, Yue'er is fine staying in the clan. Why did Shabu of the Tiger Clan suddenly take a fancy to Yue'er and force him to marry Yue'er back to the Tiger Clan, isn't it true that the Tiger Clan doesn't have women? "

"Although the people of the Tiger Clan are domineering, they are generally rough and thoughtless in everything. This matter should be caused by Shabu's concubine, the woman of the fox, who deliberately wanted to frame our Rabbit Clan." clan counselor.Like the rabbit family, he has no great skills, but his mind is very flexible and cunning.He favored the Tiger Clan with his beauty, and began to encourage the members of the Tiger Clan to do bad things and oppress other Beast Clans.

When it comes to Shabu's concubine, Hu Meili, Baiyu is furious.In the name of Shabu, find a beautiful orc woman and give it to Shabu to play with, and then she can survive the disaster.This kind of behavior of blaming others is really extremely shameless.Sure enough, few of the fox clan are good people, and all of them are cunning, and they use the opportunity to frame other orcs.Thinking of Hu Meili coming to the Rabbit Clan to show off and show off, ordering the patriarch to send the little princess Yue'er to the Tiger Clan within ten days, Bai Yu can't wait to get Hu Meili cramped.

Nine days have passed now, if Yue'er is not handed over to the Tiger Clan tomorrow, send Yue'er to the Tiger Clan.Bai Yu could imagine what would happen to the Rabbit Clan.After biting a mouthful of silver teeth, Bai Yuqi's eyes turned blood red.

Kong has a pretty face, but a heart that is more poisonous than snakes and scorpions. If the patriarch hadn't stopped Bai Yu, he would have killed Hu Meili.Baiyu has a special liking for the little princess Yue'er, and the two have no guesses, and they haven't even proposed marriage yet.Now watching helplessly as his sweetheart lashes out, Bai Yu is angry and impatient, but has no strength but is helpless.

Because, no matter how much you like Yue'er, Bai Yu, who has a strong sense of responsibility.You can't completely offend the members of the Tiger Clan just because you like Yue'er.If because of these things, the Rabbit Clan was exterminated by the Tiger Clan, Bai Yu would not dare to lend him a thousand courage.There is no way, Bai Yu is actually no different from other rabbit tribes in his heart, they are also peace-loving orcs.

"It's the Fox Clan again. It seems that the people of the Fox Clan are getting more and more arrogant. Taking advantage of the power of the Tiger Clan, they don't pay attention to other orcs at all." Bill still understood the things between the beasts.Hearing that the fox clan was playing tricks, Bill's eyes flashed with clarity.

If this is the case, how could Yue'er stay in the clan well every day, so how could she suddenly offend the members of the Tiger clan.It turned out that all of this was just because the Fox clan disliked the Rabbit clan and deliberately framed them up.However, Qi Gui Qi Bill also understands that this is a matter between the orc clans. He is just an outsider and has no right to intervene in the affairs between clans.The tiger clan dominates with power, especially after transforming, it is invincible and overwhelming.

Even the entire dwarf clan would have some scruples about facing the tiger clan, and would not dare to face it rashly, lest they would suffer heavy casualties.Bill also knew that Bai Yu liked the little princess Yue'er.Seeing Bai Yu's pain, Bill also felt uncomfortable, but he was just as helpless as Bill.His gaze moved to Liu Ying unconsciously, and Bill's eyes lit up involuntarily.

If adults are willing to help, maybe this matter can turn the tide and prevent this tragic marriage from happening.There was a flash of light in the hanging eyes, but Bill was a little hesitant, not knowing what to say.These trivial things bother the adults, will they anger the adults?In case the goddess was offended and the goddess was angry with the dwarves again, Bill would say nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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