Chapter 788 The Butterfly Effect (3)
The sound of firecrackers and chatter was too noisy, Song Quanliang said hello to his son and wife, and ran to a quieter place to answer the phone.Fortunately, there was a large group of brothers to help greet him, otherwise, Song Quanliang would not even have time to answer the phone.The company did it, and with the connections of the bride's family, the guests who came almost crowded the hotel.

Three teachings and nine streams, everything that one could expect, Song Quanliang's voice was a little hoarse after a long time.

"It's me, Song Quanliang, what are you up to, I'm downstairs in the company, aren't you in the company?" I heard noisy voices from the other end of the phone, and occasionally a series of firecrackers.Luo Cheng was stunned, and asked curiously.

"Boss, boss, you are back, you are really back. God, boss, are you with your sister-in-law? Boss, my son is getting married today. Boss, are you downstairs at the company? Boss, wait a minute, I will drive over immediately Pick you up to have a wedding banquet with your sister-in-law. Wait, wait, I'll come right away."

Although Song Quanliang is old, his ears are still very good.After taking the Rejuvenation Pill given by Liu Ying, my energy level is almost the same as before, and my walking is comparable to that of young people.Suddenly hearing Luo Cheng's voice from the other end of the phone, Song Quanliang almost jumped up excitedly.His eyes widened in ecstasy, and he stammered incoherently.

A dignified boss of the group, his hands trembled excitedly when he answered the phone call, if the employees of Shengshi Group saw it.One by one, the eyeballs dropped all over the place in shock.

"Is your son's wedding held in city S? Which hotel?" Hearing Song Quanliang's excited roar from the other end of the phone, Luo Cheng couldn't help but twitch his mouth.Not wanting Song Quanliang to rush over to pick him up, Luo Cheng interrupted Song Quanliang's non-sequential words and asked concisely.

"Yes, yes, Boss, it will be held in the Shengshi Hotel in S City." Taking a deep breath, suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Song Quanliang tried to answer Luo Cheng's question calmly.

"Golden Age Hotel? Okay, you don't need to pick it up. Your sister-in-law and I will take a taxi and see you later." Without giving Song Quanliang a chance to refute, Luo Cheng gave orders domineeringly.

"Boss, boss, hello, hello." Song Quanliang was about to say something more, but there was a series of beeps from the other end of the phone.Holding the phone in a daze, afraid that he was dreaming, Song Quanliang pinched himself severely.Feeling the stabbing pain coming from his face, Song Quanliang couldn't help showing ecstasy.

"It's true, Boss, Boss really called me, and Boss also said that he will take a taxi to come with sister-in-law soon." Song Quanliang murmured absentmindedly, and Song Quanliang's heart beat a few times with excitement.

"Song Quanliang, what the hell are you doing, why are you in a daze, Nianen is crazy about getting married. Didn't you see that we are so busy that we are almost at our wits' end? I am still talking on the phone in a daze, is my son getting married, or Your son is getting married, you bastard. Hurry up and help greet the guests together, and then hide and have fun by yourself, be careful that we put the burden on you, and let you do your best."

Lei Zeyang, who is best friends with Song Quanliang, sees Song Quanliang hiding aside and talking on the phone in a good mood.Letting Lei Zeyang get angry, he slapped Song Quanliang with a knife, rolled his eyes and yelled angrily.

"That's right, Song Quanliang, you black heart, keep us busy. It's good for you to be the head of the house. It's really despicable and shameless to hide and take some time to rest."

"That's right, that's more scum than scum." The old friend of decades, when he talked about Mr. Sun, they would not show mercy, and Jiben joined the ranks of scolding.Everyone loves Song Quanliang, an old man, and treats him like his own son.Knowing that Song Nian'en was married, everyone took themselves as the master and helped out.

"Stop, stop, everyone, don't read. It was the boss who called just now. The boss said that the boss will take a taxi with the sister-in-law and attend Nian En's wedding together. Let's go, everyone, go to the door to greet him." Interrupted Everyone was chattering endlessly, Song Quanliang put down a sentence, and did not give everyone time to respond.Leaving behind a group of hard-core old friends, he slipped away first, and the quick wind under his feet made many people look at him with admiration.

"Boss? Little Leizi, did I hear wrongly? That boy Song Quanliang said that the boss is coming." Ma Wei swallowed, and asked with bright eyes.

"Don't call him such a disgusting name, just go into a daze slowly." Lei Zeyang heard it clearly, Song Quanliang should not have the guts to lie to everyone about such a big matter.Shouting at Ma Wei, Lei Zeyang left everyone in a daze and followed Song Quanliang's pace to catch up.

"It's true, the boss is really back, you two brats are waiting for us." After regaining consciousness, everyone glanced at each other.One might get it wrong, but it doesn't make sense for a group of people to get it wrong too.Knowing the habits of the boss, he always likes to be the first to call Song Quanliang, and everyone roars in ecstasy, leaving a lot of customers behind and chasing after him.

"Boss, what boss?" Looking at the excited leaders of Shengshi Group, everyone frowned in confusion.They all guessed curiously, based on the current status of Song Quanliang and others.Even if high-ranking officials come, there is no need to be too servile. The entire S City, or even the entire Huaxia Kingdom, who else can make them collectively lose their composure.He even rushed to greet him excitedly, which is simply unbelievable.

"Boss, hurry up, Nianen and mother are going to meet the guests together." Hearing the suspicion in everyone's mouth, Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, waiting to understand something.Xiaoxiao's complexion changed drastically, she hurriedly pulled Nianen out of the banquet hall together, leaving the bride Shaoying behind and hurried to the hotel entrance.

"Mom, what happened?" Song Nianen was afraid that his mother would fall, so he hurriedly supported Xiaoxiao, and asked the reason as he walked.

"Mom?" She watched helplessly as her mother-in-law and husband Song Nianen left the guests behind and ran out of the banquet hall to pick them up.Shaoying was taken aback by everyone's crazy appearance, wondering what kind of big man had come, and the expressions of the frightened elders changed.One by one, they ran to pick up people almost impatiently.He glanced at his parents, and ran out curiously to see who it was.

For a while, everyone couldn't care less about chatting, and was aroused with strong curiosity.Some people stretched their necks and waited, a little impatient, and immediately followed out to see who the important person was.Boss?Such a domineering title, no matter how it sounds like a member of the underworld.

"Song Quanliang, are you trying to mess with us? Why haven't you arrived for so long? Didn't you say that the boss was downstairs in the company just now?" Lei Zeyang, who looked at his watch frequently, shouted angrily.

"Please, why am I lying to you? It is true that the boss called just now, and it has only been 5 minutes now. The current traffic situation in S City, it would be crazy to arrive here within 5 minutes." Song Quanliang was actually more worried than anyone else. In a hurry, he craned his neck to look around from time to time.He didn't even have the intention to say hello to his wife, his eyes were staring at the intersection, and he was almost hopeless.Although he knew that with Luo Cheng and Liu Ying's abilities, it was impossible for any accident to happen on the way, Song Quanliang still couldn't help worrying about whether he encountered some trouble on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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