Chapter 682 Complete Severance (4)
Glancing at the depression on the stone wall, he suddenly thought of the construction of the pyramid.

If all these pharaohs had witchcraft like Mudli, then it would not be difficult to build the pyramid.As for wisdom, human beings are the darlings of heaven, and they have never lacked the wisdom root of invention and creation.Having figured this out, Liu Ying stopped worrying about these things, and easily caught Mudli's burning expectation with sharp eyes.

It seems that Mudli has something to ask her?Eyebrows raised slightly, Liu Ying was not in a hurry to point it out, but continued: "Mudri, as a pharaoh, do you know the great King Solomon?"

"Dear guest, even if Mudli doesn't know himself, he has to know the great King Solomon. He is the king in Mudli's mouth. It's a pity that the king was cursed by a witch of a foreign race, and he is still sleeping underground. Dear guest, Mudli has a request, can you please help my king to break the witch's evil curse and wake up my king. In return, I believe that my king will give you a lot of money to satisfy your guests."

"Sleep, Mudry, you mean that King Solomon didn't really die, but was cursed, so he fell into a deep sleep? From your tone, the wealth that is said to have disappeared with King Solomon also exists?" Listen After Mudli's urgent request, Liu Ying was shocked. She never thought that the missing King Solomon was not dead, but just asleep.Staring at Xia Yue, Liu Ying asked in disbelief.

"Of course, there is a scepter guarding the king, and the king's cultivation base has already trained him to be immortal. How could an evil witch kill the king? It's just that this wicked witch deceived the king's trust and summoned The heavenly book was cheated out of the king's hands. Otherwise, with the magic power of the witch, even the curse would not be able to hurt the king at all."

Speaking of the witch, Mudli couldn't hide the anger on his face, and his bright black eyes were stained with a thick murderous look.Obviously, hated the evil witch who framed King Solomon.In Mudry's view, the biggest reason why the empire will decline is that the empire has lost the greatest King Solomon.Lost the orthodox inheritance of witchcraft, all the crimes are on the body of the alien priestess.

All of this was intentional by the aliens, who wanted to take the opportunity to occupy the huge empire created by King Solomon.

"As for my king's treasure, the most powerful wizard in the empire calculated that after the king fell asleep, the empire would definitely decline. Therefore, all the pharaohs stored all the wealth created by the king in the king's sleeping place, so as to protect the king from waking up one day. , and then rebuild the glory of the emperor. Of course, if you wake up my king, the king has always been generous. Knowing that you woke up my king, the king will definitely pay a certain amount of money to satisfy you."

Human beings are all selfish, and Pharaoh knew that if there was no absolute benefit, no one would help in vain.Now there is a need for someone, for the resurrection of King Solomon, Mudli's tone is sincere and sure.The amount of treasures of King Solomon is astonishing, and it is definitely more than enough to pay these powerful people.

Listening to Mudli's seductive tone, Liu Ying is also very interested in King Solomon's huge wealth.However, Liu Ying also has a lot of interest in the legend of the miraculous King Solomon and the witchcraft who returned King Solomon.No matter what it is, even if there is no wealth promised by Mudli, Liu Ying, who is on the rise, wants to check it out in person.This has caused headaches for countless archaeologists, where is King Solomon's sleeping place that he can't find out.

Of course, Liu Ying is also very interested in meeting the legendary wealth of the huge King Solomon and the specific amount.A huge imperial king, and a wizard who has trained himself to be immortal, no matter who it is.Liu Ying wanted to uncover every unsolved mystery about King Solomon.

As for the revival fanaticism in Mudli's eyes, Liu Ying has no interest in participating anymore.Now is the 21st century, and there is no such thing as an autocratic empire.The free country everyone is pursuing now, no matter how powerful your mana is, or if you have achieved immortality, in the face of atomic bombing, Liu Ying does not think that King Solo has a chance to restore the country.Furthermore, time can change everything. If King Solomon can really wake up from his deep sleep, he may not necessarily follow Mudli's will.

After all, King Solomon is also a big man with profound wisdom, and he should understand the most basic inspection practice.Going with the trend, going against the general trend in this era will not work.

Thinking through this, Liu Ying Gouchen smiled, nodded, and agreed: "Okay, I haven't seen the treasure yet, it's just a false name, but if I can see the legendary King Solomon, I can wake him up by the way. But Mudli, I want to tell you something. The time outside is no longer the era of empires. Every family is settled and has its own track to go. It is not feasible to build another empire with the treasures left behind. , Oh, by the way, the business empire may still be possible."

"The times are different?" Liu Ying's words made Mudli stunned. He had been asleep for so long. Mudli didn't know how long he had been sleeping, let alone how fast the world outside was changing.

"That's right, it's the 21st century, and everything outside has long been different from the era you were in, Mudli. Now there is no king, but it is called the president, and our country is the chairman. People no longer use witchcraft. Magic, almost everyone relies on their smart brains and hard-working hands to create a brand new era of technology."

Looking at Mudli in a daze, Liu Ying knew that Mudli hadn't figured out what the outside world was like.Don't mistake it for the kind of environment they live in, the fist is hard, and as long as they have money, they can dominate the world.Smiling, Liu Ying patiently explained the current world to the bewildered Mudli.

"The 21st century? The era of technology?" Mudley felt dizzy for a while listening to the unfamiliar words and sentences uttered from Liu Ying's mouth.I never thought that time would pass so fast. For Mudli, it was just a blink of an eye, but thousands of years have passed.

"Yes, the age of technology. Alright, Mudry, you can tell me now, where is King Solomon's sleeping place, and what should I do to wake up King Solomon who is under the spell." Based on the current situation outside, Liu Ying made a conclusion.Change the subject, and turn the subject to King Solomon again.

Sure enough, when Liu Ying clearly asked about the method to wake up King Solomon, Mudli immediately pulled his mind back and forth.The smart Mudli is sure that Liu Ying is not trying to put him off, but sincerely wants to help.With great joy on his face, he put Liu Ying's curiosity aside and hurriedly explained Liu Ying's doubts.

"Of course, my honorable lord. The king's sleeping place is in the desert, and it was guarded by all the pharaohs together with witchcraft. If anyone does not have the key to open it, even if they find the king's sleeping place, they can open it." The place where the door is not opened. Even if someone breaks in, they will be cursed and die on the spot. This is the key to open the door, as long as you hold this bunch of keys, it will guide you to the place where the king sleeps."

(End of this chapter)

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