Chapter 770
Since Tang Xinghong can be called a genius by everyone, it is naturally impossible for him to be a fool.Knowing that Liu Ying has the power of chaos in his hands to destroy everything, unless his brain is held hostage by the door, he will overwhelm himself and continue to entangle with Liu Ying.This is a competition, not a battle of life and death. There is no need to risk your life to compete with this freak who is more perverted than him.The power of chaos in the star field is more terrifying than the turbulence of time and space, and it is creepy to think about it.

"Liu Daoyou, I surrender." Without the slightest hesitation, Tang Xinghong readily bowed his head and surrendered on the spot.Looking at the female fairy standing out of thin air, like a fairy descending from the nine heavens, Tang Xinghong thought of Liu Ying's killing moves time and time again in the competition, and couldn't help feeling admiration for Liu Ying.

"Huh?" Looking at the forest that suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes, Liu Ying felt uncomfortable for a moment.Suddenly hearing Tang Xinghong's sudden voluntary surrender again, Liu Ying was shocked again, never expecting Tang Xinghong to be so forthright.Well, just now I discovered the power of Primal Chaos Qi, and I was about to test my skills, but Tang Xinghong withdrew immediately.

Although feeling a little disappointed, Liu Ying smiled to express her understanding when she realized it.With a thought, she withdrew the chaotic energy surrounding her, nodded to Tang Xinghong, and signaled that he could leave the arena and wait for the next brave challenger.However, what left Liu Ying speechless was that after waiting for a long time, no one dared to come forward to provoke her.After another 10 minutes, the emcee of the host was also taken aback when he saw the scene in front of him.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the rookie ranking competition. Liu Ying only defeated one opponent, and no one dared to challenge her again.Unprecedented, no pair is the first thing that has ever happened in the history of holding a rookie ranking competition.However, thinking of what Liu Ying showed just now, the host also understood what everyone was worried about.Competing with a person who possesses the power of chaos that can destroy everything, even an immortal emperor has to pay attention, lest one accidentally get caught by the energy of chaos.

What's more, among these contestants, the strongest ones are only those with the cultivation base of Jinxian's late stage.Going forward to provoke, just like what Tang Xinghong thought, his mind was pinched by the crack of the door, and it was nothing to make a joke for everyone.Looking at Immortal Ba Dao, and seeing the approval in the eyes of Immortal Ba Dao, Master Da Luo Jinxian Wenxiu, who was sent by Immortal Ba Dao to preside over the scene, was relieved.

A hearty smile appeared on his face, he poured immortal power into his voice, and said loudly: "I will count down for tens of seconds. If no one dares to challenge on stage, then I will announce that the number one leader in this competition is about to break through. A record is born."

At the end of the sentence, Mr. Wenxiu glanced at the quiet arena, and found that everyone was just watching, and still no one acted.So, Mr. Wenxiu didn't wait any longer, and started counting down the time: "Ten, nine, eight seven six five four three two one, very good, the leader of this world's rookie ranking competition belongs to Liu Ying in the late Jinxian period, everyone gives applause, Warm welcome. Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Liu, you have become the leader of this competition, please sit and watch the competition, and after the competition is over, Immortal Emperor Ba Dao will give rewards to the top three."

Seeing such an astonishingly talented junior, Mr. Wenxiu couldn't help being excited while speaking.From the beginning to the end, Liu Ying looked at the city with a calm expression, as if she had won the leader of the rookie ranking competition, and could win the favor of Immortal Emperor Ba Dao.Rich rewards and the respect of countless immortal cultivators, warm applause one after another, is just a very common thing.

Seeing Liu Ying's calmness, Mr. Wenxiu couldn't help nodding his head. He was very optimistic about Liu Ying's future prospects.Neither arrogant nor impetuous, such a girl of heaven is really rare.

"My lord, the master has won the championship." Hearing that Mr. Wenxiu announced the winner of this competition, Xiao Shitou was the first to hold back.I jumped up excitedly, and shouted excitedly, as if I was afraid that others would not know.

"These people are too good, they all surrendered so soon." The excitement was also hard to hide on his face, but Jin Pengze was even more pretending.The corner of his mouth curled, mocking happily.

"They are self-aware." If Liu Ying hadn't suddenly shown such a trick, Luo Cheng would not have known that the skills Liu Ying is practicing now have such terrifying power.As soon as the move was made, it immediately shocked the audience, and even Tang Xinghong's expression changed drastically, and he immediately surrendered.His eyes flickered, looking at Liu Ying, who was full of confidence and beautiful in the arena.A look of pampering flashed across Luo Cheng's eyes, and his tense nerves also relaxed.

The battle just now was extremely dangerous. If it weren't for the supernatural power of chaos, Liu Ying would have been terribly injured.It doesn't matter if he hit by mistake, as long as Liu Ying has more means to save his life, Luo Cheng can rest assured and work hard to practice with peace of mind.Try to improve your cultivation as soon as possible, and fight the enemy side by side with Liu Ying.

Luo Cheng did not forget that in the fairy world outside the space, those wolves, tigers and leopards were staring at Liu Ying and him.With their current cultivation, they are still too weak, even with so many life-saving means.However, if you can't even stand up to the opponent's coercion, no matter how powerful it is, it won't help.

It's like a three-year-old child who has a lot of money in his hand and has no place to spend it.Being there is no different from not having one, so improving one's cultivation as soon as possible is the top priority right now.

"Okay, thank you." Liu Ying was not too happy to win this championship too easily.She finally thought she had found a place where she could practice, but she didn't expect that everyone would retreat so soon, which made Liu Ying feel a little lack of interest and disappointed.It doesn't matter that Immortal Emperor Ba Dao favors Liu Ying, but Liu Ying's ears immediately perked up when he heard the reward that Mr. Wenxiu said later.

His eyes lit up, and he wondered in his heart what good things the leader Ba Dao Xiandi would give as a reward for this famous rookie ranking competition.Swallowing her saliva, Liu Ying, who is stubborn about money, nodded impatiently.Under the personal leadership of Mr. Wenxiu, they flew up to the sky and stood in the air, and Mei Lun Mei exchanged for an incomparably extravagant viewing platform.

The polished and smooth floor of the best fairy stone can be used as a mirror, the gold is used for the railings and the jade is used for the building, and the chairs are even more exaggerated. They are all made of blood shirts that have been hundreds of millions of years old.The first-class fairy wine and spiritual tea, or all kinds of rare top-grade fairy fruits, all of which made Liu Ying dumbfounded.Worthy of being a great person at the level of an immortal emperor, the things he uses are really extraordinary, and he really enjoys life.

Taking out any of these things at random will make countless immortal cultivators stare madly at them, wishing to possess them for their own.Seeing the gazes cast by Immortal Emperor Ba Dao and the other four immortal emperors, even though he deliberately restrained his momentum.However, the Immortal Emperor was not angry and majestic, and the natural majesty of the superior still made Liu Ying suddenly feel pressured.

Straightening his expression, he didn't dare to look around casually anymore, lowered his head, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Junior Liu Ying has seen all the immortal emperors."

Looking at Liu Ying's respectful but not humble appearance, he advanced and retreated properly.Immortal Emperor Ba Dao exchanged glances with the several immortal emperors beside him, nodded in unison, and gave Liu Ying a look of approval.As the organizer of the Rookie Ranking Tournament, Immortal Batao naturally had to answer Liu Ying's words first. Immortal Batao is famous for his powerful combat power in this star field.Even with a smile on his face, it makes people feel domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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