Chapter 674 Winning Sympathy (1)
With a few partners around him, he stepped into the magnificently decorated lobby on the first floor.Looking at Liu Ying's clothes of famous brands, it is obvious that he is not an ordinary person.The security guard watched Liu Ying enter the company, mistakenly thought that Liu Ying was a customer of the company, and did not go forward to stop her, allowing Liu Ying and Yaya to enter the elevator and go straight up to the top floor.However, soon Liu Ying discovered that the elevator couldn't go up to the top floor, so she took a glance with her spiritual sense before realizing it.

It turns out that the president's office building can only be reached by taking an exclusive elevator.And Liu Ying just took an ordinary employee elevator, so naturally she couldn't get to the top floor.After getting out of the ordinary elevator, Liu Ying opened the elevator that can only be used by superiors.To Liu Ying's surprise, Xu Tianyang is really a troublesome person, and he has to enter the password to make an elevator.It seems that Xu Tianyang has not only made the company bigger and bigger over the years, but also has a lot of rules.

But it doesn't matter, a mere string of passwords can't do anything to Liu Ying, and his spiritual sense glanced at the electronic system inside.It didn't take a few seconds, Liu Ying got the password smoothly, and pressed a few numbers neatly.Soon the elevator closed and went straight to the top floor of the company.

As soon as Liu Ying got out of the elevator, she was stopped by the secretary, who took a look at Liu Ying.Looking at Liu Ying and Suzaku and others beside him, they all looked extraordinary.Like the security guard downstairs, the secretary mistakenly thought that Liu Ying was a client, or a relative Xu Tianyang knew.Otherwise, how could Liu Ying know the password of the elevator, for safety's sake.Fearing that there would be no accidents, the female secretary stopped Liu Ying to ask about the situation according to the procedure.

"Hello, do you have an appointment to see the president?"

As far as responsibility is concerned, Liu Ying would not take her anger out on a serious employee, she shook her head and told the purpose of her trip. "No, but I'm here to find your president, Xu Tianyang, and I'm his friend. Is he in the office now, please pass the word on for us, and just tell him my name is Liu Ying."

Xu Tianyang?Hearing Liu Ying calling the president's name directly, the female secretary looked at Liu Ying curiously.I never knew that the boss had such a beautiful friend, who was even prettier than the star that the company invited to shoot commercials.Looking at Liu Ying's aura, the female secretary had reason to believe that these people should not be those messy people outside.

Not daring to neglect, the female secretary nodded to Liu Ying, picked up the phone and called the boss in the office.The call was connected quickly, and the female secretary told Xu Tianyang what she knew.On the other end of the phone, I heard that Liu Ying came to the company in person and was outside the office right now.This news made Xu Tianyang feel like a bolt from the blue. Although he guessed that Liu Ying might come to him, Xu Tianyang did not expect Liu Ying to be so fast.I just got a phone call yesterday, and I found it in person today.

There was a solemn expression on his face, and now, even if Xu Tianyang wanted to hide, he couldn't avoid it.Anyway, the matter has already been done, and there is no room for turning back. Simply, Xu Tianyang felt that if the jar was broken, everyone would tear their faces.Although it was Liu Ying who helped him at the beginning, Xu Tianyang thought that the profits he had created for Liu Ying were worth more than what he paid for.He has single-handedly run the company from the beginning to the end, and it is his hard work that has brought it to where it is today.

Liu Ying just gave him some jewelry as a basis in the early stage, but he wanted seven layers of profit.He worked hard up and down, taking care of everything, and the company was all under his name.Why, he can only get three tiers of profits, and most of his hard-earned hard-earned money is filled into Liu Ying's pocket.

For so many years, he has spent hundreds of billions of dollars for Liu Ying, and everything he has done.Xu Tianyang felt that it was enough to repay Liu Ying's kindness back then.People's hearts will change at any time and the environment, there is a saying that is good.People do not do what they want, heaven and earth destroy, why should he have to work for Liu Ying all his life, Liu Ying doesn't have to do anything, but can get seven layers of profit for nothing.

As a profit-heavy businessman, how could Xu Tianyang bear it? Some of the wealth he created was given away to others for nothing.

Xu Tianyang was already moved by the lard.In addition, his wife Chen Huilan blew on the pillow and tried to persuade him from time to time. It took a long time.Xu Tianyang gave Liu Ying all his profits for one year.When Liu Ying's kindness is repaid, Xu Tianyang can take possession of the subsequent benefits with peace of mind.

In the past few years, Liu Ying has not contacted her, not even making a phone call.Xu Tianyang thought it was over like this, and Liu Ying acquiesced, but he didn't expect it.Until today, Liu Ying suddenly called and even came to the door in person.It's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided.Xu Tianyang asked himself that he had a clear conscience, but he didn't make it clear in person, Xu Tianyang always felt that there was a knot in his heart.

Today, since Liu Ying took the initiative to come to the door, Xu Tianyang is not afraid, so he just spread the matter out.With Liu Ying's current social status and his familiarity with Liu Ying's temperament, Xu Tianyang believes that as long as he speaks clearly, Liu Ying will definitely understand him.His eyes flickered, and after a moment of silence, Xu Tianyang let the secretary let Liu Ying in.

In contrast, if it was really because of the company, he lost two of his best friends at the same time.Xu Tianyang also admitted that if he lost one friend, he could make more friends.With his current status, he was afraid that he would not be able to make friends.Furthermore, besides friends, he now has family members, sons and daughters, and he has to make plans for them.Of course, if possible, Xu Tianyang still doesn't want to lose his two old friends Liu Ying and Luo Lao.

Knowing each other is rare, and friends who share weal and woe are even rarer.If possible, Xu Tianyang hoped that Liu Ying would forgive him and befriend him as before.After all, Liu Ying's current status and wealth, and more importantly, the large amount of jewelry that Liu Ying obtained from nowhere is very important to the company.Although there are still many jewelry left by Liu Ying before, but take precautions, there will always be a day when they will be sold out.

Then, where would he get so many high-end rare jewels.You know, there are fewer and fewer high-end jewelry now.Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy so many raw materials.Buying one sack by one sack is even more idiotic nonsense, don't even think about it.

Hearing the knock on the door, Xu Tianyang put away the complicated thoughts in his heart.Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the inexplicable palpitations in his heart, coughed lightly, and said in a deep voice, "Come in."

"President, the guests are here, do you need anything?" The female secretary nodded respectfully at Xu Tianyang and asked softly.

"Just a few cups of good Dahongpao." He ordered casually, and waved at the female secretary, indicating that the female secretary could step down.She winked and asked her to close the door together.After seeing the female secretary go down, he shifted his gaze to Liu Ying, and met Liu Ying's questioning gaze.He was clearly prepared in his heart, but for no reason, Xu Tianyang still couldn't hold back, and a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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