Chapter 625 Putting the blame on others (3)
"Dear patriarch, don't worry that we have ulterior motives. The giants have nothing we can use, or treasures that are eye-catching. This time we are seeing the hardships of the giants. We can't see it and want to ask Ask the patriarch. The land of the giant clan is fertile, why don't they grow their own food and produce their own food?"

Lao Taishan's directness didn't make Liu Ying feel anything wrong, and he captured the doubt and inquiry in Lao Taishan's eyes.Liu Ying pursed her lips, revealed a slight smile, and said unhurriedly.

"Planting food?" Liu Ying's words made Lao Taishan's face blush, and he coughed lightly in embarrassment to hide his awkwardness.The serious eyes on Liu Ying did not seem to be digging the scars of the giant race.Lao Taishan sighed, and said in a helpless tone.

"Dear human beings, it's not that we giants have never thought about growing food by ourselves like humans. It's just that it takes too long to grow food by ourselves, and the harvest is not much, which can't meet the needs of giants at all. So gradually everyone gave up, and the middle-aged with some abilities would go hunting or work in the human world, earning gold coins to buy food to support their families.”

Is that so?After listening to Lao Taishan's helpless explanation, three black lines flashed across Liu Ying's face.The poor giants can't wait for the harvest of food. This is really the most speechless explanation Liu Ying has ever heard.The corner of her mouth twitched, thinking of something, Liu Ying hurriedly asked: "Dear old patriarch, may I ask, what kind of food did you grow?"

"Millet, it is grown once a year, even if it is planted in a large area, there is no way to be self-sufficient." Liu Ying asked again, causing a flash of surprise in Lao Taishan's eyes.It didn't arrive anyway, this is an old thing that countless people know, how come the group of young people in front of them don't know.

It's cooked once a year, no wonder?Lao Taishan's words made Liu Ying very speechless, and she couldn't imagine why these giants couldn't turn their minds.Planting what the hell kind of millet, with the food intake of the giants, this year's millet is on the knees to think, and I know that it will never be able to meet the huge needs of the giants.

Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, Liu Ying didn't turn around to the giants, and didn't try anything else after failing once.Once bitten by a snake, the mentality of being afraid of well ropes for ten years is very helpless.Not wanting to ask any more questions, Liu Ying was afraid that after listening to Lao Taishan's explanation, she would feel like vomiting blood without breath. With a thought, a mutated sweet potato the size of a football was immediately added to Liu Ying's hand.He stood up and walked to Lao Taishan, and handed the sweet potato to Lao Taishan.

"Dear patriarch, this is the sweet potato we found during our adventures. It may help the patriarch solve the food shortage problem of the giants. This sweet potato can be planted all year round. Not only is the sweet potato grown from the root a delicious food. Even The leaves can also be used to fry delicious dishes. The most important thing is that the sweet potatoes are prolific. If the giants can plant a large number of them. I believe that it won't be long before the giants will be able to get rid of the current embarrassment. "

"Sweet potato? It's edible like a rock." After receiving the item from Liu Ying, Lao Taishan looked at it curiously with wide-eyed eyes.Hearing Liu Ying's inspiring words made Lao Taishan ecstatic.Afraid that there was something wrong with his ears, Lao Taishan asked again with some incoherence.

"That's right. There are many ways to eat sweet potatoes. They can be steamed or boiled. They can even be roasted or steamed, sliced ​​and dried in the sun as snacks. The leaves are fried and eaten as vegetables. Oh yes, old patriarch, here I am There are other good things, I believe it can also help the giants."

Seeing that Lao Taishan was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and his eyes were shining, Liu Ying smiled.Thinking of the piles of various vegetables planted in front of the bamboo house, Liu Ying took a closer look to see what grew fast and could be used as staple food.Soon, they successfully found a lot, and picked a large pile of pumpkins as big as millstones, as well as mutated Lingmi with higher yields.With a wave of Su's hand, Liu Ying brought a lot of Xiaoshangao's high-yield food for the giants.

The tip of his eyes caught Lao Taishan's excited eyes, and his eyes stared straight, stupidly looking at a pile of strange food in front of him.Listening to Liu Ying's long series of explanations, the functions of these things made Lao Taishan's heart beat like a drum, and he almost fainted from excitement.If it is really as magical as Liu Ying said, then Lao Taishan believes that it won't be long.The food problem that made him think about losing his hair would not take long to be truly resolved.

Holding the sweet potato in his hand like a treasure, Lao Taishan took a deep breath to suppress the excitement in his heart.With reluctance to look away from the pile of hilly things on the ground, he turned his gaze to Liu Ying, and Lao Taishan's eyes were full of gratitude.His face was blushed again from being too excited, he swallowed and said: "Dear guests, you have done such a great thing for the giants, we giants really don't know how to thank you."

Since the existence of the giant race, they have been constantly grabbing food from east to west.Thinking that it won't be long before this matter that has caused countless giants headaches will be resolved in his hands, just thinking about it makes Lao Taishan so happy that he wants to cry bitterly.

"You're welcome, the old patriarch will do as I said as soon as possible. I believe that with the hard work of the giants, it won't take long to get rid of the current embarrassment." Liu Ying nodded in satisfaction, and Liu Ying resolved the concern.He was relieved, there was no need to stay in the giant clan to listen to the old patriarch, or other giants who were grateful for all kinds of praise.Liu Ying winked at everyone, her figure flickered, and she turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared out of nowhere in front of Lao Taishan Huanyi Masuo.

And Luo Cheng and others who received the signal from Liu Ying's eyes also followed and disappeared in place.

"Oh my god, patriarch, what?" Looking at the empty place, Ma Suo opened his mouth, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Shut up, great gods, Ma Suo and Lao Taishan have blind eyes, please don't blame the gods. Thank you for the generous gifts of the gods. The giants will definitely remember the instructions of the gods and plant the things bestowed by the great gods to solve the plight of the giants. "

The disappearance of Liu Ying and others was deeply engraved in Lao Taishan's heart, and he hurriedly scolded.After a plop, he knelt heavily on the ground, and with reverence in his eyes, he promised with difficulty concealing his excitement.In Lao Taishan's heart, there is only God who can have such a miracle.And it is only a selfless god who can make such a gift for the giants who have nothing to ask for.

Having engraved Liu Ying's appearance into the bottom of his heart, Lao Taishan decided to carve a statue for Liu Ying himself.Revere Liu Ying as the god of the giant clan, and be worshiped by the giant clan as a great god forever.

Back at the bamboo house, everything is still the same, not much has changed.Seeing everyone's appearance, countless beauty bees flocked happily.Surrounding Yaya curiously asked, where did she go with her master during this time, and what interesting things did she experience.

(End of this chapter)

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