Chapter 678 Winning Sympathy (5)
He sent people to search all over the world, but Xu Tianyang didn't find any.Thinking of this, Xu Tianyang's heart sank, and he was so depressed that he didn't know how to deal with the next series of things.If you can't find any jewelry for a while, the jewelry store in S city can't continue to open. It's the result of more than ten years of hard work.How could Xu Tianyang be willing to close the famous shop just because of the raw materials of jewelry.

Thinking of something, Xu Tianyang hurriedly dialed the phone number of Tengchong Wool King Su Lao, wanting to buy some high-end jade from Su Lao's hands to fill the scene.Everyone is gold and jade is priceless, so if you use some top-grade emeralds to cover it, I believe those guests will be fine.Emerald is a good thing, and there are not many rich people who don't like to buy a few pieces of Dai Dai, or buy them and take them home for collection.

However, the things that surprised Xu Tianyang also did not wait for Xu Tianyang to speak.On the other end of the phone, Mr. Su, who had been talking nicely to him all the time, actually spoke sarcastically in a cold voice this time, saying that everything was his own fault.Liu Ying had already called to tell him, and also reminded Xu Tianyang that there was no need to call him again, and he would never sell any of the Su family's items to him.Offending Liu Ying is offending him.

In the past, Su Lao was willing to sell Hao Fei to him, all because the boss behind the jewelery company was Liu Ying.Now, since he wants to break up the team and kick Liu Ying away by flying alone, there is no need for everyone to cooperate.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xu Tianyang to save something, Mr. Su had already hung up the phone with a snap.The unwilling Xu Tianyang dialed Mr. Su's phone again, thinking to himself, there is no one in this world who really has trouble with money.What's more, the other party is still a wool merchant who dares to kill and set fire for wool.However, Xu Tianyang's full expectations fell through again, and a sweet voice sounded from the other end of the phone telling him that the phone was on the phone.

Obviously, Mr. Su, who was very impatient with Xu Tianyang, immediately hung up the phone when he saw that it was Xu Tianyang's call.

Su Qigang, the only son of Mr. Su, is Liu Ying's direct disciple, facing a person who dares to betray Liu Ying.How could Mr. Su have a good face? If Liu Ying hadn't hinted at it, Mr. Su would have sent someone to kill Xu Tianyang, a traitor who cheated on others.However, Xu Tianyang can't be killed directly, but that doesn't mean he can't use other methods to mess with Xu Tianyang.

Su Qigang has given a lot of good things to Mr. Su over the years, such as elixir and fruit, as long as they are good things from Liu Ying.Mr. Su has eaten a lot of things that are good for the body.Therefore, Mr. Su, who has reached the age of [-] or [-], is still in good health. To Liu Ying, a great benefactor, he feels like worshiping God.As a man matures, when he received Liu Ying's call, Mr. Su was thinking about how to make Xu Tianyang feel bad.

Angrily hung up Xu Tianyang's phone, and Mr. Su ordered to let people let go and not allow Hao Fei to be sold to Xu Tianyang, otherwise he would be against him.In addition, they also informed many friends in the circle who secretly gave Xu Tianyang a back door for Liu Ying's face.In less than an hour, Xu Tianyang betrayed Liu Ying, took over the company as his own, and kicked Liu Ying out of the company. Everyone who should know knows.

Lu Qingtian, Song Quanliang, and the people who helped Luo Cheng manage the business.There are also some wealthy officials and wives in Shangjing, Yang Shaoyuan, etc. In short, all those who have secretly helped and given Xu Tianyang a door of convenience have received the news.Everyone was extremely disdainful of Xu Tianyang's actions.Especially Song Quanliang and others who were fairly familiar with Xu Tianyang hated Xu Tianyang to the extreme.

As Luo Cheng's childhood friend and Liu Ying's good friend, once Liu Ying single-handedly lifted him from the bottom of bankruptcy, such kindness actually has the face to betray him.It's true that the conscience was eaten by the dog, so everyone also tacitly prepared to make trouble for Xu Tianyang.Let Xu Tianyang know that without Liu Ying, he is still nothing.

So what if he has money, but if he loses everything, no matter what Xu Tianyang does, he will encounter obstacles.

One wave leveled off, and another wave rose again.

In short, Xu Tianyang will soon taste the taste of regret.Without Liu Ying's jewels that can't speak, without all the help that came for Liu Ying.Just relying on himself alone, it is impossible to support Shunyi, a huge chain company.

Even though Liu Ying didn't show up, she took care of the company personally, but Liu Ying's influence is immeasurable.The dividends of the seventh floor are nothing at all, but Xu Tianyang himself was obsessed with money, so he forgot about it in complacency.A sane person just thinks that all this is all his own credit.Coupled with the instigation of Chen Huilan, the person next to the pillow, Xu Tianyang was even more dizzy.

After making several phone calls in a row, Xu Tianyang was in a panic.His face was pale and he felt dazed for a while, thinking of something, Xu Tianyang tightly grasped the last glimmer of hope.Shunyi Company has just been truly owned by him just now, how could Xu Tianyang bear to watch Shunyi Jewelry being forced to close down because of the lack of supply.Picking up the phone, Xu Tianyang hastily dialed the number he had avoided.

Feeling anxious, Xu Tianyang was afraid that Liu Ying would be like everyone else, so he hung up on him directly, not even giving him a chance to speak.Fortunately, the call got through, afraid that Liu Ying would not give him a chance to speak again, Xu Tianyang immediately spoke up as soon as the call was connected, and asked eagerly: "Yingying, did you do the jewelry thing? It must be your fault." No, why did you do it so desperately?"

"I did it, but Brother Xu's words are too funny. What is it called amazing? Is it amazing to take back what belongs to me? Then, what Brother Xu did is nothing. His conscience was eaten by dogs. Lardy? If Brother Xu called to condemn or question these things, there is no need for us to speak."

Facing Xu Tianyang's questioning, Liu Ying twitched the corners of her lips a little dumbfounded, and sneered sarcastically.Thieves shouting "stop thief", is there anything more bloody and ridiculous than this.

"No, no, Brother Xu didn't mean that. It's just that Brother Yingying and Xu are discussing with you. Can you sell the jewelry you took back to Brother Xu? Brother Xu is willing to use the market price, or even double the price Sell ​​it back. If there are no these jewelry raw materials, the company will be in crisis, Yingying, just take it as Brother Xu begging you, help Brother Xu one last time."

He went to the doctor in a hurry, and Xu Tianyang was careful not to utter the words in his heart.After Liu Ying's series of sarcasm, Xu Tianyang came back to his senses. He said something wrong just now, and he hastily explained it.He even used the policy of mourning soldiers, begging in a hoarse voice, trying to impress Liu Ying and sell him the rough jewelry.

Xu Tianyang's play was well done, but it's a pity that this policy was used to cool his heart, and Liu Ying, who had seen Xu Tianyang's true face, was no good at all.After all, I still want to borrow her to cross the bridge and play her like a fool.What right does a person who betrayed her have to beg her, and why should she care about the life and death of a person who betrayed her.She didn't take away all the benefits that Xu Tianyang took from her, which was considered as the utmost righteousness to Xu Tianyang.

(End of this chapter)

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