Chapter 631 The Abyss of the Deep Sea (4)
Even if she was alone, Liu Ying believed that the little stone demon would not be too miserable.Experience, even if you are naive, you will grow wiser if you suffer a lot, and you will learn smarter slowly if you suffer too much.Looking at the cleverness of this little stone demon, Liu Ying believes that after going out to see it, it won't be long before it will become a ghostly old fritter.

"Okay." After getting an affirmative answer, Xiao Shitou narrowed his eyes happily, and kept nodding his head in agreement.

Seeing Xiao Shitou nodded in agreement, Liu Ying nodded to Luo Cheng.Seeing that Patriarch Shi Tian had successfully killed two monsters, Liu Ying believed that Patriarch Shi Tian would be able to take down the other two monsters in a short time.Not daring to delay any longer, Liu Ying, led by Xiao Shitou, hurriedly escaped from the lifeless Demon Spirit Valley.

Not long after Liu Ying left, Patriarch Shi Tian successfully took down the other two old monsters.As for other cultivation, with Patriarch Shi Tian's strength, there is no need to do it himself.Unleashing the coercion can kill these cultivators whose cultivation base is below the Mahayana stage. After a few breaths of effort, the entire Monster Spirit Valley has once again restored its former peace.Taking a glance with his spiritual sense, he found that Liu Ying and others were missing.

Patriarch Shi Tian's face was startled, when he found that his most beloved junior was gone.Hei Liang turned his eyes full of wisdom a few times, and Patriarch Shi Tian quickly figured out the reason.He looked at the dozens of descendants who had turned into human form and stood respectfully in front of him.Patriarch Shi Tian frowned and sighed quietly, "You deliberately put the little stones to leave with them, didn't you?"

"Father, Xiao Shitou has grown up, and he should go out to practice after reaching this place. Otherwise, even if he is trapped in the Demon Spirit Valley, even if his father has countless treasures of heaven and earth, or forcefully instills spiritual energy, he may not be able to break through. Tribulation Period. Plus, Xiao Shitou didn’t want to go, because his father suppressed his cultivation for him and refused to extradite Feisheng, so he wanted to leave. Father, you should let go too.”

The leader is Patriarch Shi Tian's eldest son, and besides Patriarch Shi Tian, ​​he has the highest cultivation level in the Demon Spirit Valley.The cultivation base was in the middle of the tribulation, and the tip of his eyes caught the unknown light in the eyes of the ancestor Shi Tian, ​​Shi Cheng lowered his eyes and persuaded seriously.

The little stone is actually not a stone demon in the Demon Spirit Valley, but a heavenly stone.A long, long time ago, it fell from the sky, and it was precisely because of this sky stone that the entire demon spirit stone should be a lifeless stone.Overnight, under the influence of Tianshi, they all possessed spiritual wisdom, learned to practice, and gradually achieved today's achievements.And Patriarch Shi Tian, ​​who has the highest cultivation level, dotes on Little Stone so much precisely because he is grateful for the gift of Little Stone.

Even, Patriarch Shi Tian, ​​who was supposed to be able to fly long ago, almost reached the point of responding to every request.Worried about the little stone, he suppressed his cultivation forcefully, and refused to ascend for a long time.

"Perhaps this is God's will. The time has come, and my father's cultivation has reached the limit. From now on, I will hand over the small stones to you, and my father will wait for you on it." The ancestor Shi Tian had already survived the thunder tribulation, as long as the Let go of all cultivation bases.The guiding light of the heavens instantly enveloped Patriarch Shi Tian in it, and his body couldn't help but rise up.With a sigh, Patriarch Shi Tian gave an order, and the whole person disappeared without a trace with the guiding light.

The little stone that left the Demon Spirit Valley seemed to have sensed something, and looked up at the sky.The corners of the mouth were slightly curved, and a bright light flashed in the eyes.Finally, his original intention of leaving Demon Spirit Valley was not in vain, the ancestor let go of the burden in his heart, ascended and left the Beastman Continent smoothly.

"Sister, where are we going next?" As a Tianshi, Xiao Shitou has a keen intuition for many things.From the moment Liu Ying appeared, Xiao Shitou had a strong feeling that following Liu Ying would be his great opportunity.Therefore, apart from Patriarch Shi Tian's reason, the biggest reason is that Xiao Shitou feels that if he misses this opportunity, it will be his lifelong regret.

The opportunity was right in front of him, and Xiao Shitou made a decisive decision to seize it.When he knew that these demon cultivators who were not lowly cultivated were all Liu Ying's contracted beasts, Xiao Shitou affirmed his intuition in his heart.In the same way, Luo Cheng also made Xiao Shitou feel extraordinary. When he knew that Luo Cheng was Liu Ying's partner, Xiao Shitou felt incredible about Liu Ying's amazing luck.

Although he has never left the Demon Spirit Valley, Xiaoshi has heard a lot from his ancestors and other stone demons who have gone out to experience many things.Human monks can contract demon cultivators, but very few demon cultivators are willing to become servants of human monks, and their life and death are under the control of the other party.Unless the other party has absolute strength and can make the demon cultivator surrender from the bottom of his heart, or use the beast training formula to subdue it when the demon cultivator's cultivation level is low.

But what he saw, all of these demon cultivators were not low, and some of them even surpassed Liu Ying.But they all admired Liu Ying very much, without showing any disrespect.The answer is obvious, all of them have chosen to surrender to her from the bottom of their hearts.

The demon cultivators love freedom very much, and are willing to become a human's demon servant, which is unbelievable to the extreme in Xiao Shitou's view.

"Abyss of the Deep Sea, my sister has to vaccinate you first. The Abyss of the Deep Sea is an extremely dangerous place recognized by the Beastman Continent. If Xiao Shitou is afraid of being in danger, he can ask to leave now." The strangeness in Xiao Shitou's eyes was caught , Liu Ying's downcast eyes flashed a trace of brilliance.Unwilling to give up, Liu Ying couldn't help trying to persuade Xiao Shitou to retreat automatically and asked to leave.

A group of people are all their own people, and it is inconvenient to suddenly join a stranger.Even though she looks like a child, Liu Ying clearly knows the real age of the little stone.

"I'm not afraid, Xiao Shitou will go wherever my sister says to go. Don't worry, my sister, Xiao Shitou can protect herself and my sister." Patting his small chest, Xiao Shitou smiled as if he didn't understand Liu Ying's implication. Guaranteed.Seeing Liu Ying's slumped face with sharp eyes, Xiao Shitou raised the corners of his mouth, feeling better than ever.

"My sister doesn't need Xiao Shitou to protect me. As long as Xiao Shitou can protect herself, my sister will be thankful." Knowing that Xiao Shitou will not be able to get rid of her for the time being, Liu Ying had no choice but to accept her fate.He winked at everyone, telling everyone to be more careful in the future, don't show too many lies, and let Xiao Shitou discover something strange.

The abyss of the deep sea can be known from the name, it is in the deep sea, and the foot is on the rosette of Meilunmeichang.Leaning down to look at the deep blue turbulent sea at her feet, she glanced away with her spiritual sense, and saw the groups of monsters in the sea, Liu Ying was startled again.It seems that there are far more monsters in the sea than there are on land, and besides the number, the types are not the same.There are all kinds of strange things, only you can't think of them, there is no siren that you can't see here.

"That's how the sea looks like. It's really beautiful. It's much more interesting than the Demon Spirit Valley. Sister, there are many monsters down there. Shall we kill them all?" With eyes widened in novelty, Xiao Shitou was curious. asked.

(End of this chapter)

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