Chapter 676 Winning Sympathy (3)
"For the sake of my family, I feel that I have repaid all the kindness? Brother Xu, are these the reasons why you betrayed me? Time can change many things. Brother Xu has really changed, and it has become very strange to Yingying. Also It's terrible to become greedy, and he is no longer the loving and righteous brother Xu I used to know."

Looking at Xu Tianyang who was secretly looking at her, especially when he captured Xu Tianyang's last words, the glint in his eyes made Liu Ying even more disappointed in Xu Tianyang.Such a far-fetched and high-sounding reason gave Liu Ying a new understanding of Xu Tianyang's eloquent tongue.This is the profiteer who wanders in the business world, and it really is hard to guard against.If you are a weak hearted person, I am afraid that Xu Tianyang will fool you in a few clicks.

However, Xu Tianyang's two reasons could not persuade Liu Ying to forgive Xu Tianyang's betrayal.What does it mean that the company belongs to him? This is really disgusting.Without the funds she gave, without her [-]% trust, and without the rough jewelry she gave.Relying on Xu Tianyang, who was betrayed by everyone and had difficulty in getting food, clothing, housing and transportation, he became a mess of Xu Tianyang.What ability and ability can establish a jewelry company that costs a lot of money.

And the money earned for her is enough to repay her kindness back then, and the girl with a bit of contempt made Liu Ying's affection for Xu Tianyang greatly discounted.who is it?Who said that he didn't want her money, as long as he gave him food, he would work hard for her for the rest of his life.These things must have been completely forgotten by Xu Tianyang now.

So what about girls, they can also have their own careers.Moreover, even if she married into the Luo family, so what, would she have to rely on the Luo family for the rest of her life.It's such a big joke, Liu Ying never thought that Xu Tianyang also has such a serious thought of contempt for male birth, and pig-likeism in his bones.

The last sentence exposed Xu Tianyang's wolf ambition.Betrayed her, and wanted to take advantage of her again, thinking about it made Liu Ying feel chilled, and no longer had the slightest extravagant hope for Xu Tianyang.At this moment, Xu Tianyang has been completely corrupted physically and mentally by money, and there is no cure.

Interrupting Xu Tianyang's words and not giving Xu Tianyang a chance to explain, Liu Ying's expression changed.He fixedly stared at Xu Tianyang, snorted coldly with disdain, and shouted sternly.

"That's enough. Brother Xu doesn't need to explain any more. I can understand what Brother Xu is thinking at this moment. He wants to take over the company as his own, and thinks that everything is what he deserves. After seeing people's hearts for a long time, Brother Xu has been completely suppressed." Money defeats and becomes a prisoner of money. But, did brother Xu forget my warning at the beginning, I can easily give brother Xu a chance to become a master. Similarly, I can also push brother Xu from heaven to living hell."

"So, since Big Brother Xu has already made his decision, he must be prepared to accept the punishment of betraying me. From today onwards, you and I will become strangers, and I will take back everything I gave Big Brother Xu. But don't worry, Big Brother Xu, For the sake of Brother Xu's hard work these years. Yingying will not take away everything that belongs to Brother Xu cruelly, Yingying will only take away what belongs to Yingying, I hope that Brother Xu will take care of himself in the future."

I am very disappointed with Xu Tianyang, but Liu Ying does not deny that Xu Tianyang has really put in a lot of hard work these years.From scratch, the company has grown to where it is today.Xu Tianyang is also one of the bosses of the company, so it is understandable to want to break up the partnership now.Thinking of what Xu Tianyang said, he also has sons and daughters now.

The grievances and grievances are clear, originally Liu Ying planned to let Xu Tianyang have nothing and take back everything.However, it depends on the former friendship between each other, what Xu Tianyang has done for her over the years, the hundreds of billions of net worth he earned, and the face of Xu Tianyang's wife and daughter.After careful consideration, Liu Ying decided to take only her own things, and everything from the past was wiped out, and they became strangers to each other.However, Liu Ying was also a little curious about whether Xu Tianyang could sustain the company when she took all the things away.

As far as she knows, high-end jewelry raw materials are becoming more and more rare these days.It is even hard to come by, and it is not easy to get it with money, especially the emerald.Xu Tianyang has a special liking for jadeite, without her support, and the Su family's low-priced wool.I don't know if Xu Tianyang, who never worries about raw materials, can handle it.

He cast a meaningful look at Xu Tianyang, not waiting for Xu Tianyang to say anything else.Liu Ying decided to let Xu Tianyang see her skills, and let Xu Tianyang understand that he is not a winner.With all the advantages, in the face of irresistible forces, there is no chance of winning at all.It's just that she is willing to let him go, so that he can take care of himself.

Women are not easy to bully.

He winked at the partners next to him, not giving Xu Tianyang a chance to redeem himself.With a flash of her figure, Liu Ying returned Ya Ya and others, and all of them disappeared out of thin air under Xu Tianyang's astonished eyes.

Realizing what she just said, Liu Ying asked Xiao Jin and Xiao Lu to take back all the jewelry she gave Xu Tianyang.These include jewelry placed in specialty stores in S City, as well as rough jewelry that is being processed or locked tightly in a safe by Xu Tianyang.It took less than an hour to take back the jewelry she gave Xu Tianyang.As for the jewels in other cities, Liu Ying was too lazy to bother to get them back.

Looking at the jewelry that Lingling always took back, there was only a little more than a sack left.Liu Ying raised her eyebrows, thinking to herself, it seems that Xu Tianyang's business has expanded again in the past few years, and he is doing well.Xu Tianyang probably has more pockets than her now. Perhaps it is because of this, such a huge amount of money, that Xu Tianyang's conscience has been tarnished.

With a sneer, he swept the things into the space, no longer caring about how Xu Tianyang will support Ruoda's jewelry company in the future without these jewels.He raised his eyebrows and smiled evilly, and disappeared from the spot as a wisp of smoke.Not long after Liu Ying left, Xu Tianyang's headache just started.

He watched Liu Ying and a group of men and women sitting on the sofa disappear out of thin air.Xu Tianyang's shocked chin could hold a few big eggs, and he couldn't recover for a long time.Thinking of Liu Ying's ambiguous gaze before he disappeared, and what Liu Ying said, all made Xu Tianyang tremble with fear.Liu Ying retaliated against Xiaolu and others' ghostly tricks, which made Xu Tianyang feel chills in his heart.

"This, how is this possible, how can people rely on empty information."

Mumbling to himself, Xu Tianyang's mind was in chaos for a moment, and suddenly remembered something.Xu Tianyang was startled again, and gasped in fright.By the way, he almost forgot that he had seen Liu Ying's abilities.It's been too long, and he was busy with work, so he stupidly forgot about it.

Once, his life can be said to be pulled back from the hands of the King of Hades by Liu Ying, an eight or nine-year-old little girl.On a desolate and inhabited mountain, there was nothing on him, but it really pulled him back from the fate of death.Even Luo Cheng, at that time Luo Cheng was directly sentenced to death by the doctor.However, Liu Ying went in without even half an hour. Luo Cheng, who was on the verge of death, suddenly became like a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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