Chapter 644 Reversing Theme (3)
"Xiao Ling, thank you for your hard work, you have given us such a big surprise."

"Master, you don't have to thank me, as long as the master likes it." Receiving Liu Ying's affirmative praise, Xiao Ling narrowed his eyes with a smile, but pretended to be modest, and shook his head.

"Sister, sister and I, look, Xiao Shitou has also entered the period of crossing the catastrophe." Liu Ying didn't see Liu Ying glance at him out of the corner of his eye for a long time, Xiao Shitou couldn't help being anxious.Competing for favor came over and shouted in a hurry.Little Shitou still acted like a child, and immediately amused everyone.

Stretching out her hand to rub Xiao Shitou's soft hair, Liu Ying followed Xiao Shishi's words with a smile, and glanced at Xiao Shitou seriously.He kept nodding his head and said with a smile: "Well, Xiao Shitou is not bad either. He has already broken through the late stage of Transcendence Tribulation. It seems that Xiao Shitou did not cheat when my sister practiced."

"By the way, master, it may be because of the water of life. It seems that the effect of this fairy peach is better when you try it for the first time. After the second time, the effect is not so obvious, especially the higher the cultivation level, the worse the effect .It may be that the further you go, the more aura you need, but eating too much can still have a good effect on your cultivation.”

Thinking of something, Xiao Ling quickly told Liu Ying what he had discovered.

Although the fairy fruit is good, it also has certain limitations, even the elixir.No matter what it is, eating too much will always produce certain antibodies.Otherwise, the immortals in the fairy world don't have to work hard to practice.Planting fairy fruits every day, or using fairy stones to buy fairy fruit elixir is enough, so it doesn't take hard work to practice.

"It's not surprising. The higher the cultivation level, the more spiritual power is needed. It is common sense that the effect of eating the fairy fruit will be less." Hearing Xiaoling's explanation, Liu Ying shook her head and said understandingly.But this is also good, so that she can safely eat peaches as fruits, and don't have to worry that her cultivation will explode instantly if she eats too much.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it out of thin air, picked a medium-sized peach to try, and looked at the fairy peach that Xiao Ling planted with the water of life.What is the big difference between it and the pure fairy fruit that Xiaoshi brought down from the fairy world.He took a bite, chewed and swallowed it into his stomach.Soon Liu Ying clearly felt a warm current pouring into her body, making Liu Ying close her eyes comfortably and enjoy this wonderful moment.

After absorbing the celestial power, Liu Ying clearly felt that her cultivation had improved a little.But compared to the effect of eating Xiantao for the first time, Liu Ying still found that it was much worse.Raising her eyebrows, Liu Ying thought to herself that perhaps watering it with the water of life would contain less immortal power than the immortal peach cultivated with the real immortal energy liquid.

Although the difference is a bit worse, compared with the spirit fruit, it is still far beyond.The accumulation of less makes more, and there is always a chance to break through the tribulation period after eating a lot of fairy fruits in such a space.

Seeing Liu Ying eating so much, Yaya and Luo Cheng couldn't help being tempted.He picked one and tasted it to see the difference between the peaches produced by himself and the peaches donated by Xiao Shitou.As soon as the fruit was eaten, everyone's eyes lit up, and they found that the fairy peaches that Xiao Ling had planted were really not bad.The greedy Yaya and Jin Pengze couldn't help their appetite and ate a few more.

Feeling the warm fairy power pouring into his body, he was so comfortable that he almost wanted to groan.It was really great. Looking at the peach orchard full of gardens, everyone's eyes instantly burst into light.

"By the way, sister, I forgot to remind my sister. Don't eat that ginseng fruit now, and wait until the end of the catastrophe to prepare for the ascension. It will be more effective. It can help my sister break through the final barrier in one fell swoop, and smoothly reborn ascension, better than my sister. The yin and yang fruits obtained from the outside will be more effective.” Seeing that everyone loves the peaches he contributed so much, Xiao Shitou was also happy.

In a flash of inspiration, I thought of the ginseng fruit, afraid that Liu Ying would be impatient and advanced, and had already eaten ginseng fruit, such a heaven-defying high-grade fairy fruit.Xiao Shitou reminded in a hurry, so as not to waste this top-grade fairy fruit.

"Ginseng fruit is a fairy fruit, and of course it is better than the top-grade spiritual fruit, Yin-Yang fruit. My sister is not an idiot, how could she not understand such a simple and easy-to-understand principle?" Liu Ying couldn't help but roll her eyes at Xiao Shitou's words. Fairy Tale.Normal people know that spirit fruit cannot be compared with fairy fruit, otherwise, if it can't even compare with spirit fruit, then what qualifications are there to call it fairy fruit.

"Hehe, I made a slip of the tongue. My sister is the smartest, how could she not have thought of this." Shrinking his neck, Xiao Shitou stammered guiltily.

Cleverness was misunderstood by cleverness, he almost forgot what Xiao Jin said, his sister is a ninth-level alchemist.With the cultivation base of the Mahayana stage, the alchemy king of the magic-breaking pill has been refined by leaps and bounds.The effect of ginseng fruit, even if you haven't really tried it, but with the intuition of an alchemist, you can still guess the approximate use of this ginseng fruit.

"Damn it, I almost forgot. It's been five years. Big brother and Taozi should have graduated. I promised to give them a start-up fund when they graduate. It's been a year." It's been a year, so they must have to wait." Thinking of something inadvertently, Liu Ying patted her forehead angrily, frowned angrily and cursed.

Cultivation has no time, if you accidentally stay outside and absorb the fairy fruit, three years have passed in the blink of an eye.In addition to the previous two years or so, Liu Ying felt a little emotional, and at the same time secretly rejoiced.Fortunately, it was only three years, 30 years passed without blinking, or 300 years, otherwise Liu Ying would really faint.

"It's okay, it's only a year away, and I was afraid that the time to go back would be uncertain, so I specifically told Song Quanliang. If we don't go back after four years, I will give Liu Tao and Liu Hai 1000 million start-up funds on your behalf. If it is not found that it is not enough, then Complete it for Liu Tao and the others."

Seeing Liu Ying's annoyed look, Luo Cheng pursed his lips and held Liu Ying's hand to comfort him.

"Brother Luo, thank you, Brother Luo is still thinking carefully. If I had known that such an accident would happen, I should have simply handed over the money to Brother Luo and the others in advance, so that I almost had a big oolong." Hearing Luo Cheng in the Before she knew it, she had already arranged these trivial matters for her without saying a word.Liu Ying's heart warmed, and she smiled gratefully.

Although the matter between Liu Tao and Liu Hai was resolved, he didn't go back for five years.There are many elderly people in the family, and it would be unreasonable not to go back to visit.In addition, Grandpa Luo is not young anymore, Liu Ying thinks that it has been five years, and Grandpa Luo should have figured it out.And Ge Xiaotian, five years have passed, I don't know if he has changed his original intention.He has found his dream and pursuit, even though he is older than her, Ge Xiaotian doesn't know if the current Ge Xiaotian has also found her who he has in mind.

If Ge Xiaotian can find the other half in his heart, Liu Ying believes that the personality of the man after falling in love will gradually become cheerful.Get out of the world that traps him, connect more with people outside, and enjoy life.

(End of this chapter)

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