Chapter 621 A Giant’s Difficulty (5)
The forest is full of monsters, and they have personally experienced the horror of the monsters.However, as soon as they landed on a few humans, the situation immediately turned around.These magical beasts followed like demons, and they ran away early one by one.From the beginning to the end, even the magic vine that was stepped on his body was not as fierce as usual.He remained motionless, as if he hadn't noticed it at all, which was so weird that it gave people a creepy feeling.

It would make sense if the magic vines were no longer alive, but they had personally gone to check, and these magic vines were [-]% full of vitality.

One after another revealed strange things, which deeply disturbed the brave and fearless Tiger Clan.Fearing that something would happen again, coupled with the death order issued by the patriarch, the orcs did not dare to delay any longer.Because, they will leave this forest soon, and it will be even more difficult for them to start.After all, in essence, the forest is also the best place for them to attack the enemy.Lurking around without a trace, the orc hero is good at fighting, except for madness, the best thing is to sneak attack with arrows.

Seeing that Liu Ying and his group hadn't glanced in their direction from the beginning to the end, the orcs of the Tiger Clan immediately felt that the time had come.A soundless rain of arrows appeared out of thin air, breaking the pleasant scene in front of him.Under the advice of the fox family, each arrow was coated with deadly poison, just in case.

"Finally, I've done it. I thought these orcs had given up." Looking at the rain of arrows in the sky, Liu Ying laughed teasingly.With sharp eyes, seeing the flashes of light on the arrows, Liu Ying knew the rain of arrows was coming at them.All of them have been fed, and they will be killed if they think about it.Ruthless enough and smart enough, it's a pity that he found the wrong enemy.

Thinking of taking their lives with these poisonous arrow feathers, these simple-minded orcs are probably going to make a wrong calculation.

Seeing the expectant eyes of the orcs clearly, Liu Ying smiled jokingly.With a wave of the plain hand, a transparent enchantment was formed instantly.These murderous arrows were all blocked by the barrier in an instant, and none of them slipped through the net.Seeing the astonished faces of the orcs, the smile on Liu Ying's face deepened.After waiting for such a long time and giving the orcs enough time, it is time for this drama to end.

"This, how is this possible?" The orc in the lead looked pale with fright at the sudden scene.Facing Liu Ying's half-smiling eyes, the leader of the orc Hutou immediately guessed that Liu Ying had discovered them early in the morning.It's just that he didn't take them seriously and took the initiative to kill them.Just like a cat catching a mouse, it always likes to exhaust the mouse before eating it in one bite.

"Nothing is impossible, well, the game should be over. You have played enough, it's time to send you to meet your beast god." Liu Ying replied with a smile after appearing behind the orcs.Ignoring the terrified gazes of the orcs, Liu Ying didn't have to do anything.The blood dance in the dantian, who was eager to try, sensed Liu Ying's murderous aura, and took the initiative to get out of the dantian.

It turned into a huge blood mang, opened its bloody mouth and roared.The entire devil forest trembled, and the monsters in the forest felt the terrifying coercion of the blood dance, and they all fell limp to the ground trembling in fright.As for the orcs, they didn't even have the strength to raise their heads.A few orcs with unbearable strength couldn't stand it and were directly shattered.He just stood there stiffly, breathless.

Blood Dance doesn't care about these, after getting Liu Ying's approval.Blood Dance soared with excitement, and then like a swimming dragon, he opened his mouth wantonly and sucked all the orcs into his stomach.Dozens of orcs, to be honest, are not enough for Blood Dance, but they are not enough.Satisfied, she turned into a red silk, coquettishly entangled Liu Ying like a spirit snake, and gently rubbed against Liu Ying.It conveys its joy and enhances mutual understanding.

After Luo Cheng left the gate, he glanced at Liu Ying with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find everyone.He was taken aback, thinking that everyone had gone out while he was in retreat, but when he looked outside, Luo Cheng found that they hadn't left.Then he asked the beauty bees in front of the bamboo house, and learned that everyone was just going to explore in space, Luo Cheng was relieved.

It took a few minutes to let go of the consciousness and cover a large area of ​​the space.Luo Cheng finally found Liu Ying's figure, and after a few breaths of effort, Luo Cheng appeared beside Liu Ying.Looking at the enthusiastic Liu Ying, Luo Cheng showed a touch of pampering on his face, pursed his lips and said softly: "Yingying, I'm out of customs."

"Brother Luo, long time no see, I miss you."

As soon as Luo Cheng's breath appeared, Liu Ying, who is the master of the space, naturally sensed it all at once.Catching the flash of pampering in Luo Cheng's eyes, Liu Ying's heart was agitated.A sweet smile, a long absence is better than a newlywed, and we will meet again after retreating for so long.It made Liu Ying miss Luo Cheng even more, and old couples have nothing to be ashamed of. Liu Ying happily reached out and hugged Luo Cheng.

"Me too." Seeing everyone's joking looks, Luo Cheng blushed.However, upon hearing Liu Ying's last words, Luo Chengxin couldn't help feeling a burst of sweetness.He put his big hand around Liu Ying, ignored everyone's stares, and whispered something in Liu Ying's ear.

There was progress, her eyes brightened, and Liu Ying secretly rejoiced in her heart.Letting go of Luo Cheng's hand, Liu Ying glanced at Luo Cheng's cultivation level with his consciousness.Surprised to find that after more than a thousand years of retreat, Luo Xiu, with his own efforts, actually raised his cultivation to the peak of the early Mahayana.As expected of the genius of the mutated ice spirit root, the speed is really amazing and enviable.

"By the way, Brother Luo, this is the eighth-level panacea that I refined in the Beastman Continent with a new alchemy recipe. Take it and try it, and it is more effective than the panacea that I refined before, and it is a medicine that can be absorbed more comprehensive."

Liu Ying took out a storage bag specially for pills, which were all the pills that Liu Ying had prepared to give to Luo Cheng early in the morning.All of them were readily handed over to Luo Cheng. Catching Luo Cheng's surprised gaze, the smile on Liu Ying's face deepened a little.

"Eighth-order panacea?" Luo Cheng took out a bottle, opened the bottle cap, put it in his nose and sniffed it lightly.The strong fragrance of the medicine entered Luo Cheng's nostrils, shaking Luo Cheng's whole body.Such a strong aura, it seems that there is only a small difference, these elixir can break through the ninth level and become the alchemy king with the beginning of spiritual wisdom.

His eyes flickered, thinking of something, Luo Cheng raised his head and looked at Liu Ying in surprise: "Yingying, your alchemy has improved again. These spirit pills have reached the extreme, and you can almost break through to the ninth level."

"Well, Brother Luo has also seen it. The elixir required for the ninth-level panacea is extremely rare, and the year is also very strict. Although there are countless elixir in the space, there is no elixir suitable for refining the ninth-level panacea. How much, I can't even get together the elixir of a kind of panacea. Otherwise, I can start refining the ninth-level pill king."

Nodding her head, Liu Ying's eyes couldn't help but light up a little when she talked about the things she likes.However, thinking of the elixir needed for the ninth-level panacea, Liu Ying still couldn't help being a little disappointed.It's a bad feeling for a clever woman to worry about cooking without a grain of rice.It is not easy to find top-level spiritual plants, they are all rare treasures from heaven and earth.However, think about it the other way around.

(End of this chapter)

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