721 Chapter 2 Love is deep without regret ([-])
They are all old men, but their boss is still the same, so scary.They are both human beings, how time has not left traces on the two of them.

"Are there any fake ones? Let's go, so many people are watching, don't be ashamed of you, but don't embarrass me." Holding Liu Ying's hand, ignoring everyone's astonished gazes, Luo Cheng took the lead into the company lobby.

"Xiao Song, is this really the boss? Since when did the boss talk so much, and even walked in while holding sister-in-law's hand as if nothing had happened?" Mr. Li stared at Luo Cheng and Liu Ying's tightly clasped hands. , Seeing that the eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.After looking at Song Quan, Mr. Li muttered to himself in disbelief.

"Idiot." Sun Zhongyuan gave Mr. Li a contemptuous look, and followed into the company without looking back.

People change, especially after marrying a daughter-in-law.The boss has been dying since Liu Ying was a child, and he sent Song Quanliang to follow Liu Ying's side early on.It's called protection, but who knows that the purpose is to drive away all potential rivals in love.After getting married and getting together, it is not a big deal that the temperament will gradually change under the subtle influence.If facing a beloved beauty every day is still cold and unchanged, then there will be ghosts.

Besides, apart from the boss, where else in this world can I find a beautiful woman who is as beautiful as my sister-in-law, so that I can't even feel jealous.It's not Chinese cabbage, how is it possible.Believe it or not, this young couple is their boss and sister-in-law.

"Boss, sister-in-law, wait for us." Several other companions left Mr. Li in a daze, and chased after him. They didn't forget to shout loudly even after walking, and attracted a series of astonished gazes again.

Boss, sister-in-law?
It's true, staring blankly at the overly handsome young man and woman, the astonishment on everyone's faces was even more exaggerated than Song Quanliang and the others.One by one, as if struck by lightning, they stared blankly at everyone getting into the elevator, unable to recover for a long time.It's the directors of the company who are crazy, and everyone is hallucinating collectively.A group of 50-year-old and [-]-year-old uncles actually asked the two young people to be the boss or sister-in-law of their grandchildren.

Taking a peek at each other, everyone felt that the company had new gossip to talk about, and it was big news.Thinking of Liu Ying's and Luo Cheng's pretty and somewhat unreal faces, as well as their terrifying aura, all of them aroused everyone's deep interest in an instant.

However, they are all rookies and cannot follow along to see the follow-up development.

All the way into Song Quanliang's CEO's office, Liu Ying took a look at this spacious office that could be used as a house without showing any emotion.In addition to the formal office, it also includes a private lounge, toilet, kitchen and even a gym.It's just like a house, with everything you need, everything you need.Liu Ying narrowed her eyes and glanced at Song Quanliang. She really couldn't tell that Song Quanliang was also a hard-working man who worked so hard for this job.

Looking at the current scale of Shengshi Group, Liu Ying still admires Song Quanliang and the others.With a group of veterans, after changing jobs, they rely on their own hands to create such an all-encompassing and huge multinational group.What's even more rare is that after so many years, everyone can still be so united, and it's even more rare that they haven't been torn apart for various reasons.The sharp eyes caught the admiration in everyone's eyes when they looked at Luo Cheng.

Liu Ying was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood.It turns out that everyone can be so united because of Luo Cheng.As expected of a veteran, he really has the style of a soldier, and he does things cleanly and aboveboard.I will not be shaken by any temptation, and I will persevere.

They were all good men, and they were all good men.Compared with the heartless and ungrateful Xu Tianyang, these people are more lovely, which makes Liu Ying feel good about him.

Luo Cheng seemed to have also sensed Liu Ying's thoughts, and a flash of pride flashed in his eyes.Looking at the men who were over half a century old but still standing upright in front of him, waiting for his inspection, Luo Cheng was very satisfied and gave everyone a look of approval.These are his good brothers, who dare to act boldly, never disobey their own discipline in doing things, and are duplicitous.To respect him is to respect him, and if you say something like the boss, you will be like that for the rest of your life.

"Don't stand up, sit down and talk about it. I'm over half a century old, and I have to suffer for my face. There are a lot of things in the company. Look at you, each of you is about to collapse. You are not young anymore. , Still fighting like this, Xiao Song, as the president, doesn't try to persuade him. Everyone is not short of money, and really wants to make the company better and stronger. Try to let go and train more talented young people Manage the company. Everyone who should retire should retire, and there should be no shortage of you if you sit and receive dividends."

He glanced at Mr. Sun and the others, and caught a few drops of sweat on their foreheads with the tip of his eyes.Luo Cheng's face suddenly darkened, looking at the dozen or so brothers who came out with him.All of them were seriously damaged by the work, and the weak ones couldn't even stand for such a short time.

I must be in poor health at ordinary times, with serious and minor illnesses constantly.Hypertension, liver cirrhosis, and stomach problems accounted for the majority.Looking at the current scale of the company, Luo Cheng can guess why everyone has become like this, and they are much older than their peers.It must be because I worked too hard at work, and I never thought that I was not as old as I was back then, and I could let myself do whatever I wanted.If you are sick, you can take a few pills and you will be fine. Even if you just ignore it, you will gradually get better.

Sighing, Luo Cheng slapped everyone with a dark face and one eye.Seeing that everyone was frightened and immediately scrambled to find a seat to sit down, Luo Cheng's tense face finally relaxed.Seeing everyone sitting upright like a child, Luo Cheng couldn't help frowning a few knots.Facing these troubled brothers and sisters, Luo Cheng reprimanded them patiently and earnestly.

"Boss, aren't you coming back to take over the company?" Hearing Luo Cheng's tone, he told them to find young people to manage them. Everyone is old fritters who have been in the mall for a long time.Guessing Luo Cheng's intentions all at once, the impatient Lei Zeyang was the first to hold back, and was no longer surprised at how Luo Cheng changed his gender, he could say a long series of words in one mouthful, and asked anxiously.

Immediately Song Quanliang also stood up, staring at Luo Cheng with scorching eyes, and said anxiously: "Boss, the company was created by the boss. And even the start-up capital was paid by the boss. In our hearts, the company belongs to the boss." , we just help the boss manage it. Boss, you have left the company for more than [-] years, can you come back and manage the company. Everyone only listens to the boss, and Xiao Song can't control everyone at all. "

"Boss, come back. You said you were chasing sister-in-law before, but now sister-in-law has settled down with boss. Boss, if you don't come back again, how can we survive?"

"That's right, come back, Boss." Mr. Li and the others also echoed, the sincerity in their words was undoubtedly revealed, without any water.Liu Ying was shocked to see it, and never thought that Luo Cheng would be so good at leading people.I didn't care about them for more than [-] years, but still convinced everyone to take him as the leader seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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